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Please summarize this seminar main points So let me kind of start again. My name

July 10, 2024

Please summarize this seminar main points
So let me kind of start again. My name is Dr. Long, and this is the week one unit, one
seminar recording. So we’re just getting started with welcoming back everyone from the lovely 4th of July holiday.
My 1st announcement was, There’s 2 sections section O 2, and O 3. And if you could.
in your email, put which section you’re in so I could. It’s only for me. Make it easier for me if you could include that in your email somewhere, subject line or somewhere, so that if I have to go to the course, if you have a question about your grade, or whatever whatever. It just makes it more easy for me. Not that it’s about me, but I would so greatly appreciate that
seminar is always about
my kids always called that syllabus review day right? And of course you see many syllabi in your past, and may well, in your future, a few in your future. But I do have just a couple of things that I want to point out. That’s particularly unique for this course, and then
we have, as with all of our seminars, we have a short slide deck
that have been prepared by another professor. I don’t know if you know Dr. Joshua, but she’s prepared the slides for this course
and and I just have a few things to say about each of that, and previous students have asked if they could be uploaded. And it’s the School of Nursing’s policy that they cannot. So they will be visible if you need to go back and
review your seminar notes, or whatever, so they’ll be visible with
on the seminar on the seminar recording, which I usually post, you know, takes a few minutes or whatever to
download and record, and I usually get to reposting it the next day, and that’s usually on the
announcements. So.
Alex Law
Hi, this is Alex law.
Lynn Long
Hi, Alex.
Alex Law
I took Dr. Doctor Joshua last semester on the last term.
and she emailed
she never really uploaded them. She emailed us the
the Powerpoints.
So is that something you consider doing.
Lynn Long
I. They’re her slide. They’re not mine. So that’s probably viewed as intellectual property. So
yeah, so I will have to ask her cause, since they’re not mine. And it’s used in this course. So if I get her, you know, written a few approval on email, then I can do that. She could do that because they’re hers, but I can’t do that because they’re not mine.
But let I will. I’ll put that on my list of things to do.
Alex Law
Thank you.
Lynn Long
They’re kind of a skeleton, you know. They’re kind of a skeleton there. There’s
I wanna say they’re they serve us an outline for each.
You know. Section they’re not filled with content, but
they do serve as a nice outline. So
did anyone have a question before we get started.
Sofia Editha Locquiao
Yes, Professor.
Professor, do we have to like email you an attendance every single time that we meet? Or you have it all recorded.
Lynn Long
So if you could put your name in the chat. Let’s see, do I have that open
hold on the chat? I think I have 39 so far in there.
Yeah, if you could just put your make sure your names in the chat. That would be very helpful. Thank you for reminding me.
Sofia Editha Locquiao
Okay. Okay. Professor. Thank you.
Lynn Long
I have to. I’m also keeping my eye on the
people that are popping in so
questions so far before I get started with sharing the syllabus.
Joecelyn Crittenden
Yes, Professor, with our VR, patient, that we have. Basically, we just go to that to that section and just click on that, and it’s gonna load it all straight onto the site, correct for the graded, for the for the practice exam.
Lynn Long
Oh, for the for the 1st assignment.
Joecelyn Crittenden
Yes, ma’am, for the it’s in. I believe it’s in Unit 4. I was just trying to practice before I can, so I can be ready for the
for the graded exam is, and but I know we have. Normally we have it. The key is on a separate email that we normally have. But I noticed that it’s a a VR site
Ps spark, virtual reality. So we just clicked on where it says,
practice. And it’s gonna load. That’s why I just wanna double tap before I start.
Lynn Long
Yeah, so it’s handled. It’s done a little bit differently. That well, the spark is the Pcs spark
is the same
product this time, but this time they put a tile on your learning management system, the Brightspace.
and you can practice as many times as you want, and I don’t. I think that’s not up until
Unit 4 Week 4 is our when it’s graded so you can practice as many times as you want, and then when you hit the graded one. You only have one attempt to go through the graded. VR, and you do have to use the oculus
unless you have accommodations which the
accommodation team has emailed me. The students who do have accommodate accommodations. So you get a 0 if you
don’t have a commutate
stations, and don’t use the oculus, because
the system tells me if you don’t use your oculus. So
was that clear.
Joecelyn Crittenden
Yes, ma’am, I got it. I’m gonna cause I the tile is on the in the spark. I just wanted to make sure I was understanding it correctly.
Lynn Long
Okay. Yeah.
Joecelyn Crittenden
Yes, ma’am, thank you.
Lynn Long
And we’ll talk more about that as we go. Kind of get into.
you know. Move along, get out of week one, and move into that
Jared Ward
Real quick for the seminar and the assignments. Do do you want us to put anything in the dropbox saying that you know I was here, or anything like that. Just put our names.
Lynn Long
Yeah, just your name is good.
Jared Ward
Okay, and the.
Lynn Long
In the chat.
Jared Ward
Or nothing in the dropbox.
Lynn Long
In the chat is good.
Jared Ward
And the chat. Okay, cool. Thank you so much.
Lynn Long
Yup and I usually try to do that unless I have something else to do that same night, because I don’t like to get behind. I have many things to do. Oh, let me tell you a little bit about.
Jared Ward
Lynn Long
Wow! That would be so nice.
So I’ve been a nurse for many years. I I stopped saying decades, because that kind of freaked people out a little bit. And I maintain a private practice.
And in Connecticut I know some people said they were from Connecticut, so I appreciate that
but I live in Ohio, so I’m
have a license in Ohio and in Connecticut, and I work all via telehealth. So I love that
method of delivering care. I see patients from as young as 5 years old through adult
well, into probably late seventies. I don’t think I have anyone that’s 80 years old, but you never know. Sometimes they pop in
and I spent a lot of my
time in pediatric facilities. So once you kind of
start seeing pediatric patients, whether you like it or not. Then
then you get funneled. Those patients
not only end your practice, but, like the word gets out if you will. And then that kind of
you get known that you see patients? I have a fairly high number of autistic patients that I see. And you know.
that’s a community
within themselves. They a lot of times. They attend schools that
not only have autistic programs, but then, like they’re for autistic children. So the parents, you know, all talk like who’s your provider and all that sort of thing. So then they
congregate, and so I see a lot of people within the same school system a lot of times.
So I do see a fair amount of children for all sorts of different things. I attend school meetings. Iep meetings 5 0 4 meetings if the parents want me to. So I’m like at the table, if you will, to provide my
2 cents if you will.
So other types of patients that I see
for adults, bipolar schizophrenia, I do see adults with addiction. I don’t do, of course, because of telehealth, you know. I don’t do ketamine
or suboxone. I don’t do anything like that.
I think I’ve had many, many jobs in my life.
it’s not only cause I’ve been a nurse practitioner for so many years, but I think
teaching. I love to teach.
and I love being a nurse practitioner. And I think this like blend of
working is great because you can
because it works so well.
I think
when you guys get all done, take your boards. There will be plenty of work. You can work as hard and long as you want, and
forever, for many, many years, whether it be inpatient, outpatient,
acute care, telehealth, addiction, medicine, and I was really enjoyed reading all the things that you wanted to to do and work in, and don’t worry. There’ll be plenty of plenty of things for you to do. I’m not worried about that at all. I wanted to hear more teaching, though that’s what I really wanted to hear. So Gio has a question. Yes.
Gio Skylar
Hi, Doctor Long, I was just wondering. Your resume is extremely interesting, and you have a Phd. Why.
Lynn Long
Well, I know my husband said the same thing, so you know. Oh, let me admit this person.
So I got my Phd. Later. I wasn’t 1 of those people that went to school like
like in my twenties and thirties. I have
master’s degree in nursing education. I have an Mba. And then, of course, I have a nurse practitioner, and what I
kind of what many.
many people do, and I think there’s a Dnp. In the class. I don’t know if they’re on on here, but I really wanted
When I finally went to back to school for my Ph. D.
I wanted. It was kind of a bucket list, if you will, and I had worked in research previously as one of my jobs before I got my Np, and I just really.
I really wanted that
higher level of degree. And trust me, it was not easy. I it took me the full 7 years to finish that degree.
It was very. It was probably one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done, and
period. It was very difficult. It was very, very difficult with the quantitative analysis, and the research courses were extremely difficult. My husband was very supportive, my children were all grown at the time. I’m not sure that I could have done it when they were when they were younger. It was a lot to upend
but I did it because I really wanted to challenge myself to think that I could, and
just to really teach at a higher level.
you know, to really just, you know, be the
the truly best that I could. As I defined it. You know it’s different for everybody. So
wow! That’s and.
Gio Skylar
It worked because you have an amazing reputation. I had trauma sell a kidney to get to your class.
Lynn Long
Oh, really.
Gio Skylar
Yes, ma’am.
Lynn Long
So nice. Well, thank you. Thank you.
You know this is interesting because
I I don’t know. I
this is my second term with the school, so
I don’t know who you’ve talked to, but this is my second term with the school, and can I can? I just tell you
I’ve oriented many, many, many places. I’ve had a lot of jobs. I’ve told you that already, and Purdue so kudos to you guys for selecting a fabulous place to get your psych. Np.
Because from my perspective, the onboarding the orientation, it was absolutely the best place that I have ever oriented. So from my perspective, it was a plus. And I hope it’s a plus from your perspective as well, because from my perspective, it was great.
now the next thing I’m gonna tell you is oh.
Jessica Brassfield
Lynn Long
The next thing I’m gonna tell you is, and I don’t know.
I do provide a lot of comments
papers. I’m very particular about Apa. And we worked really, really hard
last term with getting everything just right. Because when you’re done.
it’s going to become second nature. And you think like, why do we have to do this? But it’s very important that you know how how to
how to properly cite in text citations. Get your references right? Because
you, whether you never, ever, ever write a research paper or
but you need to know. It’s very important that you take that skill with you, because you will trust me. You will
when you work on your soap notes I like, I said. I do provide a lot of comments. May maybe too many. I don’t know but because when you’re finished I want you to be able to
within 30 min, because that’s all I have with my patients, and it’s on telehealth. Also, right? Within 30 min you have to
right completely assess your patient.
come up with their diagnosis.
give, prescribe their meds. Explain it, and then
everything that you within 30 min. So you have to really
assimilate a lot of things.
So not that you’re gonna do that on day one. But we’re gonna
build our. And we’re gonna talk about this in a little minute. When I get to it. Our
instrument library.
really hone our assessment skills. So that when you’re done that you can.
because when you’re done your week one, you know your orientation, you remember your jobs when you were a new grad. It’s pretty quick, right? So you need to have all your things
lined up. So
that’s what that’s what we’re really working towards. And
all of these things that we’re building each week.
that’s what we’re good. That’s that’s a part of it to get you ready. So cause you guys, are you guys almost done?
I guess.
Doing? This?
Lynn Long
19 more weeks, and counting.
Jared Ward
Yep. One more term after this.
Lynn Long
Yeah. Now somebody had a question. Jessica, did you have a question.
Jessica Brassfield
Yeah, I was asking just cause. I live very rurally, so I’ll probably be doing a lot of telehealth
with the Ryan Hay act. How are you able to prescribe controlled substances being entirely telehealth because you have to be face to face at least once annually.
Lynn Long
So they can go to their
primary care provider
once once a year, and then that enables me to do that, because on the
P. And P.
That you check every time you prescribe a medication. It says they’re who prescribed, you know their adhd bed.
and then if they?
or you can
document like you can call the
pediatrician’s office and have them fax over their last report, so there’s ways to get around it. I know it’s hard.
Jessica Brassfield
Okay, yeah. Just cause my previous employer, when that went back into effect, like it was part of my job as a nurse to literally go through every single patient and track down when their last face to face was in our office, they, our legal consult, had interpreted it as the the prescribing provider needed to see him face to face. But you’re not having that issue.
Okay? Well, that’s good to know.
Lynn Long
I know it’s how it’s different practices are different.
you know. I think it’s how they’re
risk tolerance is
because our our practice is all remote. We have no face to face at all.
nobody. We’re all remote.
So if we don’t have anyone face to face, how can we ever comply with that rule.
It’s right.
Jessica Brassfield
Right? Yeah, cause that’s the thing is like, I’m driving 2 and a half hours one way to clinicals. I mean, we’re all over the place.
So like.
Lynn Long
Jessica Brassfield
When we
I mean, we have clinics all over the State of Iowa. So I mean, we were putting in a lot of miles to get people in, but
I guess they called a lawyer, and that’s what the lawyer thought. So we were doing it.
Lynn Long
Oh, does anyone an attorney in the group, or married to an attorney?
So my husband works in the in the
Regulatory department with Cvs. And
anytime you bring in an attorney, it just complicates matters
unduly. Right? So
that’s all I’m gonna say about that.
So but just think about it. We’re all remote, I mean, I live in Ohio, and I work in Connecticut. How could I ever see my
my 1,000 patient client list in Connecticut. I I’ve never even set foot in Connecticut. I’m sure it’s a lovely state. Never set foot in the State
So I you know what I mean, that’s my job. I know that’s my job, right yeah.
let’s, I would, I do need to review the syllabus, because that’s very important that we understand how we’re going to get evaluated.
Winnie Koima
Wait a minute.
Lynn Long
This semester, and I don’t want to keep you guys forever.
because, you know, it’s important that you have dinner, and you know, stuff like that. Oh, does Jessica still have her hand up? She does.
Yeah, quick question.
with you being completely telehealth.
I don’t.
I can’t recall how long you said you’ve been a nurse practitioner. But do you feel like
that’s something you would have been prepared for initially.
or is that something that you think that there should be some brick and mortar
for a while before.
Cause I mean, if you look on the Internet, if you drop shirt search, there’s a lot of telehealth jobs, but it just
makes you nervous.
I was just going.
Lynn Long
It does. Do you have?
Many programs have up to half of your hours can be via telehealth.
And I’m sorry I don’t know that’s real. I’m barely embarrassed. I don’t know what your mix is here at Purdue. That’s a fault of.
Gio Skylar
Oh, no, I’m sorry. I think
I’m talking about like when we graduate.
like when we graduate. Do you think it’s something? Do you think a new grad is prepared enough as a new Pmh. And P.
To do 100% telehealth.
I’ve heard lots of different perspectives on it. So I’m just curious, since you do it full time.
Lynn Long
So this is what I think. If you have a very solid
and by that I mean, you have to have
a solid front end office. You know. Someone who sets up your appointments gets the patient ready, you know, so that they know how to use your, you know, Zoom, or whatever doxy, whatever it is. You’re using solid billing system because you don’t want to be like, not reimbursed right?
And you have a solid person who you can. Where’s my phone? Who you can go?
I have a question, you know, like any time during your workday. However, that’s defined.
and or you can send them a message like Oh, no! What do I do, you know? Do I need to have call the police to come to their area to their home? Or do I need to send them to the emergency room?
Cause you’re not sure right?
Or do you schedule them to come back the next day, and while you talk to your boss, right? And say, I don’t know if I should start them on an anti psychotic
you know, while I think about it, look it up right?
So it depends on
how solid your supports. If you.
if it’s not good.
I wouldn’t do it.
Jared Ward
Can you describe what a solid billing system looks like?
Lynn Long
So you yeah. Well, yes, because my friend started in a system, and she did not get paid regularly.
She worked
hard every day, and they said, Well, we can’t. You know we can’t pay you this week, and we you know it was a half of a paycheck.
and so
so she says, what do I quit?
And then, my God! So you! Now I understand that you have to.
you know.
Wait until the billing cycle comes about, or are you you have to?
Are you going to get?
Are you hourly, or are you billed by reimbursed by visit? What are you? Gonna are they gonna
like loan you money until you
until Medicaid pays, because usually they’re pretty prompt. But
so but if they start saying, Why can’t
I don’t have cash to pay you.
you know you have to figure out like.
well, what’s what’s their back end doing so? I have never worked in a system that’s not been
you know so, but my friend did, and it wasn’t good.
Jared Ward
Good to know. Thank you.
Lynn Long
She also had a couple Meta
paid fraud. Cases, in that same office. So it was kind of.
you know
upside down, too.
They had some. They had some ongoing issues.
Jared Ward
Wow! That sounds like a lot of curve balls.
Lynn Long
It was a lot of curve balls. I know. I know
my friend always seems to like
Jared Ward
Your poor friend.
Lynn Long
No, my poor friend, my poor friend!
Gio Skylar
Sholon. One of the clinicals that I’m doing right now. Very, very interesting would be a dream job for me when I graduate, but is a clinic that they they work 8 HA day, but they see 32 patients in 8 h.
Lynn Long
Oh! Is that every 20 min.
Gio Skylar
Yeah, it’s like 15 min, 20 min, Max, and and it because it’s it’s a clinica that’s that’s funded by the State of Texas. And so they provide services to the community. It doesn’t matter if you have insurance or not. It’s part of a wellness clinic. But you know, yeah, they? They will see. I’ve been there twice, and they’ll see 32 patients in 8 h.
Lynn Long
So if it’s for like, someone with follow up depression. And they’re
they’re okay. You know, they’re not psychotic. They’re not hearing or seeing things, and they just need to refill on the prescription.
you know. But if it’s a new problem now, they have sleep issues. Now they have a new anxiety issue. You know they’ve had another life crisis come in their way.
I don’t know. You know.
The way I run. My practice is.
religious if I can use that word in kind every half an hour, and they know it. I’m never late.
never late, or else I reschedule like at the end of the day. Got to come back at like, you know. 7 o’clock.
you know, on the hour and on the half hour.
and they’re trained. They’re never late, either, because they know I’m on time.
And if I need more time than that, then, like I said, you have to. Oh, gotta go. You’re gonna have to come back at the end of my day, and they will right? No extra charge for that. It was just really complicated problem that I couldn’t solve in 30 min.
So 15 min is is really hard. I mean that that will really grind you really grind you down.
Gio Skylar
Yeah, I I can definitely see that. But and they see everything. It’s not only stable patients, they will see everything and they also, do, you know, like addiction, they prescribes the box. They do everything.
Lynn Long
15 min. Well.
God bless, yeah.
I don’t know.
I think you guys are gonna have a lot of choices.
you know where to work.
That would. That would be really hard place to work 5 days a week. But you may not have a choice. I don’t know.
That may be, you know.
I don’t know.
Gio Skylar
I figure 6 months there will be equivalent to 2 years working anywhere.
Lynn Long
Oh, you are apps, and you know what you are absolutely right.
You are absolutely right. That’s that’s very hard work. But you know you get lots of experience, right?
Are they at least gonna pay off your student loans.
Gio Skylar
They do offer that they do. They do actually offer that and but they do like they make them sign a 3 year contract which you can resign as long as you give them 90 days notice. But, like, I said, is a place that you work really hard, but in 6 months you get to see everything. So I just think is a good good opportunity. Maybe.
Lynn Long
Well, I think you’d learn a lot, and then I think you would certainly be able to then choose. You know your landscape.
what you wanted to do.
Okay, course, syllabus. This is a 5 credit hour. Course, you know that. I think that’s how most of these courses are.
I won’t go over everything, but I do want to touch on a few things. So our learning outcomes or course objectives. We’re going to
learn how to evaluate and manage our children. That’s primary children and adolescents. And let me say one other thing
it goes up to by classic definition 19 years old.
And the World Health Organization defines adolescents. Through about 19 years of age
some students tried to turn in assignments like soapnotes older than that.
and they got a goose egg for that. I did not accept
assignments older than 19. So I’m just letting that be known now. Just so, you know.
We’re also going to talk about diagnostic testing. And we’re going to build our electronic library. So let me ask you, you have done. They call it journals. Where we critically appraise
instruments. And you’ve done that in previous classes. Am I right?
Gio Skylar
Lynn Long
Okay? So I’m hoping that you save those electronically like in a folder, I’m guessing
so that when you go to your practice and
You can use those.
because you, while you’ve either screened them to use or screened them not to use, because that’s what a critical appraisal does. They’re worthy or not worthy right by your analysis. And
Then, when you go to practice you, you have your all these tools and instruments that you’ve already analyzed all during your
course here or during your time here at the program, so that you can use now.
some places of work have tools that you that they use regularly, but you know somebody may have like a very odd
symptom that you’re not sure what to do with. So you may need to screen for it. So you may have to like, do another search
on the Internet for something. But
When you 1st start out, you’re going to have a whole host of instruments that you can already use. For example, I had somebody who, a child who didn’t like the sound of listening to somebody chew
like the sound of like chewing, so she didn’t like sit at the table. She didn’t send the lunch table at school, so believe it or not. There’s there’s an instrument for that. So why, I didn’t have one. I had to look it up. So
that’s what I mean. When you you build your electronic library. So
please do that.
and I’ll talk more about
in week. 2 some particular things that I’m looking for. There’s a template for your journal. But there’s some particular things that I’m looking for on your journal when you do your critical appraisal. So that’s number 2, number 3. We’re going to look at treatment plans, and we’re doing 2 soap notes in this course.
And I’m
asking you to go all the way through the process, and I want you to prescribe medication
at least one medication based upon your assessment of that trial.
I don’t want you to just prescribe therapy. I want you to go through the whole and write your whole prescription. Not just lexa pro 10 milligrams. That’s not how you write a whole prescription.
so we’ll go over that more, too.
item, number 4, objective number 4,
health maintenance and screening plans for across the
children, adolescents taking into account cultural competencies. And then number 5.
Oh, I have to admit someone hold on.
Analyze professional values so that we are completely professional.
Pmh, and P’s, okay.
course materials. Let me show you just a couple of things we know about our books.
I think
I think I forgot the 1st book, but it is you’ll read it more when you go to study for your boards, because they do have questions on that. But this book let me show you
your Dsm. 5. You sleep with this under your pillow, and can you see
how I have it tabbed?
I can’t, really. Oh, there it is. Do you see how I
do? You guys have this tab like this?
Gio Skylar
Lynn Long
Oh, you don’t have a tab like that!
Mamie Mandela
Lynn Long
Okay. So this this, I think it’s like $10. It’s the best $10 you’ve ever spent. Let me tell you about this.
I’m going to see if this
It’s on Amazon, I think. But let me let me explain this to you.
I keep 2 books by my desk, and of course the Dsm. 5 is one of them, and then the other book is, you probably have this book, the Stalls book. My camera’s a little fuzzy. This one stalls provider, prescriber book right.
Mamie Mandela
Lynn Long
I tab the drugs that I use all the time.
But these tabs I think you must have.
and they go like this.
Course I have the hard back, but you don’t have to have that. But these
tabs, and they’re made by the
this book.
and it tabs it like, for example.
The 1st one is autism, then goes Adhd, then motor ticks, then
delusions and then schizophrenia. So
because you’re in and out of the book all day long.
the tab, you know it’s just you tab it, and then you go right to it
versus like looking at the
content page, and then finding it that way, because, you know, you either have 15 min in somebody’s case or 30 min of mine, but I I think it’s well worth your $10 to tab your book as such. My second tip is, you must follow the instructions exactly on how to put it on. So it looks really nice. Otherwise you’ll mess it all up and then not very helpful.
the static book
I think you use in other classes, too. Right.
This book.
It’s very. It’s kind of hard to read, I do agree, but I have tabbed important things for us
that’s helpful.
And then, of course, this other book.
Hold on this book
this book I think you should read twice
before you study for your boards.
That’s my tip for you, for that
grading and course evaluation. We need to know how we are
evaluated in this course
discussions. We had one today or this week, and they’re all worth 30 to 30 points, and they’re every other week
other than this week.
We didn’t have to have
a reference, but
in subsequent discussion weeks. We do.
and they have to be
properly referenced both in text and in your reference list. Don’t worry. I’ll catch it. And yes, I do check your links for hyperlinks. I’ve caught people that
they were incomplete or they were broken links. So I’ll remind you of that. So make sure you check them before you post
and it has to be of substance like it has to be.
you know.
important, you know, and has to be an important post back like you actually read the person’s post that you are. Responding to.
Our assignments.
The second row
One is a soap note, for example. And there’s a template for that. And then there’s a couple of short papers, and there’s templates for that as well. Of course, with references and and things like that.
Seminars we have their weekly.
Today’s an odd day, because it’s
4th of July that messed us all up
normally. They’re on Thursdays for both courses.
Section O, 2 and section 3. On Thursdays, at 7 30, and I hope that works for most people. I’m hoping, and that’s weeks 2 through 9 course done on week 10.
journals. I don’t know why they’re called journals, but they’re journals, and you have to critically appraise 2 instruments of your choosing for whatever subject matter is of that week
and there’s a template, and then I’ll go over
more what I’m looking for specifically next week. Getting kind of late now. Oh, so sorry.
Midterm week, 5 final week. 10.
The clinical not really clinical. It’s our VR. Simulation with the oculus
on weeks 4 and week 8,
and then the simulation. It’s not really a simulation, and I’ve already talked to my boss about the semantics of this. I got it last term. I don’t know why it wasn’t fixed. I don’t know.
but the simulation is
a an activity. It’s called like a learning activity. Where you go through a few slides on that’s embedded into the week, and you either answer a few questions or
do like a learning activity. It’s a much, much, much shorter
exercise or activity. That’s why it’s worth only 10 points.
So that’s how we’re graded. Everything adds up to a thousand points.
So our grading scale is the same in this course, and throughout all of your courses, 900 to a thousand points earned is an a
and so forth.
Your papers are graded
through Cheritin and AI
so artificial intelligence. So I do look at all of that and will
scrutinize that. So think about all of that. When you’re using AI, it can be used as a tool, but not exclusively to write your paper.
if you have accommodations, you can send me an email. The
department has already notified me of the students that have
they’ve been working with. If there’s someone else you can let me know
late policies. I think you’re all familiar with those, the tutoring, all of that. This all
is the
same as before. If you miss a seminar. There is an alternative assignment that’s embedded in each week.
I talked about discussion boards, about being
of substance.
All the grading rubrics, for all of the assignments are
listed at the front end of our bright space. So
what else? Let’s see.
jumped up.
What does anyone have any questions about our
syllabus. Let me stop sharing so I can see everyone’s beautiful face.
Anyone have any questions.
Winnie Koima
I have a question, not for the syllabus. You mentioned that there are 3 fellowships that someone could do. I mean one of the 3 that one could do if they are interested in psych paid.
Lynn Long
What was that? Syllabus? What.
Winnie Koima
Sorry it’s my question is not on the syllabus.
My question is on the fellowship programs that you mentioned in the discussion that someone could probably look into after completion of this program.
I’d appreciate, if you like, if you, if you tell us which one they are.
Lynn Long
Oh, the pediatric.
Winnie Koima
Lynn Long
There’s 1 in Columbus, Ohio. I know I live here. And
I’ll have to see what other 2 cities through, and I can’t remember right now. But that’s pediatrics.
and it’s a year long.
It’s after you’re boarded and you specialize in pediatrics. Yeah.
I think Iu health has one too. I could be mistaken.
Winnie Koima
Lynn Long
In, where.
You! Health!
Winnie Koima
Or maybe they’re in the process of working on that I can’t remember. I know they have
regular pm, H. And P. Ones.
But Riley was working on
introducing one. I don’t know if they ever got it off the.
Winnie Koima
Lynn Long
You know, and I think there’s 1 further west. I think maybe Seattle.
Winnie Koima
Lynn Long
I don’t know. I can’t remember. I had. I had it on a piece of paper once. I can’t remember where it was, but
Winnie Koima
Lynn Long
There’s definitely a need. I know we’re boarded across the lifespan. But pediatrics is.
you know, behavior, health, and pediatrics is a subspecialty of a specialty. I think.
Winnie Koima
Inside black shoes.
Alright, thank you.
Lynn Long
Sure. Okay, so let’s do. Let’s get these slides up really quickly. Tell me, do.
let me stop sharing.
Wanted to see.
Do you see the
we met?
Do you see the globe.
Gio Skylar
Lynn Long
Alex Law
Lynn Long
Let’s see here
me see how I can.
I don’t know how I’m going to move that
I’ve got 2 screens, but I don’t know. Let me see how I can move that.
Oh, there we go.
Got it. Okay. So like I said before, these slides are by Dr. Joshua, who I’ve never met. I’m sure she’s a lovely person
I would like to. But remember, we’re all remote.
So the Cdc slate says we have
one in 5 children with emotional
problems or behavior problems. Many. They’re comorbid. All of my patients have comorbid problems.
So usually 12 is a cut score, a cut age.
For like children and adolescents.
3 quarters of our children also have anxiety. Half of those have behavior problems.
High risk
behaviors, include substance use, disorder, and the older children many times, and 3% of those have illicit drug use.
It also includes sexual violence and marijuana use. So what does that mean for all of us? They it all leads to impaired functioning at home and at school.
you know.
when they have problems at school they’re expelled.
Wow! So
I’ve just always been so perplexed by this. If they’re expelled from school, they go home. Well, what happens when they’re at home. Their parents are
absent, or maybe at work.
So what does the child do at home when they’re alone? They get in trouble. I think it’s a terrible plan. I think that they need to have
some place where they have like.
They can not be in the classroom, but they have, like in school
like all day
suspension centers. I don’t know I’m making this up, but I think that the kids shouldn’t be expelled from school because they
get in trouble at home. That’s just my own
problem with the school system.
That’s what I think.
Any thoughts on that.
Don’t you think that’s dumb?
Joecelyn Crittenden
I agree, ma’am, I think they should have something set up where they’re doing work or something work related, maybe doing some doing a project, or taking a homemade class, or.
Lynn Long
Go shop. Yeah, go to shop, you know.
Joecelyn Crittenden
I agree. Woodworking.
Lynn Long
Yeah, I I just. I’ve never understood that. Send them home. And then they run the streets.
I see this all the time. It’s not good.
Jessica Brassfield
My dad actually works at a school where? Well, I mean, maybe for multiple suspensions. But he teaches where they’ve been kicked out of the mainstream school. So it’s not juvenile hall.
but it’s like he has like 4 kids in his class.
So I I mean, I guess that’s kind of the same thing, like a detention center almost. But education.
Lynn Long
Yeah, it’s like a detention hall.
So I don’t know.
So the World Health Organization
wants to assure the conditions for optimal health for all people. I love that goal.
Should have health equality
in health care, access, research data collection. We want to increase in health
healthcare work diversity. So we can have our
where influences.
determinants of health, and where we have our voice
health, equity.
So adhd and anxiety, they’re the most common health problems that we see in younger children, and it impairs their functioning at school, but it presents in a bunch of different ways, and it may not be typically where they’re like
jumping up and in and out of their seats.
It really can be an undiagnosed learning, disability.
chronic absenteeism, chronic tardiness.
Poor grades! They may have to go to summer school or even repeat a grade.
The school psychologist! And many times the school psychologist, they’re it’s a shared position between, like many elementary schools.
that role has really expanded in the under the Affordable Care Act.
and that includes behavior, health crisis intervention, student wellness, and then strategies to promote safety
in adolescence, depression, suicide, risk is more common with 18% seriously attempting suicide.
3% require medical retreat a treatment, and then children who live in the margin, of course, are greatly
more affected.
So it runs in the family right? We
see this and hear this.
So there are genetic links
with schizophrenia. You’ve learned this in your other classes, but it’s not assured, of course, that you would develop schizophrenia. Developmental factors play a huge part in the role of developing
schizophrenia. But also that’s an imbalance of serotonin dopamine glutamate
oppositional defiant disorder
some researchers researchers think that it’s a
a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
the causative agents. But the Dsm 5, says, page 4, 62. That odd is more prevalent in adolescence of families, that care is disrupted.
and her care is harsh or neglected, or maybe even inconsistent
and nuclear families that care has disrupted the risk for developmental families and children and adolescents increases.
scoop this down a little bit
talk about adverse event, childhood experiences or aces
it includes violence, abuse growing up in families with mental health, or substance use toxic stress from aces can change the
brain development. It affects how the body affects stress
by preventing aces.
Both children and adults can thrive
like reducing, smoking or heavily drinking, improve education and
employment potential.
So what happens if your patient’s picked on or bullied at school
for identifying as gay, or is overweight, or dresses differently, lists could go on and on and on and on right.
So in our readings for this week, the Dsm. 5, page 7, 49, to 7, 60, they gave us really good examples of how to ask sensitive questions.
So maybe they were focused really more for adults. Right?
But you could certainly make adjustments for children.
for adolescents.
According to the National Institute on Abuse and Alcoholism, 19.7 of adolescents between 14.14 and 15 years of age have at least one drink 5.8 million adolescents reported there had more than a sip of alcohol in the past month.
White, black, and Hispanic were equally likely to drink
genes alone. Don’t determine if an adolescent will develop an alcohol, use disorder. But that’s certainly an important component. All of these risk factors put children and adolescents at risk for anxiety, depression, truancy, and drinking.
If the parent is less capable, that school and the pediatrician screen, and observe for inconsistencies in the child’s behavior, and then make referrals to you.
The stability of the family unit is paramount, of course, and no matter how that’s defined, remember, we can define it many different ways for each family consistency with roles, rules, meals, bedtime homework schedule needs to be maintained. And of course this can be very challenging, for some
cell health is great.
It’s greatly improved access to care. But you still have to have providers who want to work in that space. Not everybody does. Some people just don’t feel comfortable.
at all. They have to like sit
face to face, you know. They have to
see the patient sit next to the patient. If you will
like, I said, before somebody asked the question. You have to have a support staff that prepares the patient with for the technology, and sometimes even that can be a barrier, because you do have to see them. They have to have more than a flip phone, you know, sometimes that’s all they have.
This is interesting. The most recent statistic I could find that there were 41,133 psychiatrists in the United States.
and by in February of this year 2, 2, 4, there were 25,000 Pm. Hmps, by the A. NP.
Tell me there’s not enough work for you guys.
Covid-19 greatly increased anxiety depressive states. Of course, we know that maybe even in our own families, right?
It increased social anxiety. I see a ton of that
infectious fears. I see a patient. He’s an adult. He doesn’t go out of his room.
Stacy’s 35 years old, stays in his room
as his mom delivered his meals outside of his door.
Doesn’t go out.
created gaps in his routine like going to the doctor for regular health and checkups. And now it’s hard to get. You know, people back in that routine
of just regular
healthy checkups
one government source says there’s disparities in poor health across the age. All age and racial and ethnic groups. I believe that
black and white income gaps are considerable. Racial poverty gaps widely fluctuate widely.
health insurance gaps.
vary widely, and black people have lower insurance rates
than white people in all states
teachers have significant impact on academic achievement and the well-being of students.
The level of parent involvement
plays a role, and if negative
can be lowers it can lower and impoverish the experience of the futures like relationships, healthy relationships and work relationships.
So our last slide, I’m sorry I’m going so long today, Norma’s not this long we had to do orientation data collection very important from the parents and teachers using reliable instruments.
start to collect with all of these children adolescents
along with your interview. Very important.
Your interview skills and diagnostic skills lays the foundation for a solid treatment plan for the child or atlas.
So that’s our
sharing. I forgot. My, I’m not using my mouse today.
I’m kind of on vacation this week. So that’s why I’m like a fish without water.
So that’s our slides.
Question about assignments for this week
before we go to week
Is it Leckie?
Lucky has her hand up.
Leke Adedotun
No, Professor, that was a mistake.
Lynn Long
Oh, that’s okay.
Leke Adedotun
As a mobile. Yeah, no.
Lynn Long
Your loving.
Leke Adedotun
Allowed to have a bundle.
Lynn Long
Okay, did everybody type their name in the chat before we
say goodbye?
Mamie Mandela
I am sorry.
Jessica Brassfield
Because I’m too oh.
Mamie Mandela
I’m so sorry. The next meeting is on Thursday, right.
Lynn Long
I know this week. Sorry about that this Thursday. Yes, for Unit 2.
Is that good? Are we good.
Jessica Brassfield
I had a question about the week to assignment with citations in the soap note.
Do you want us to put?
So let’s say I diagnose the client I don’t know with. I haven’t read it yet with Od or something. Do you want me to put in parentheses like Apa. 2,013. Next to my diagnosis. Or do you want me to assume that I’m pulling the diagnosis from the Apa? I mean from the Dsm.
I would have. Do you want.
Lynn Long
And the Dsm, yep.
Yup, and you.
Jessica Brassfield
You know site right alongside within the soap note.
Lynn Long
Jessica Brassfield
Lynn Long
Want to do your differential diagnoses.
Jessica Brassfield
So like alongside every differential diagnosis like, let’s say I put down, I don’t know f 90.0 Adhd, makes me, you know whatever. Then put parentheses apa 2,013
like alongside of it.
Yep, yep.
Lynn Long
And I’ll get. I’ll send out. Let me put that on my notes. I’ll send out a little
email. Let me write that down email about soap note kind of what I’m looking for. I think that might be helpful.
Jared Ward
That’d be very helpful. Yes, thank you.
Lynn Long
I got you, cause I think
better. Input is more helpful. You know more. You know what I mean, because it is a very good exercise, and we only have 2 of them, and you know the more thoughtful it is it it cause it is a very good
exercise that I want you to do a you know I don’t want this to be like a dry run, and then the next one is like your best one. I want this to be the best.
See what I’m saying.
So I’ll I’ll send out a good email with what I’m what I want you to do.
That’s all good.
Jared Ward
Same here. Thank you.
Lynn Long
Okay, anything else?
Alright? Well, I will. Stop recording. It’s been a long recording, and it’ll be posted later tonight or tomorrow.

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