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Please reply to these two discussions with 350 words each. 1st discussion to rep

May 23, 2024

Please reply to these two discussions with 350 words each.
1st discussion to reply to:
1.     What are the differences among causal, intervention, and impact theories? 
Theory is a set of ideas that are intended to describe something. One of the components of theory is effect theory. Effect theory explains a program intervention and how these interventions will affect the program in the long- term. It also focuses on the outcomes of the program. Effect theory is composed of three components which are casual, intervention, and impact theory. Casual theory is the first component in effect theory. In the casual theory step, planners need to find and underline the health problems. Casual theory includes factors and knowledge that were found in community health assessments. For example, the problem of obesity in low-income communities. After the community health assessment is done, planners used casual theory to find the factors and the source of obesity among these group of low-income families.
The intervention theory is the second component. The intervention theory describes what the program will deal the factors they find in the casual theory. There are three types of interventions. They are primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. The primary intervention are the means that planners take to help prevent health problems before they happen. These preventive interventions are vaccines, nutritional, maternal and neonatal, education and behavior changes. Preventive interventions before or during pregnancy include family planning, treatment of infections, such as syphilis and malaria, good nutrition, including micronutrients, good antenatal monitoring and care, and access to skilled care at the time of delivery and postpartum It focused on avoiding disease entirely. Interventions are done before a disease ever occurs to decrease the risk.
The secondary prevention is deal with screening and testing people in order to detect early diseases. With early detection, health professionals can treat patients early before their health issues worsen or become chronic. For example, my primary doctor was able to that I was severely anemic throughout my labs result. Lastly, the tertiary prevention deal with the measures taking to slow or stop the diseases. This will allow for early treatment and a quicker return to baseline. For example, in order to stop help my red blood cells to increase, my primary doctor prescribed medications to get my red blood cells to normal. The early detection prevented from getting a blood transfusion which she was strongly against. It Established a detailed understanding of the health problem, the population at risk, the behavioral and environmental causes, and the determinants of these behavioral and environmental conditions; and assess available resources. Interventions need to be tailored and unique to different communities.
The last component of the effect theory is the impact theory. According to Issel et al., (2022), impact theories show the links and explain the relationships between the problem objectives regarding outcomes and programs goals specifying desired impacts. The impact theories assess the goals and objectives of a program. These theories oversee of the interventions achieve what it meant to achieved and if the achievement is long-term or not . The goal of each prevention level is to prevent a disease from ever occurring or to identify illness early to treat and resolve.
2.     What are the relationships among the possible functions of effect theory and the selection of optimal interventions?
The relationship between the possible functions of the effect theory and the selection of optimal interventions is that the theories correlate with each other. A good program cannot operate properly or achieve its goal if a step is disregarded. Planners need to evaluate the health issues, prepare interventions that can tackle the problem and achieve long-term results for the betterment of the communities involved. Communities’ health assessments and other form of research play a very important role in accomplishing a good program.
3.     Imagine that you have been asked to explain to your colleagues in 10 minutes how to set targets for program objectives. Develop an outline of the steps involved.
Step 1
·      Introduction of the program that I want to set.
·      Provide a detailed background overview about the program.
·      Focus on the key components of the program.
·      A detailed background of the intended audience (age, gender, sexual, community etc…)
Step 2
·      Present my goals and objectives for the program.
·      Analyze the time, budget
Step 3
·      Show them previous the research results
·      New research setup
·      Compare different data
·      Allocate resources
Step 4
·      Ask for their input
·      Share ideas with colleagues
·      Give my closing statement
·      Recap the main point of the presentation
·      Ask for questions and feedback  
Issel, L. M., Wells, R., & Williams, M. (2022). Health Program Planning and Evaluation: A practical, systematic approach for Community Health. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
2nd discussion to reply to:
Casual, intervention, and impact theories are parts of program theory that fulfil different purposes. The purpose of casual theory is to describe the relationship between the program components and health outcomes. Its focus is to figure out which intervention is expected to bring change. Interventions tell what is being done to make a change in program recipients (Issel et al., 2022, p. 132). The impact theory’s purpose is to specify the health outcome the intervention is expected to achieve. It focuses on the long-term health outcomes that result from the program. For example, in a program focused on reducing smoking rates, the causal theory would identify factors such as peer pressure, nicotine addiction, and social norms as contributors to smoking behavior. For the same smoking program, the intervention theory would outline how activities such as counseling sessions, nicotine replacement therapy, and educational campaigns are expected to reduce peer pressure. In the smoking program, the impact theory would provide details on anticipated outcomes, such as a reduction in smoking prevalence, lower rates of smoking-related illnesses, and overall improvements in public health. 
The relationships between the functions of effect theory and the selection of optimal interventions are  important in order to develop effective programs, predicting outcomes, effectiveness,  program design, and informing program adjustment. These elements work together to make sure that interventions are well-aligned with program goals, evidence-based, and customized to achieve the desired health outcomes. The functions of effect theory certify that the selection of interventions is aligned with program goals and theory. It describes the relationship between the programmatic interventions and the desired immediate and long-term outcomes for program participants (Issel et al., 2022, p. 131). This alignment also makes sure that interventions are logically connected to outcomes and have a clear rationale for their selection. Optimal interventions are selected based on both empirical evidence and theoretical underpinnings provided by effect theory. This approach ensures that interventions are not only effective but also theoretically sound. Effect theory is able to guide the adaptation and refinement of interventions based on evaluation findings. This iterative process makes sure that interventions continue to be developed over time. 
Outline for Setting Targets for Program Objectives 
Introduction (1 minute) 
Give a rundown about how important it is to set a clear and achievable target for the program objectives.
Mention that the targets can help take the measurement of the progress that has been made and to  evaluate how the program has been effective.
Step 1: Program’s Goals and Objectives (1 minute) 
Review all the goals of the program.
Make sure that all objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, and relevant.
Step 2: Gather and Examine Data (2 minutes) 
Gather any data on the status of the health issue being addressed.
Use sources such as surveys, health records, and statistical reports.
Look at the data to be able to understand the current situation and identify any gaps.
Step 3: Identify References (2 minutes) 
Look for existing references relevant to the program.
Compare data with the relevant references  in order to identify realistic and longing target values.
Step 4: Engage Participants (2 minutes) 
Involve participants in the target-setting process, including program staff, community members, and experts.
Make sure that targets are relevant and acceptable to all participants.
Use participants input to validate the suggested targets.
Step 5: Consider Program Context and Resources (1 minute) 
Assess resources that are available.
Set multiple targets that are aspiring and achievable given the program’s resources and context.
Step 6: Set Specific Target Values (2 minutes) 
Decide on specific, quantitively targets for each of the objectives.
Make sure to specify the time limit for achieving the targets.
Step 7: Document and Communicate Targets (1 minute) 
Clearly document all of the targets and the reasoning behind them.
Communicate the targets to all participants to make sure there is clearness and understanding.
Use different visuals such as charts, tables, and graphs to be able to present all of the targets clearly.
Conclusion (1 minute) 
Highlight why it is important to monitor and evaluate on a regular basis to be able to track progress towards the targets.
Encourage all participants about the flexibility and willingness to adjust targets as needed based on ongoing evaluation and feedback.
Issel, L. M., Wells, R., & Williams, M. (2022a). Health Program Planning and Evaluation: A practical, systematic approach for Community Health. Jones & Bartlett Learning. 
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