Please give a response to my classmate’s discussion post. Writeeas if he/she is your classmate.
The statement/source that I chose was: 8. Probiotics helps you lose weight, especially belly fat:
I believe that the statement “Probiotics helps you lose weight, especially belly fat” is an article based on pseudoscience due to the article containing sources that either did not use the scientific method during their research or the research only provided the data points that supported their argument, not the results that negated or differed from their desired results. According to multiple studies listed in a peer-reviewed journal: “Weight loss probiotic supplementation effect in overweight and obesity subjects: A review” (Guazzelli, de Piano Ganen, Zaccaro de Barros, Thomatieli dos Santos, & dos Santos Quaresma, 2020), most studies found no difference in weight loss or belly fat between the control subjects and the subjects that received either a diet or supplement increasing their probiotic intake. In fact the control subjects and the test subjects were usually found to have lost the same amount of weight or fat percentage depending on which result the study was looking to result. For the studies that did not use a probiotic supplement, the source of the bacteria was yogurt or fermented vegetables. Bacteria in yogurt uses lactic acid fermentation according to the textbook reference from this week “How Cells Obtain Energy” (2013).
Reference List:
Guazzelli Marques, C., de Piano Ganen, A., Zaccaro de Barros, A., Thomatieli dos Santos, R. V., & dos Santos Quaresma, M. V. (2020). Weight loss probiotic supplementation effect in overweight and obesity subjects: A review. Clinical Nutrition, 39(3), 694–704.
University of Maryland Global Campus. (2013). How Cells Obtain Energy. Document posted in UMGC BIOL 103 6386 online classroom, archived at