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Please reply to both discussions with 200 words each reply and one reference for

Please reply to both discussions with 200 words each reply and one reference for each reply. 
Discussion #1 
The collective strategies of workplace reform can significantly improve the nursing practice by addressing systemic and personal obstacles. One such important strategy is the existence of a mentorship and peer support culture. Mentorship is crucial since burnout is reduced when job satisfaction is increased in less experienced colleagues who enroll in mentoring programs run by senior nurses. These programs give one the tools to negotiate complex clinical environments and advance professionally. Hoover et al., 2020, purport that mentorship increases retention rates and cohesiveness of the nursing team, hence serving patients better.
Another implementation that would change the scope of nursing practice is adopting technology-driven solutions. This strategy works through EHRs, telehealth services, and other utilizations of digital tools to provide patient care effectively and efficiently. These technologies enhance communication among healthcare providers and give nurses instant access to the information they need on the patient. For example, EMRs are associated with lower rates of medical errors and higher levels of patient safety due to the potential for recording and retrieving vast amounts of health information for real time when making decisions (Lin et al., 2019). Therefore, through the adoption of technological changes, nurses will be in a position to provide timely and accurate care with better outcomes for patients.
A supportive work environment will move the transformation of the nursing workforce forward, as it will consist primarily of a diverse group of people. This eclectic population will advance diversity and inclusion through respectful initiatives that elevate the work of nurses from different backgrounds. Creating a culture where every nurse is respected boosts morale and significantly strengthens the team. Tuomikoski et al. (2020) confirmed that collaboration and inclusive working environments in nursing facilitates improved decisions and innovations which are vital to the effectiveness of patient care.
Collective strategies, such as mentorship programs, adoption of technology, and diversity and inclusion, significantly help bring transformation across the nursing workplace. Such strategies make working for nurses better and improve the delivery of patients’ care and outcomes. By addressing these challenges, health organizations will likely develop a more robust and effective nursing workforce.
Hoover, J., Koon, A. D., Rosser, E. N., & Rao, K. D. (2020). Mentoring the working nurse: a scoping review. Human resources for health, 18, 1-10.
Lin, Y. K., Lin, M., & Chen, H. (2019). Do electronic health records affect quality of care? Evidence from the HITECH Act. Information Systems Research, 30(1), 306-318. https://sci-hub.se/https://doi.org/10.1287/isre.2018.0813
Tuomikoski, A. M., Ruotsalainen, H., Mikkonen, K., & Kääriäinen, M. (2020). Nurses’ experiences of their competence at mentoring nursing students during clinical practice: A systematic review of qualitative studies. Nurse education today, 85, 104258.
Discussion #2
Implementing collaborative tactics in the workplace can greatly improve the nursing profession by creating a supportive and productive work environment. Implementing these techniques, such as engaging in collaborative decision-making, providing professional development opportunities, and fostering a positive workplace culture, can result in enhanced patient outcomes, heightened job satisfaction, and decreased nursing burnout.
Collective Decision-Making
Collaborative decision-making is a highly effective collective strategy. Nurses experience a greater sense of worth and authority when they actively participate in the decision-making process. This methodology has the potential to result in a greater number of groundbreaking resolutions and enhanced quality of care for patients. Shared governance models in nursing, which involve granting staff nurses the authority to participate in policy-making and operational choices, have been demonstrated to increase work satisfaction and boost patient outcomes (Bamford et al., 2015). Collaborative decision-making can enhance staff cohesion and motivation by cultivating a sense of ownership and responsibility among nurses.
Opportunities for increasing professional skills and knowledge
Offering continuous professional development opportunities is another essential strategy. Ongoing education and training enable nurses to remain current with the most recent medical information and procedures, which is crucial for providing exceptional care. Programs that facilitate advanced certifications, specialty training, and leadership development not only enhance the proficiency of individual nurses but also elevate the total competence of the nursing team. Chang et al. (2017) found that nurses who participate in professional development activities experience increased job satisfaction and are more inclined to remain in their employment for a longer duration. This leads to a decrease in turnover rates and guarantees the continuation of quality care.
Advocating for a Favorable Work Environment
Affirmative workplace culture is essential for the welfare of nurses and the caliber of care they deliver. Methods to cultivate such a culture encompass acknowledging and incentivizing exceptional performance, offering assistance for maintaining a healthy work-life equilibrium and fostering transparent and effective communication. A workplace that provides support and fosters a sense of respect and appreciation for nurses can effectively mitigate stress and avoid burnout. Implementing mentoring programs and peer support groups can enhance nurses’ resilience and job satisfaction by providing them with the appropriate emotional and professional support (Ducharme et al., 2019).
In conclusion
Implementing collective techniques, such as collaborative decision-making, providing professional development opportunities, and fostering a pleasant workplace culture, can have a significant and far-reaching impact on the nursing profession. Implementing these measures can result in increased job satisfaction, higher patient outcomes, and a more resilient nursing staff. By implementing these strategies, healthcare organizations may establish a conducive atmosphere that promotes the flourishing of nurses and enables them to deliver exceptional healthcare services.
Bamford, M., Wong, C. A., & Laschinger, H. K. S. (2015). The influence of authentic leadership and areas of worklife on work engagement of registered nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 21(3), 529-540.
Chang, Y., Liu, H., & Huang, C. (2017). Professional development: Integrating education, research, and clinical practice. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 49(2), 240-249.
Ducharme, M. P., Bernhardt, J. M., Padula, C. A., & Adams, J. M. (2019). Supporting clinical nurse resilience: The role of workplace culture, environmental factors, and training. Journal of Nursing Administration, 49(5), 266-273.

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