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Paper Part 1: Introduction including title page and the references page. Total

May 22, 2024

Paper Part 1:
Introduction including title page and the references page.
Total points possible: 100).
(5%) A properly formatted title page for the whole paper (Title, centered vertically and horizontally; Name, centered; Affiliation, centered; Running head, in top left corner, in in all caps, preceded by the words “Running head”; Header and page number in top right corner of each page).
(10%) Motivating problem or “big idea”; hook.
(20%) A discussion of what is already known about your research question based on prior research.
(10%) Citation and reference of at least two peer-reviewed research papers that provide
background for your study.
(20%) Frame and present a research question in terms of the hypothesis you chose. Mention IV, DV, predictions.
(25%) Focused, coherent English sentences. Proper grammar and punctation. Following general APA style in guidelines (such as proper use of hyphenation, abbreviation, formatting, line spacing, headings, proper citations).
(10%) A properly formatted references section that includes all articles cited in all sections of the paper.
Note: Use supplements under Course Materials, ‘Week 2’.
Paper Part 2:
Methods. Three sub-sections all in paragraph format: Participants, Materials, and Procedure so that someone reading it could reproduce what you did OR precise summary of someone else’s Methods you liked the most.
Total points possible: 100.
(20%) Participants: Include number of participants (N). How and where were they recruited? Demographics? Exclusion/inclusion criteria? Ethics/confidentiality.
(15%) Materials: A complete description of the equipment you used to collect the data (Software and type of stimuli used to run experiment, tools, equipment, surveys/questionnaires, scales, etc.).
(20%) A description of the procedure you followed (how were groups selected (was it between- or within-subjects?) How was the independent variable implemented? What was the experimental task(s)? All steps taken by participants. What was the dependent variable and how was it measured?), one like a recipe that is complete enough to permit someone else do perform a replication of your study.
(20%) Make clear how the method relates to the hypothesis described in the introduction.
(10%) A description of the analysis methods you used/researchers from your chosen paper used and an explanation for why they are appropriate for analyzing the support of the data you selected for your hypothesis.
(15%) Focused, coherent English sentences. Proper grammar and punctation. Following general APA style in guidelines (such as proper use of hyphenation, abbreviation, formatting, line spacing, headings, proper citations).
Note: Use supplements under Course Materials, Supplement – ‘Method Section Outline’.
Paper Part 3:
Results. A set of English sentences and statistical summary that agree with one another
describing what you found/other researchers found AND Discussion.
Total points possible: 100.
(20%) A precise written explanation (English sentence(s)) of the results you obtained/researchers from the chosen paper obtained: Proper in-text statistical reporting format for all significant statistics. Proper paraphrasing, no direct quotes. Clearly indicating the names/levels of the I.V.’s. Note: Use supplement under Course Materials, ‘Results Section: How to Report Stats in APA’.
(10%) Make clear how the results relate to the hypothesis stated in the introduction of your paper.
(5%) Following APA format appropriate for the statistic(s) you are reporting.
(20%) An interpretation of the results presented. For full credit this must not be restating the results’ sentences, but provide a broader meaning of the results.
(12.5%) Make clear how the interpretation relates to the hypothesis described in the introduction.
(20%) Connection with the prior research and how does it relate to your findings (source from literature to support/oppose your findings). Hence, in-text citations.
(12.5%) Limitations (what flaws you see in this experimental design (find at least 2)?) and future implications (directions for future research/experimentation (at least 2)). Future directions (how can I make my design better? What should I change to make the findings more consistent and reliable?).
Note: Use supplement under Course Materials, ‘Supplement – Discussion Section Outline’.
Final Paper Submission:
Abstract connected with previous parts reviewed, revised, and corrected: Title, Intro, Methods, Results, Discussion, and References).
Total points possible: 100.
Overall composition: The following point deductions will be made for the following errors:
• Each misspelled word −1/4 of a point deducted.
• Each grammatical error −1/4 of a point deducted.
• Each error of punctuation −1/4 of a point deducted.
• Each factually false statement −1/4 of a point deducted.
Each sentence or item placed in an inappropriate section (the APA guide) −1 point deducted. Point deductions apply to both the section where the item belongs and the section in which it was placed.
Each sequence error for the major report sections −5 points deduction.
Paper not submitted in MS-Word or PDF format −5 points deduction.
As described in class, you must follow APA format for a manuscript. For this assignment, be sure to use 12pt Times New Roman font, ensure that you use double line spacing. 1-inch margins from every side. Do not forget to use indentation (“Tab” when starting a new paragraph).
Use Grammarly (or whatever else you use) to check for grammar and punctuation before submission. After using Grammarly, carefully proofread your paper yourself to catch any remaining errors or inconsistencies. Pay attention to sentence structure, clarity of expression, and overall coherence.
Number all pages consecutively, beginning with the Abstract page (in the upper right-hand corner) and running headers in the upper left-hand corner. Maintain a formal tone and use clear, concise language throughout your paper. Avoid slang, jargon, and colloquialisms.
Use full-words rather than contractions. For example, instead of using “I’m” or “don’t”, spell out the words fully as “I am” and “do not”. This helps to maintain a formal tone and enhances clarity and professionalism in the writing. 

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