2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Please write a 4-5 page paper answering the following question.   Please make di

May 23, 2024

Please write a 4-5 page paper answering the following question.   Please make direct reference to the assigned readings, films, and lectures throughout your paper but keep word-for-word quotes to a minimum.  Do NOT use any sources or references other than the above. Do provide a “Reference Page” and any needed citations using APA style so that I know which assigned readings, films, and lectures you are using in your paper. 
Use you OWN words and thoughts, and state your argument clearly, then back it up and explain it fully. 
Please use 12 point font and double spacing and ONLY submit through Blackboard. 
These papers are due by 11:59 pm on May 24th. If you need an extension, please see my announcement about INC grades and email me before that deadline with an explanation and documentation. I am usually lenient in offering an extension if one is warranted. Do NOT just submit your paper late under the assumption that I will automatically accept it and read it. The Dean’s office has cautioned all faculty against accepting late work unless an extension has been arranged in advance with a reason provided.  Otherwise, simply allowing some students extra time to submit work creates an unfair situation. Be sure you are familiar with my policy on INC grades by reading the announcement about it carefully. 
If your paper seems plagiarized or AI generated and receives an F grade for that reason, you may appeal my decision to the chairperson and the faculty committee that reviews those appeals. 
The paper prompt:
Units 3 and 4 naturally fall together as racial equality and race liberation movements in the US (like voting rights drives in the south 60 years ago or the Black Lives Matter movement of the last 15 years) are both inspired by and, in turn, inspire anti-colonial movements in other parts of the world. Unit 3 focuses on some key features of those movements in the US — on the life and history or John Lewis who went from being an activist and political organizer to being a highly respected legislator and on the fictional but very sympathetic story of an African American high school student who has to straddle different worlds and perspectives when her life is rocked by avoidable violence. Unit 4 focuses on the history of South Africa’s anti-Apartheid movement. Many of the best known actors in that movement — Stephen Biko, Nelson Mandela — had reputations as dangerous revolutionaries before they came to be seen as the courageous freedom fighters we now remember them as. They did want a revolution, but destroying the Apartheid regime would have been dangerous to the fortunes and privileges of the protected white, colonial minority in South Africa at that time. 
For this paper, I would like you to choose one or two aspects of overlap between these two units. You could focus on events – maybe the killing of Stephen Biko and the killing of George Floyd and the aftermaths of those events. You could focus on activist figures like John Lewis and Nelson Mandela. You could choose some other part of these histories. Please tell me all you have learned about the aspects you choose, and write about how these movements are similar or different. How do you see colonialism and struggles against colonialism as related, or not related, to racial justice movements in the US. What do you see as key to the success or failure of these movements? What factors energize the social movement and bring people together even when protesting is dangerous? Do you have any criticisms of these movements? If you do, please state them very clearly and explain them completely. For the whol paper, offer as much explanation and/or examples as needed.
You have to log into this website:
Username: ************************************************** style=”font-size: 13.333333015441895px; cursor: auto;”>Password: Finsup#2021
Go to my name at top right-hand corner “Kolleen Rodriguez”, and click on it.  Then click Course Social Justice, and go to unit material, and focus on units 3 & 4 using sources from both units. Please use at least one film provided. The final information is also listed at the bottom as well!

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