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PART ONE: please read Fiscal Policy: Taking and Giving Away https://www.imf.or

June 13, 2024

please read Fiscal Policy: Taking and Giving Away https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/Series/Back-to-Basics/Fiscal-Policy
Describe the roles of government bodies that determine fiscal policy. Explain fiscal policies’ effects on the economy’s production and employment. How does the enormous U.S. national debt affect the federal government’s fiscal policy? Is the current U.S. national debt a serious problem like a heavy personal debt? Why or why not? Discuss thoroughly.
Part TWO:
Guided Response: Respond substantively to at least two of your classmates’ posts. What is different or similar between your post and your classmates’ posts? What advice could you offer your classmates? Substantive responses use theory, research, and experience or examples to support ideas and advance the class knowledge on the discussion topic.
First Classmate Jason:
The government bodies responsible for determining fiscal policy are the legislative and executive branches of government. In the United States, Congress and the President play a crucial role in shaping fiscal policy. The Congress is responsible for passing laws that authorize government spending and taxation, while the President proposes the budget and negotiates with Congress to pass it. The Federal Reserve, an independent agency, also plays a role in fiscal policy by setting monetary policy, which can influence the effectiveness of fiscal policy.
Fiscal policy refers to the use of government spending and taxation to influence the overall level of economic activity. The goal of fiscal policy is to promote economic growth, stability, and low unemployment. Expansionary fiscal policy, which involves increasing government spending or cutting taxes, can boost aggregate demand, stimulate economic growth, and reduce unemployment. Contractionary fiscal policy, which involves reducing government spending or increasing taxes, can reduce aggregate demand, combat inflation, and slow down economic growth.
The effects of fiscal policy on the economy’s production and employment are significant. Expansionary fiscal policy can lead to an increase in aggregate demand, which can stimulate production and create jobs. This is because increased government spending or lower taxes can lead to higher consumer spending, which can encourage businesses to produce more goods and services, thereby creating jobs. Contractionary fiscal policy can lead to a decrease in aggregate demand, which can reduce production and lead to job losses.
The enormous U.S. national debt, which currently stands at over $34 trillion, has a significant impact on the federal government’s fiscal policy. The national debt is the accumulation of past budget deficits, and it represents the amount of money the government owes to its creditors, including individuals, businesses, and foreign governments. The national debt affects fiscal policy in many ways. Firstly, it limits the government’s ability to implement expansionary fiscal policy, as a large portion of the budget is already committed to servicing the debt. Secondly, the national debt can lead to higher interest rates, which can increase the cost of borrowing for the government and reduce the effectiveness of fiscal policy.
The current U.S. national debt while a serious problem, is different from a heavy personal debt. While both can lead to financial difficulties, the national debt is not necessarily a burden on future generations, as it can be financed through taxation, inflation, or economic growth. A high national debt can lead to several negative consequences, including higher interest rates, reduced credit ratings, and decreased investor confidence. The national debt can limit the government’s ability to respond to future economic crises or invest in important public goods and services.
Fiscal policy plays a role in promoting economic growth, stability, and low unemployment. The government bodies that are responsible for determining fiscal policy must carefully consider the effects of their decisions on the economy’s production and employment. The enormous U.S. national debt poses significant challenges to fiscal policy and it is essential to address the national debt through a combination of fiscal discipline, economic growth, and investment in important public goods and services.
Second Classmate Tracy:
Fiscal policy is determined by several government bodies working together. The legislature approves the budget, enacts tax laws, and sets spending limits. The executive branch proposes the budget and implements spending and tax policies. Central banks may advise on fiscal policy and ensure coordination with monetary policy. Independent budgetary institutions provide oversight and evaluation. Tax authorities collect taxes and enforce tax laws while auditing bodies ensure funds are used efficiently and report on financial effectiveness. These roles collectively aim to achieve economic stability and growth.
Fiscal policies directly influence the economy’s production and employment through government spending and taxation. Increased government spending boosts aggregate demand for goods and services, leading to higher production and job creation. Conversely, higher taxes reduce disposable income, potentially lowering consumption and slowing economic growth. During recessions, expansionary fiscal policies, such as tax cuts and increased spending, economic activity, and reduced unemployment. In contrast, contractionary fiscal policies, like spending cuts and tax hikes, are used to cool down an overheating economy, control inflation, and maintain long-term economic stability.
The enormous U.S. national debt significantly affects federal fiscal policy by imposing several constraints. A large share of the budget must go to interest payments, reducing funds for other priorities like infrastructure and healthcare. Increased debt levels can lead to inflated borrowing costs if investors require higher interest rates on government bonds. This limits the government’s ability to implement expansionary policies during downturns. Additionally, high debt can crowd out private investment, slowing long-term economic growth and reducing policy flexibility to respond to crises. High debt may also undermine investor and public confidence, potentially leading to financial instability.
While significant, the current U.S. national debts are different from heavy personal debt. Unlike individuals, the U.S. government can issue currency and has a broader economic base to support its debt. Heavy personal debt is less detrimental to regular people than it is to the U.S. government.

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