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Part 1: Interview (this Part 1 is done, please use the completed “Part 1” attach

May 22, 2024

Part 1: Interview (this Part 1 is done, please use the completed “Part 1” attached in the document section to create Part 2: the essay…use the attached Student Professionalism Agreement to help you answer how you prepared for the conversation in the essay)
Learning Objectives:
build on the self-directed learning activity in Units 1 and 2 of exploring your own cultural identities and intersectionalities, in this collaborative activity with one or two of your peers;
co-explore personal cultural identities and intersectionalities;
identify cultural competencies and areas for improvement; and
identify how to bring those competencies to future practice by beginning a competence-building plan.
The purpose of this assignment is to assist students in exploring cultural identities and intersectionalities in relation to the development of cultural humility and cultural competencies in counselling practices.
Assignment Overview, Preparing for the Conversation, and Instructions
In the Self-directed Learning Activity in Units 1 and 2, you considered your own cultural identities, social locations, and intersectionalities. Drawing on those reflections, you will have a conversation with one or two peers in your section. You may only do this assignment with one or two peers in your section and no one outside of your section. 
Please go into these conversations openly, with a stance of cultural humility and curiosity while remembering that your conversation partner is the expert on themselves and their cultural identities.
You will be cultural sources for each other as well as cultural co-learners. Make space for all cultural considerations including class, ability, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, Indigeneity, age, religion/spirituality/non-affiliation, and any other identities that you would consider as cultural descriptions.
Although these conversations are not counselling conversations, please keep them private and confidential. You will meet in Teams or another suitable online video-conferencing platform and include both audio and video if possible. Only record the conversations if you both agree and delete the recording after you have submitted your written assignment. You may make notes during the conversation and take pauses to help note reflections that may occur during the conversation.
Laying the foundation for the conversation
Before starting your assignment conversation, please discuss and use the Student Professionalism, Ethical Practice, and Safety Agreement File. Submit your signed agreement to the dropbox, Student Professionalism, Ethical Practice, and Safety Agreement, under Assignments, by the due date for this assignment. Discuss the guidelines together to ensure respectful discourse. Ensure, as much as possible, that you are both in quiet spaces where you are unlikely to be interrupted or overheard. You are encouraged to be open and receptive to this conversation and to discuss the possibility of triggers arising and that you may stop the conversation at any time until you are ready to resume.
1. Each of you will take turns and share at least three of your current cultural identities and at least one intersectionality. Describe some of the cultural or other influences in your lives that contributed to those identities. Share at least two things that you learned about yourself from the self-directed learning activity in Units 1 and 2 or two things that you had not considered about yourself before the self-directed learning activity.
2. When you are listening, note any possible similar identities that you may have with each other as well as any identities that are different from each other. Make notes about what it was like for you as you heard your conversation partner’s identities and intersectionality(ies).
3. Prepare at least five (5) possible questions that will help your conversational partner expand the identities and sectionality that they share with you.Note any questions that may arise as you listen. You may ask questions by taking back-and-forth turns or one of you may ask all your questions and then the other person will ask their questions.
4. Discuss what it was like to learn more about each others’ identities and intersectionalities and note what felt comfortable and what may have been challenging.
5. Discuss at least one thing that you learned from the conversation with your peer that will inform how you will approach counselling conversation with cultural identities in mind.
Part 2: ESSAY (based on the interview from Part 1)
In this peer-to-peer cultural identity co-exploration essay, excluding the cover page and the reference list, complete these three sections. Do NOT include an abstract. Keep the introduction and conclusion sections very short, about 75 words or less for each. Remember to include your first-person voice in all three sections. 
Use a pseudonym for your conversation partner. Do not use your conversation partner’s name anywhere in your paper.
1. Conversation preparation and experience (25%)
(a) Discuss how you prepared for this conversation (conversation/interview attached).
(b) What was it like for you to share your cultural identities and intersectionalities?
(c) What was it like for you to hear your conversation partner’s cultural identities and intersectionalities?
(d) How did you manage your responses to what your peer shared, both expected and unexpected?
Include at least two (2) recent (last seven (7) years), peer-reviewed sources. You may also utilize course sources and remember that course texts and books (Collins, 2018 textbook is ATTACHED, please use it as one of your references) are not peer-reviewed. You may also utilize course sources and remember that course texts and books are not peer-reviewed. Write about 350–400 words.
2. Discuss what you identified during and after the conversation that matched your understanding of cultural humility and cultural competency. Identify what you and your peer did to co-develop and collaborate on safety, respect, and trust before and during your conversation. (20%)
Include at least two (2) recent (last seven (7) years), peer-reviewed sources. You may also utilize course sources and remember that course texts and books are not peer-reviewed. You may also utilize course sources and remember that course texts and books are not peer-reviewed.  Write about 350–400 words.
3. Discuss at least three (3) specific areas that you would like to improve and that you have learned from this activity that will help inform your work with clients when considering their cultural identities and intersectionalities and improve your cultural humility and cultural competency. Remember, goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely (SMART). Discuss how you will make these improvements and be specific with how you will achieve your goals. (40%).
Include at least three (3) recent (last seven (7) years), peer-reviewed sources. You may also utilize course sources and remember that course texts and books are not peer-reviewed. Write about 750–800 words. 
Required components: Title page and reference page(s)
Length of Assignment: The text body of paper (i.e., not including references and title page ) should consist of approximately 1600 (+/- 100) words, (Times New Roman font size: 12). Instructors will not read or mark anything after approximately 1700 words.
Do not include an abstract and keep the introduction and conclusion sections very brief.
Format: Please, format your assignment in Word (files with extension .doc or .docx)
References: please use 10 references (2017–2024), peer-reviewed sources and a recommended maximum of 15 recent, peer-reviewed sources. INCLUDE the Collins (2018) text attached
These questions, adapted from https://counseling.online.wfu.edu/blog/10-diversity-questions-counselors-ask/, may be helpful in the conversations.
1. If you have moved to Canada, what was your previous location or locations? What influenced your decision to come to Canada?
2. Describe some traditions, celebrations, or rituals you and your family have.
3. Have you ever been treated poorly because of your ethnicity, values, or beliefs? If so, in what ways?
4. Although you may not have experienced this, what incorrect assumptions about you or your family have you experienced that have been hurtful to you or caused problems?
5. What spiritual, religious, or non-affiliation beliefs are important to you and your family, and how do they impact day-to-day life?
6. How does your culture influence your perspective on receiving counselling or mental health therapy?
7. What do you do and who do you turn to for help when you or your family has needs or troubles?
8. How does your culture help with coping with anxiety, sadness, or other challenges?
9. What, if any, biases are you currently aware of that might impact you as a counsellor? How are you planning on working on them?
10. What questions might you have about this conversation?

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