– please notice that the course that i study is Diploma of Community Services (in Western Australia), so just answer in a diploma level, don’t need too complicated answers as bachelor level.
– please make sure your answer base on Australia LAWS, b/c i study in Australia.
– your answers can base on some of the documents and power points that i attached below, or on the website.
– for references: if it’s on any website, just attach the link of it under that answer, if it’s base on power point that i’ve sent you, then just put week… slide… (what week is that and what slice is that); it you base on the information in the book (which are images that i’ve sent), then just note it “book” under the answer, i’ll will reference that later.
– you can also base on ACWA; & Privacy & Amendment Act to answer.
– please make sure everything is in your own words.