2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Please answer each question in both parts. I will check.  Please provide 1.5-2 p

July 10, 2024

Please answer each question in both parts. I will check. 
Please provide 1.5-2 pages. 
SONG: F**k tha Police by N.W.A.
Part 1 – My Song Analysis – Make sure to post the
title, artist, year of song, and link to your selected song at the top of your
post! Then provide your song analysis, by answering the following questions:
Why did you select this song to present as a contemporary portrayal of
crime/the criminal justice system? What messages about crime, the criminal
justice system, criminal lifestyles, law enforcement, violence, etc. are
portrayed or mentioned in the song? This will obviously vary by individual song
choice, as not all songs will touch on all of the above components. What
message(s) do you feel are presented to the listener in the song? (For example,
is it a song in which certain criminal lifestyles are glamorized? Does it
promote a connection between drugs and guns? Does it call out injustices within
the criminal justice system?). What feelings or reaction does the song
elicit/evoke? Do you feel the song promotes any of the inaccuracies or
stereotypes about crime/criminal offenders/victims/law enforcement/the criminal
justice system we discussed this semester? What course concepts or topics could
you connect to this song? If there is a video that goes along with your song
choice (although not required), you might want to analyze and/or comment on
some of the video images/content used as well.
Part 2 – My Opinion – Share some of your thoughts on the assigned
readings on Contemporary Music and Crime. What stood out to you the most
from these readings? What points or arguments do you agree and/or disagree
Throughout history, certain musicians and genres of music have often been cited
as inciting violence, encouraging criminal lifestyles, and even been directly
blamed for some tragic crimes. For example, Helter Skelter by the Beatles has
been attributed to influencing murders orchestrated by Charles Manson, Marilyn
Manson was very publicly blamed for the Columbine School Shootings, a serial
killer from Colorado, Richard Paul White, attributed his violent acts to his
interest in “metal music” specifically referencing Linkin Park and Metallica,
Eminem has been repeatedly blamed for encouraging domestic violence, and a
number of rappers and hip- hop artists have been criticized by media outlets
and the public for encouraging gang and drug-related crimes as well as
fostering anti-law enforcement sentiment. The FBI even wrote an official letter
accusing the influential hip-hop group, NWA, of “encouraging violence against
and disrespect for law enforcement” back in 1989, a dispute that went before
Congress and sided with the group’s First Amendment rights.
Do you think these types of concerns are fair? What are your thoughts on the
idea of music as a criminogenic form of media? Do you think music has a
criminogenic component or is it a cathartic form of art that sometimes thrives
on provocative or controversial content just like many other art forms? Do you
think music could actually reduce or prevent crime? Share YOUR thoughts on
where you weigh in on the music media/crime connection! 
Readings as pdf and links:

Evidence shows that live Hip-Hop is no more linked to violence than country music or karaoke.


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