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Please make sure references are in APA format… Question 1 Family can be define

April 23, 2024

Please make sure references are in APA format…
Question 1
Family can be defined in many ways by many different people. Everyone has their own definition of what family is. However, Lamanna and colleagues define family as follows: 
Is any sexually expressive, parent/child, or other kin relationship in which people usually related by ancestry, marriage, or adoption,
form an economic or otherwise practical unit and care for any children or other dependents,
consider their identity to be significantly attached to the group, and
commit to maintaining that group over time” (p. 33, 2021).
As individuals’ values and social norms have changed over time, so has the definition of family. Family structures have changed from the nuclear family that consisted of the man being the bread winner and the wife staying at home cooking, cleaning, and caring for the children. Today’s families are not always defined by legal marriage, blood, or adoption. The term “family” can refer to relationships other than those involving spouses, parents, children, and extended family members (Lamanna et al., 2021). Our definition of family changes throughout our life. As minors, our immediate family may consist of our parents or caregivers and siblings. As we get older our family may consist of our spouse and children and/or even our pets. As we get older, and our children grow up and leave the house our definition of family may expand to include grandchildren. Feedback? (80 words, 1 reference)
Question 2
Family functions have changed a lot over the years. In the United States only about half of the adults are married.  According to Lamanna and colleagues, the 1950s nuclear family, consisting of a married couple and children, with a husband as the breadwinner and a wife as the homemaker, is still unique to only about 5% of families today (2021).  As women have gained more rights, entered the workforce, and are becoming more independent, many women are choosing their careers over marriage and children. Some are single family households. Family looks different as individuals have more rights and freedoms. The male-breadwinner, female-housewife family now makes up a very small portion of American households, and a significant majority of Americans (62 percent) define marriage as “one in which husband and wife both work and share childcare and household duties.” Families have also grown smaller, less stable, and more diverse since the 1960s, and more adults—young or old—live outside the family (McCumber, 2023). It is important for counselors to be knowledgeable in the different family systems and cultures to better treat our clients. Feedback? (80 words, 1 reference)
Question 3
Good job at working to present ideas to contribute to the discussion through use of research to support assertions.
Wilson and Johnson (2013) argue that due to a gap in the literature related to process addictions which impacts counselors. One area in particular these authors focus on is process addictions which is “defined as any compulsive-like behavior that interferes with normal living and which causes significant negative consequences in their family, work and social life” (Sussman, Lisha, & Griffiths, 2011 as cited in Wilson & Johnson, 2013, p. 16).
How does understanding process addictions help therapist design treatment plans? (80 words, 1 source) 
Question 4
According to reports, those suffering with process addiction find themselves having to feed their addiction and are often faced with a financial desert in meeting and or sustaining such compulsive disorders (Lee & Merali 2022). Reports shared that individuals who suffer from addictions such as gambling find themselves having lost their employment status due to poor work habits, mood disorders and the inability to maintain any level of employment to support their family’s needs. The article states clearly that those with gambling problems face employment problems and are often faced with mood and personality disorders and family discord (Lee & Merali 2022). The required chapter shared other related nonmonetary as to that of society costs which are often associated with profits gained from gambling industries. Gambling industries’ promotion of gambling machinery are often fixated on the gain than on the negative impact such compulsive behavior, mental health disorders have on the lives impacted (Lee & Merali 2022). Reports reveal that a Christian Worldview focuses on ways one can view his or her life through the lens of having spiritual regards. I believe having a disposition that mirrors that of Christian Worldviews believes that All things happened for a reason. This perspective provides a sense of hope from the chaos and confusion that is present when faced with relationship disappointments, rejection, mood changes and depression (Van & Davis 2018). I believe that families  ascribing to that of Christian Worldview does so with a level of high regards for others rather than themselves. This perspective I believe,  will offer support for those friends and family members who are  in need of health and wellnWas. Feedback? 80words, 1 source) 

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