Choose a drug of choice and discuss the impact on one of the population:
For example:
Pregnant women and Alcohol
Adolescence and Nicotine Use
Latino Men and Alcohol Use
In your paper, you should focus on providing the following:
some history and current prevalence of the drug of choice in the United States
discuss the relationship between the population and the drug of choice (impact and long-term effects)
any implication (counseling, treatment options that benefit this population)
You can be very specific about your topic to find specific research articles to cite in your paper. You should have a minimum of 4 sources, however, please find more if you need to add it to your paper. Limited references can impact your paper, so consider this when deciding your topic.
FNU APA Student Research Paper Template.docx
You may use the template above to guide your paper.
The paper must be completed and uploaded as a Word Document or PDF, otherwise, the system will not identify it and I will not be able to grade it, therefore, you may not receive the points earned.
Students must submit a paper in “Turnitin Assignment in week 4.” Therefore, before you upload it, assure yourself the paper has complied with APA Writing Guidelines, the Document above, and my instructions, otherwise, you will lose points:
The paper MUST have a Total minimum of 5 (5) pages as follows:
Page #1 =====>>> Title page (on a page by itself)
Page #2 #3,# 4 (minimum) =====>>> Body Narrative pages (minimum of four pages)
Page # 5=====>>> References page (on a page by itself)
Title document as follows: Lastname.Firstname_SAP
Note: You need to put this information, name : Zulamy Fernandez, School: Florida National University, Professor name : Racheal A Noble, Course: Substance Abuse Prevention-HBD-HY01.( put all this information as i gave it to you at the beginning of the work, please do not leave it empty so that i can put it in as i do not have a computer.