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Please use the all 3 sources that I supplied. Source 1  APA reference of source

Source 1 
APA reference of source
Berg, B. L. (2018). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences (9th ed.). Pearson
One or two well-developed paragraph/s of 300 words with topic sentence, description of source, evaluation of source and concluding sentence.
Berg (2018) offers a thorough manual on conducting qualitative research in the social sciences in the book “Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences.” The book explores multiple facets of qualitative research, encompassing its philosophical underpinnings, research methodology, data gathering approaches, data analysis methodologies, and presentation of research outcomes. The study emphasizes comprehending the context and significance of social phenomena, employing various qualitative techniques such as interviews, observations, and document analysis to reveal profound and intricate understandings. Berg’s (2018) book is an invaluable resource for researchers and students who are interested in qualitative research methodologies. It provides practical assistance and theoretical insights that can greatly boost their research efforts.
Berg’s (2018) book is extremely efficacious for the pertinent educational environment as it offers a comprehensive survey of qualitative research methods, which are essential for comprehending and tackling intricate social challenges in education. The book’s lucid and succinct explanations, enhanced by illustrations and empirical analyses, render it easily comprehensible to readers possessing diverse degrees of proficiency in qualitative research. Furthermore, the focus on ethical issues and the meticulousness in research practice of this approach align with the ethical norms necessary in educational research. “Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences” is a highly helpful resource for educators, researchers, and students who want to improve their comprehension and utilization of qualitative research methods in the subject of education.
Source 2 
APA reference of source
Brookfield, S. D. (2017). Becoming a critically reflective teacher (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
One or two well-developed paragraph/s of 300 words with topic sentence, description of source, evaluation of source and concluding sentence.
In “Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher” by Stephen D. Brookfield, the author presents a comprehensive guide for educators aiming to cultivate critical reflection within their teaching practices. Brookfield advocates for teachers to engage in critical self-reflection to enhance their effectiveness in the classroom. The book explores various strategies and techniques for developing critical reflection skills, emphasizing the importance of questioning assumptions, seeking alternative perspectives, and critically examining teaching methods and approaches. Through insightful anecdotes and practical exercises, Brookfield encourages educators to challenge traditional norms and continuously evaluate and refine their teaching practices.
Brookfield’s work offers valuable insights into the process of professional development for educators, particularly in fostering critical thinking skills. By emphasizing self-reflection and providing practical strategies, the book empowers teachers to become active agents in their own learning and growth. Additionally, Brookfield’s approach aligns with contemporary educational frameworks that emphasize the importance of critical thinking and reflective practice in effective teaching.
However, while the book provides a wealth of valuable information, some readers may find the content dense and challenging to navigate. Furthermore, the emphasis on critical reflection may require a significant investment of time and effort from educators, potentially posing challenges for those with limited resources or competing demands. Overall, “Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher” serves as a valuable resource for educators seeking to enhance their teaching practice through critical reflection, but its implementation may require careful consideration and adaptation to individual contexts.
As Brookfield (2017) argues, “Engaging in critical self-reflection is essential for educators to continually improve their teaching effectiveness” (p. 76). This emphasizes the central theme of the book, highlighting the importance of self-reflection in professional growth. Additionally, Brookfield’s insights offer practical strategies for educators to integrate critical reflection into their teaching practices, promoting ongoing improvement and development.
Source 3
APA reference of source
Hattie, J. (2012). Visible learning for teachers: Maximizing impact on learning. Routledge
One or two well-developed paragraph/s of 300 words with topic sentence, description of source, evaluation of source and concluding sentence.
In his seminal work, “Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning,” John Hattie (2012) provides a comprehensive exploration of the concept of visible learning and its profound impact on student achievement. The book is a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses, offering a broad overview of the major factors that influence student learning. Hattie’s central thesis is the importance of teachers seeing learning through the eyes of students and students seeing themselves as their own teachers. This perspective, as Hattie (2012) suggests, can significantly enhance educational outcomes, particularly in the development of literacy, language, and numeracy skills.
Hattie’s work is a valuable resource for educators seeking to enhance their teaching strategies. The book’s focus on evidence-based practices aligns with the current emphasis on data-driven decision making in education. The strategies outlined in the book, such as providing effective feedback and fostering student self-regulation skills, are particularly relevant for developing literacy, language, and numeracy skills. However, the book’s broad scope may make it less accessible for educators seeking specific, practical strategies for classroom implementation. Despite this, Hattie’s (2012) assertion that “the greatest effects on student learning occur when teachers become learners of their own teaching, and when students become their own teachers” (p. 15) offers a powerful insight into the transformative potential of visible learning. In conclusion, Hattie’s work provides a compelling argument for the adoption of visible learning strategies in the classroom, underscoring the importance of a student-centred approach to education.

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