2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Please submit your PowerPoint presentation here. Be sure to review the instructi

April 10, 2024

Please submit your PowerPoint presentation here. Be sure to review the instructions and rubric posted below carefully before submitting.


    1. Read the Community Needs Assessment – Guidelines.docx to learn what information is required for your project.
    2. Please keep in mind that you project has to focus on a “Geographic Community” (i.e., city, town, or neighborhood). For more information on what a “geographic community’ is please read page 5 on your required textbook for this course:
        • Students will create a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 25 slides not including the Title Page and References Page
        • All information in slides must be cited using APA 7th edition format
        • To create the PowerPoint Presentation, students are required to include the sections that appear on the following “Community Needs Assessment Guide”.
          • Use the heading/title of each section as the heading for each of your PowerPoint slides.
        • Write your PowerPoint utilizing proper spelling, grammar, usage, mechanics and style, and APA format (7th edition).Links to an external site.
          • Points will be deducted for errors in spelling, grammar, usage, style, and APA format.The city of focus is Hialeah, Florida.
            • Go to this weblink to see more cities in Miami-Dade County:
    3. View the Grading Rubric below before starting your project.
    4. Create your presentation using PowerPoint, save the file, and then upload file.
    5. Upload your file to Canvas in the Assignments tab
    6. Please review due date in the Canvas’ Assignment drop box. Please make sure to mark due date on your calendar. Late assignments will not be accepted.


  • When submitting your assignment in Canvas, please note that your work will be reviewed by TurnItIn for similarities to other published work. Any work that scores 20% or higher in TurnItIn will receive a grade of 0 points. If your score is 20% or higher, please review to see where your total similarity percentage is coming from. Then, revise your work and resubmit until your score is less than 20%.
  • Community Needs Assessment ProjectCommunity Needs Assessment ProjectCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverview• History
    • Type of Community: Urban, Suburban, Rural
    2 ptsOutstandingAll the information stated in the “criteria” is covered 1 ptsDevelopingPresentation covered “at least one (1) item” in the criteria 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementInformation does not pertain to the criteria or is missing

    2 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePhysical Environmental Considerations: The Community As A Place• Location
    • Topographical Features
    • Climate

    3 ptsOutstandingAll the information stated in the “criteria” is covered 1.5 ptsDevelopingPresentation covered “at least two (2) items” in the criteria 0 ptsNeed ImprovementInformation does not pertain to the criteria or is missing

    3 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePhysical Environmental Considerations: The Community As A Place• What are the boundaries of your city, town, or neighborhood)
    • Include geographical boundaries
    • Inage of the geographical boundaries
    • Area in square miles

    4 ptsOutstandingAll the information stated in the “criteria” is covered 2 ptsDevelopingPresentation covered “at least two (2) items” in the criteria 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementInformation does not pertain to the criteria or is missing

    4 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePhysical Environmental Considerations: The Community As A Place• Sanitation (i.e., water supply, sewage, garbage)
    • Pollutants (i.e., toxic substances, animal reservoirs or vectors, flora and fauna)
    • Air quality (i.e., color, odor, and particulates)
    • Food supply (i.e., sources and preparation)
    • Potential Disaster in the Population (i.e., natural [hurricanes, tornados, flooding, etc.], manmade [bioterrorism, terrorism]
    • Extent of Disaster Preparation in the Your Geographic Community

    6 ptsOutstandingAll the information stated in the “criteria” is covered 3 ptsDevelopingPresentation covered “at least three (3) items” in the criteria 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementInformation does not pertain to the criteria or is missing

    6 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePhysical Environmental Considerations: The Community As A Place• Types of Housing (public and private)
    • Condition of Housing
    • Percent Owned and Rented
    • Housing Available for Special Populations
    o Near homeless or House Insecure
    o Homeless
    o Frail elders

    7 ptsOutstandingAll the information stated in the “criteria” is covered 3.5 ptsDevelopingPresentation covered “at least three (3) items” in the criteria 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementInformation does not pertain to the criteria or is missing

    7 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePhysical Environmental Considerations: The Community As A Place• Manufacturing
    • Service Industries
    • Technology
    • Hospitality
    • Healthcare

    5 ptsOutstandingAll the information stated in the “criteria” is covered 2.5 ptsDevelopingPresentation covered “at least two (2) items” in the criteria 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementInformation does not pertain to the criteria or is missing

    5 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe People of the Community• Total Population for _________ (year of last census)
    • Population Density
    • Population Changes in the Past 10 years
    • Population per Square Miles
    • Mobility
    o How do individuals/families move in, out, and around your geographic community?
    • Types of Families (i.e., single head of household, multigenerational, cohabitation)

    7 ptsOutstandingAll the information stated in the “criteria” is covered 3.5 ptsDevelopingPresentation covered “at least five (5) items” in the criteria 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementInformation does not pertain to the criteria or is missing

    7 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe People of the Community• Age Composition
    • Sex Distribution
    • Race distribution
    • Ethnic group composition and distribution
    o Annual Birth and Crude Death Rates
    o Death Rate by Age
    o Infant Mortality Rate
    o Maternal Mortality Rate
    • Cause-specific death rate (i.e., specific cause of death examples: cancer, natural causes, diabetes, etc.)
    • Leading Causes of Morbidity
    o Incidence Rates (By Specific Diseases)
    o Prevalence Rates (By Specific Diseases)

    11 ptsOutstandingAll the information stated in the “criteria” is covered 5.5 ptsDevelopingPresentation covered “at five (5) in the criteria 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementInformation does not pertain to the criteria or is missing

    11 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe People of the Community• Significant Historical Events
    • Future Economic Prospects
    • Formal and Informal Communication Network
    • Rates of Suicide and Homicides for Specific Subgroups Within the Population
    • Adequacy of Protective Services
    • Common Sources of Stress (i.e., unemployment and lack of affordable housing)
    o Present Statistics for Your Geographic Community

    6 ptsOutstandingAll the information stated in the “criteria” is covered 3 ptsDevelopingPresentation covered “at least three (3) in the criteria 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementInformation does not pertain to the criteria or is missing

    6 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe People of the Community• Socioeconomic status
    o Income of Family
    o Major occupations (aka jobs)
    o Estimated Level of Unemployment
    o Percent Below Poverty Level
    o People Retired
    • Educational level
    o Religious Distribution
    o Marriage and Divorce Rates
    o Language

    9 ptsOutstandingAll the information stated in the “criteria” is covered 4.5 ptsDevelopingPresentation covered “at least four (4) in the criteria 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementInformation does not pertain to the criteria or is missing

    9 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe People of the Community• Type of Government (i.e., Mayor, City Manager, and Board of Commissioners)
    • City Offices (i.e., Location, Hours, Services, and Accessibility)

    2 ptsOutstandingAll the information stated in the “criteria” is covered 1 ptsDevelopingPresentation covered “at least one (1) in the criteria 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementInformation does not pertain to the criteria or is missing

    2 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSteps In Action Plan For Community Needs Assessment Projecto Examples: Low number of primary care providers, public clinics, high levels of pollution, high levels of homeless population, etc.
    • Select an Intervention to address that issue
    • State how your intervention would address the issue that you identified by answering the following questions:
    o What specific, concrete actions are needed to achieve the stated objectives?
    o What specific changes need to occur?
    o What organizations or individuals will take the lead on each action step, and who will be responsible for ensuring completion? Who else will participate, and what roles will they play?
    o What is a realistic time frame for the implementation of each step?
    o When will the implementation strategies be completed? How will they be maintained?
    o How will you know if you’re making — or failing to make — progress? What metrics will you measure, and are they stratified by race/ethnicity and preferred language? How often will you measure? Set benchmarks to monitor progress along the way. Make sure this matches your evaluation approach and that metrics measure the outcomes you want to see.
    o Is the plan flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances or challenges?
    o How will you continue to involve community members throughout the process to avoid contributing to a sense of only engaging the community on the hospital’s timeline?

    10 ptsOutstandingAll the information stated in the “criteria” is covered 5 ptsDevelopingPresentation covered “at least five (5) in the criteria 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementInformation does not pertain to the criteria or is missing

    10 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation

    9 ptsOutstandingThe presentation is clear and engaging, and well-organized. Any audio or visual aids (e.g., slides, music, actors) contribute meaningfully to the presentation. The logic of the presentation is easy to follow. It is clear that the student invested significant thoughtfulness and care into the presentation of their research findings. All verbal and written information is legible, understandable, and easy to see/hear. 4.5 ptsDevelopingThe presentation is clear and organized. The visuals are appealing, and the presented did a good job explaining the issue. However, the presentation was inconsistent. 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementThe presentation was unclear and difficult to follow. The logical flow was confusing. The presentation was overly wordy, robotic, and/or audio and visual aids failed to add anything to the understandability of the presentation. It is not clear that the student was thoughtful or took care in the presentation of their research findings. The quality and/or presentation is so poor that it is difficult to hear/see/understand.

    9 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA 7th Edition Format

    9 ptsOutstandingThe entire presentation adheres to APA format. Parenthetical citations and References page(s) follow APA 7th edition. 4.5 ptsDevelopingPresentation adheres to APA 7th edition format with less than three errors. 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementPresentation has more than three APA f7th edition format errors

    9 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics

    10 ptsOutstandingThere are less than three misspellings and/or systematic grammatical errors within the document. Sentences and paragraphs are well constructed. Length of assignment follows guidelines. Turned in on-time. 5 ptsDevelopingThere are five or less misspellings and/or systematic grammatical errors within the document. Sentences and paragraphs fail proper format. Document adheres to APA format with less than three errors. Length of assignment fails to follow guidelines. Turned in on-time. 0 ptsNeeds ImprovementThere are five or more misspellings and/or systematic grammatical errors within the document. Sentences and paragraphs fail proper format. Length of assignment fails to follow guidelines. Not turned in on-time.

    10 pts
    Total Points: 100PreviousNext

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