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Pleaser transfer and answer the 6 tasks into a word document pdf. Each task shou

June 17, 2024

Pleaser transfer and answer the 6 tasks into a word document pdf. Each task should be between 0,5 and 1 page long. Use some sources from coursebook and outside but mostly own opinions and knowledge derived from the coursebook.
Per task: 0.5 to 1 DIN A4 page of text Paper format DIN A4 
Page margins Top and bottom 2 cm; left 2 cm; right 2 cm 
Page numbers Centered at the end of the page Apart from the title page, all pages must be numbered. The pages before the body of the text (if applicable, e.g. title page, table of contents, list of tables and abbreviations) should be numbered in Roman capital letters (I, II, III, IV, etc.), with the page number not appearing on page I (title page). The pages of the text part are numbered with Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). These page numbers are continued to the end, i.e., also through the appendix (if applicable). 
Font General text – Arial 11 pt.; Headings – 12 pt., Justified Line spacing 1.5 Sentence Justified; hyphenation Footnotes Arial 10 point, justified Paragraphs According to conceptual structure – 6 pt. spacing after line breaks
1. Read the task carefully. 
2. Consider calmly which theory(s), model(s) or relevant fact(s) from your course materials might be best suited to answer the assignment. 
3. Then check that you have understood the theory(s), model(s) or issue(s) by trying to explain them, for example, to a fellow student, good friend or family member. If you are not yet sufficiently successful, use the additional material available in the course (e.g. Shortcasts) for a better understanding. 
4. As soon as the “core” of the theory(s), model(s) or issue(s) matching the task is clear to you, think about an area of application from your professional or personal environment. Now transfer your thoughts and your understanding of the topic to the task of the workbook assignment. First outline your solution to the task in bullet points and then check whether it is comprehensible and whether your statements build on each other. Only then formulate your answer. 
5. Note: The answers to the tasks should be given independently, in one’s own words and based on/using the knowledge acquired in the course. If you use additional sources in your research and discussion of the respective topic (whether this is mandatory or optional in your course), they must be cited according to the guidelines. It must be clearly recognisable at which points in the text the author’s own conclusions and opinions are included and what is taken from additional literature.
Task 1:
Product A and B are almost identical in their features. However, Product A is backed by a supply chain, composed
of collaborative participants. Product B is backed by a different supply chain, composed of uncooperative
participants. Which product is likely to have higher sales in the marketplace? Support your position with at least
three reasons. 
Task 2:
You are the founder of a custom made-to-measure suit company. What makes your company different from other
custom suit companies is that the customers can do the measuring themselves with a simple tape measurer by
following simple instructions on your website. The customer submits the measurements within minutes, picks
thousands of fabric options from your website, then four weeks later, the custom suit is delivered to the customer.
Your state-of-art, make-to-measure software platform is what gives you the competitive edge. You obviously
cannot do everything to operate your company. You must decide what you’ll make in-house, and what you’ll
outsource. List all the key activities you will need and specify whether you will keep each in-house or purchase
from a supplier. Explain why you made each make/buy decision. 
Task 3:
Maria’s Produce is a fruit and vegetable grocery store. The founder, Maria, started with one location in San Diego,
California, ten years ago. Her product’s freshness and outstanding customer service won many customers very
quickly. In ten years, her company went from a sole proprietorship to now a medium company of 52 stores across
California. She has a team of procurement specialists sourcing fruits and vegetables full-time from Californian
farmers. As she plans to expand north to Oregon and Washington, she needs to decide whether to keep the
procurement function centrally in California or start local procurement offices in Oregon and Washington,
respectively, to decentralize procurement. You are Maria’s trusted business advisor, and she has asked you to
make a recommendation. Present your recommendation and explain how you arrived at your conclusion.
Task 4:
Mia is the owner of a mobile pet grooming business. She travels to client’s homes to bathe and groom their pets.
She is fully booked at 40 hours a week, which is her typical work week. She would like to uncap her income
potential to more than 40 hours a week. What are some ideas about how to increase her earnings? 
Task 5:
A new housing developer is about to release the next phase of new houses for the public to purchase. The
customers can choose two schemes of tile options: Light or Dark. The Light scheme has light grey kitchen tiles,
white backsplash, and beige bathroom tiles. The Dark scheme has dark grey kitchen tiles, brown backsplash, and
brown bathroom tiles. Why do you think the developer limited the color selection to just two general color
schemes? Why didn’t they allow each customer to select any tile they want from a large catalog? 
Task 6:
Suppose you are a new owner of a supermarket in a small town. The previous owners sold the business to you
because they could not manage the inventory of 10,000 products. The store had too little real estate to always
carry inventory for all the products, and the previous owners had never heard or practiced the efficient consumer
response (ECR) methodology. As a new owner, you want to implement ECR as you believe it is the only way to
make the supermarket successful. You have just hired a new store manager to help you with the operations. In
your own words, explain why ECR is important for your supermarket. 

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