2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Part 1 (of two parts due in Week One) This course is about communication, and th

Part 1 (of two parts due in
Week One) This course is about communication, and this project is about
communication. Take some time to think about challenges you have when
communicating with other people. These difficulties may involve . . . patterns
with strangers or acquaintances. communication aspects with friends.
interactions with family members or colleagues. Here are some examples: Trouble
starting a conversation with someone you have never met. Saying ″no″ when your
friend asks to borrow money. Fear of speaking out during a meeting. Note: all
examples are based on verbal and nonverbal communication challenges. Please
make sure your choices are related to communication challenges you have. Steps
1A – 1E will guide you through the process of narrowing your communication
challenge options in order to select the one challenge you want to address
during Weeks One through Three. 1A. ″I Can′t″ List The 1A list consists of six
communication challenges you face. Under each of the six challenges, you will
write two paragraphs (use the template to organize these six sections). So,
what are your potential challenges? Note: a paragraph is usually a minimum of
four to five sentences. Consider the following: verbal and nonverbal
communication, listening, group communication, and communication across cultures.
Click on and read the sample list below. Then, write and submit the following
for 1A: Challenge 1: Desсrіption: Example: Challenge 2: Desсrіption: Example:
(Continue pattern for all six challenges) Sample list I can′t ask my friends
for favors when I need their help. I can′t discipline my daughter without
becoming angry. I can′t say ″no″ when my boss asks me to work overtime. I can′t
address employees directly or clearly when corrective action is needed. I can′t
stop coming across as sarcastic in my conversations with others. I can′t keep
my staff focused on the discussion at hand during meetings. I can′t accept
constructive criticism without becoming defensive. Sample desсrіption Challenge
1: ″I can′t say no to a family member if he or she asks for my help.″
Desсrіption: Unless I have a really good excuse, I can′t say no when a family
member asks me to do something. Even though I often feel like I am being taken
advantage of, I still feel obligated to help. Our family is very close, and we
do a lot of things for each other, but my family members tend to ask me to do
the things that nobody else wants to do or is willing to do. It has become
expected that I will do the things that others will not. Example: Last week, I
used a vacation day and cancelled personal plans on two separate days to tend
to family business. On Tuesday, I took my grandmother to the doctor for an
outpatient surgical procedure because my mother had an important business
meeting that day. On Saturday, I cancelled a dinner with old friends to look
after my three-year-old niece so that my brother and sister-in-law could
celebrate their anniversary. 1B. ″I Won′t″ List From the six challenges you
recorded in 1A, which ones do you know you could change, but you just “won’t”
change? Only you can determine your emotional commitment to changing the
communication challenges you listed in 1A. So, which ones “won’t” you change?
In 1B, you will decide which of the six from your list in 1A really belong in
the 1B “I Won’t” list. Under each challenge you selected from 1A to put on this
list in 1B, write a paragraph explanation of why it is more accurate to say the
challenge is an “I Won’t” rather than an “I Can’t”. The challenges you put in
1B won’t end up as your 1E challenge because the ″I won′t″ aspect indicates
your unwillingness to actually make a change. 1C. ″I Don′t Know″ List In 1A,
you listed six challenges. In 1B, you acknowledged that some of the six
challenges on the list you won’t be changing right now. So, the rest of the
challenges in your 1A list need to go in your 1C section of “I Don’t Know How”
to change these communication challenges. This course is designed to help you
learn how to address those challenges. Here is an example of a 1A challenge
becoming a 1C challenge: In 1A, you might have written, ″I can′t keep my staff
focused on the discussion at hand during meetings,″ Now, in 1C, you will write,
″I don′t know how to keep my staff focused on the discussion at hand during
meetings.″ You will change out I can’t for I don’t know how! Click on the
Sample Response below. ″I don′t know how to say no to a family member asking
for my help″ might sound strange to some. Of course you know how, you just say
″no.″ In reality, however, saying no may not be that easy, or it may not be
your natural response. In addition, you may not recognize that there is a time
for ″yes″ and a time for ″no″ and part of rectifying this communication
behavior is establishing criteria by which you evaluate the appropriateness of
saying yes or no given the circumstances. Then, you develop the necessary
skills, language, and so forth to say no effectively. The ″I don′t know how″
challenges in your 1C list are the challenges you will consider for your 1E
communication challenge goal. You will select one of the 1C challenges as your
1E goal. You will be working on that 1E communication challenge goal during
Weeks Two and Three. Under each 1C challenge, write a paragraph explaining why,
at this present time, you don’t know how to change that communication challenge
in your own life. 1D. Issue Selection For the CCC, you will select one of your
1C challenges as your project focus. That project focus will be stated in 1E,
but in 1D, you will write a paragraph explaining the elimination process.
Please explain why you didn’t select some of the challenges listed in 1C, and
why you settled with the one challenge you will be making your 1E communication
challenge goal. 1E. Project Statement In one sentence, write the challenge from
1C that will become your communication challenge goal. You will be working on
this chosen communication challenge during Weeks Two and Three. Note: It is
important that you will be able to enact this change in Week Three. If there is
no opportunity in Week Three to enact this change, then please select another
1C challenge to become your 1E communication challenge goal. Do NOT make 1E a
paragraph long – just a one-sentence statement, please. Like this . . . For my
project goal, I have selected “I don’t know how to . . . “ Sample project
statement For my project goal, I have selected ″I don′t know how to say no when
my brother asks to borrow money.″ Part 2 (of two parts due in Week One) In
order to gain further understanding regarding the communication challenge you
have selected, you will need to do some research to find an outside scholarly
source (in addition to the textbook) that addresses your 1E challenge. Once you
have located that source and read it, summarize the source and share how the
information within the source has provided insight into the strategies that can
help address your 1E challenge. Continue utilizing the template as you complete
Part 2. Begin with the title of the source. The first paragraph beneath the
title will summarize the source. The second paragraph will explain how the
information in your chosen source has provided guidance or insight. End with a
full APA citation on the references page You will be submitting Part 1 and Part
2 as one document that begins with a title page and ends with a References
page. Writing Requirements (APA format) Length: minimum of 4 pages (not
including the title page or the references page) no maximum page count. 1-inch
margins Double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font Title page References page
(minimum of 2 sources)

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