2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Please respond to both person in 150 words a piece Randy Martin My favorite food

May 23, 2024

Please respond to both person in 150 words a piece
Randy Martin
My favorite food is strawberries. Strawberries can be eaten in several different ways. My favorite
is dipping them in whipped cream. Garden strawberries originated in France in the 1750’s but
before that wild strawberries were a common source of fruit. The strawberry fruit was actually
used in medicines commonly used to treat depressive illnesses. Most commercial production
uses the plasti-culture system, which means there are beds formed every year that are
fumigated covered in plastic to stop the growth of weeds. Strawberry plants are planted in holes
through the plastic into soil and grown that way. Another way is low-volume hydroponics is one
of the most advantageous growing methods for strawberries. It allows the plant root system to
breathe and develop healthily, while consuming all the necessary elements from the nutrient
solution. In an article called field strawberry production by the department of agriculture,
environment and rural affairs says, “ Air assisted sprayers are probably top of the range, giving
both good coverage and use of lower chemical rates. However, a special strawberry boom fitted
with a ruffle bar to a field sprayer will also give good results. Also have an inter-row sprayer so
that weeds in the alleyways and, after harvest, any runners remaining in the alleyways can be
burnt off. This machine can also be equipped with small disks to sever the stolon from the
mother plant. This is an advantage.” This is part of the machinery that is required for the growth
of strawberries. Right after they are harvested, the strawberries are taken to a cooling facility
where huge fans cool them down and draw out the field heat. Once they’ve cool enough, they’re
loaded into refrigerated trucks. Checks and proper loading are always important to maintain
good temperatures for the product during transport. Strawberries. 
Elijah Wagner
May 15, 2024May 15 at 2:31pm
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One of my favorite foods is salmon. I highly enjoy salmon due to its flaky meaty texture. While I prefer my salmon blackened Creole style, which originated in New Orleans, Louisiana, it can be prepared in many ways. Salmon can be prepared minced into salmon patties as well as, teriyaki, lemon pepper, even smoked.
Salmon originates from the Pacific Northwest where it remains native today. Salmon is caught out of the wild in the pacific. Although, most salmon you would get from the grocery store is farmed in the Atlantic and is not game caught. Generally farmed salmon is much cheaper than wild caught salmon, this is due to wild caught salmon dependency on environmental factors while farmed salmon can be controlled better.  After the Salmon is caught whether game or harvested, there are many ways it can reach my table in Arkansas. When the salmon is caught it can be canned, frozen or shipped in water to reach fresh markets. Before the salmon can be shipped out they make sure to gut the fish and clean it and filet it. Salmon is mechanically processed in plants where the machines take care of the gutting and processing of the fish.
Despite being mechanically processed, salmon is great for the environment and has a very small carbon footprint, per one kg of salmon it emits 4.8 to 28 kg of CO2e into the air (Mehta, 2023). In comparison beef produces  99.48 kg of CO2e per one kg (Greenfield, 2018). That is more than twenty percent more carbon emissions from beef per kg than salmon. Eating fish is significantly better for the environment than most other alternatives of meat, and is much healthier for the consumer. Salmon stumps beef in Potassium, Phosphorus Magnesium, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin E, and Vitamin D.
Mehta, S. (2023, May 11). Reducing the climate footprint of the Salmon Farming Industry. SINTEF. https://www.sintef.no/en/latest-news/2023/reducing-the-climate-footprint-of-the-salmon-farming-industry/#:~:text=Results%20show%20emission%20values%20between,edible%20salmon%20on%20the%20market. 
Greenfield, M., & 6, F. (2023, February 6). Food product GHG emissions per kilogram worldwide. Statista. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1201677/greenhouse-gas-emissions-of-major-food-products/#:~:text=Food%20emissions%20vary%20greatly%20depending,les%20than%2010%20kg%20CO2eq. 

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