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Please answer to that post from the Professor on my initial post.  You’ve given

June 21, 2024

Please answer to that post from the Professor on my initial post. 
You’ve given a detailed account of a malware attack on a financial services firm and its consequences. Reflecting on this incident, what best practices should financial services firms adopt to prevent similar breaches in the future? How can continuous monitoring, regular updates, and comprehensive cybersecurity policies contribute to a more robust defense against cyber threats?
My Initial Post:
Cyber Security Breach: Malware
Cybersecurity threats are rising today, especially for organizations in all fields and sectors. Considering that our company is a mid-sized organization from the financial services industry dealing with clients’ personal information, it is well knowledgeable about the threats that come with malware and similar cyber threats. This discussion involves a case analysis of a financial services firm that has been attacked by malware that has adversely affected the integrity and security of the services firm, the occurrence of the breach, the parties involved, and the impact of the breach on the firm.
Identifying and Defining the Breach
The assigned cybersecurity breach is malware. Malware is short-term malicious software; it is any software that has been deliberately designed to cause harm to a computer, server, client, or computer network. This can mean viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware, spyware, and adware. Vulnerabilities are often the main route of attack by malware alongside phishing emails and websites, and the consequences that it may have are data theft or destruction of other systems, as well as other negative impacts on the organization that has been attacked.
Type of Organization
This scenario involved a mid-sized organization that fell under the financial services category, but its name has been withheld. The affairs of this company entail handling clients’ financial status information such as identification details, transaction records, and balance sheets (Hosen et al., 2020). As much as the organization takes pride in dealing with sensitive data, it has ensured that it has well-fortified its security systems since clients rely on them so much. However, even with these precautions, it is a magnet for the most skilled hackers who are always looking for vulnerabilities to exploit. 
Individuals Involved
The breach involved several parties: The aimed target, which is the employees who fall for the trick, the cyber team that is supposed to prevent the attack, and the malicious attackers who created the malware in the first place. The incident at the organization involved an employee, a customer service representative, who inadvertently downloaded the malware as an email framed as an emergency message from a client. The cybersecurity team was later informed of other abnormal activities on the network.
How the Breach Occurred
The breach was established when a customer service representative received a mail that ostensibly emanated from a client who required urgent help concerning their account. The received mail has a link; the access to it led to downloading a harmless file, a virus. This malware is later disseminated through the firm’s network, attacking weak web servers and containing weak or outdated software applications. However, there are cases like this where a very advanced form of malware could go unnoticed for several days and steal vast amounts of confidential data in the process. 
Impact on the Organization
As mentioned above, the case reveals that the malware attack damaged the financial services company. Firstly, it entailed massive leakage of client data and prelude to identity stealing and financial fraudulent practices. Secondly, the company suffered the first direct business loss regarding clients’ trust in its capability to protect their data (Istanbulluoglu & E., 2022). Last, losses of financial resources are expenses used to hire cybersecurity specialists to address and mitigate the breach, regulatory penalties for violating data protection laws, and payment provided to clients affected by the cyber-attack.
Consequences of the Breach
The outcome of the breach was regrettable and a wake-up call for both the organization and the individuals involved. Workers started pulling their money and closing their accounts, hence low business. The firm accumulated client data but lacked security;  regulatory bodies initiated probes, and the firm was penalized heavily. Internally, this led to a coordinated analysis and thorough auditing of the company’s internal structure and cybersecurity stances. 
The attack on the financial services company stresses the importance of utilizing every necessary measure to protect against a similar incident. However, the best-laid plans are always vulnerable to today’s brilliant hackers. More often than not, such glitches can lead to significant leaks and, possibly, corporate losses and reputational loss. This scenario highlights the need to be alert, keep the software current, provide extensive employee engagement, and implement sophisticated threat detection measures to avoid such risks.

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