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IS 301 – Business Communications Individual Analytic Research Report
See Syllabus and Class Site for Due Dates
Overview of Assignment
Your entire team will be assigned one topic from the six topics listed below.
While this is an individual assignment, your team will provide support and feedback throughout. Each of
you will complete your own analytical report. Your final report will be uploaded to Dropbox and in APA
format. You will follow APA guidelines for all formatting, in-text citations, and bibliographical
information. If you have questions about the report, please ask me early. Allow yourself generous
amounts of time for this assignment, and work each week on it. Writing and revising take time.
Based upon a business problem needing a solution, students take on the role of “consultant” to research
both the business problem and their selected company. The report is centered on analyzing a problem
within a company and providing a solution(s).
Each team member will complete an analytical research report tied to the topic. Introductory info about
this assignment is included in this document. There will be separate documents that will go into greater
detail about the report. You will also participate in a team debate presentation, which is not tied to your
subtopic, but will utilize the same team setup. You will also participate in an individual presentation,
which will be similar to the topic area of your group. More information on these two presentations will
be introduced at a later time. Carefully review all of the introductory information contained under the
Week 4 module in order to grasp some of the requirements for the report. This document and this week
function as an introduction to the report. It is a starting point on the journey to more.
The purpose of this report is to give students experience with creating a formal analytic problem-solving
report using proper headings/ subheadings, consistent formatting, and clear organization. The formal
report replaces the memo or letter when the topic requires lengthy discussion. A form of critical
thinking in which we separate a whole into its parts, analysis is essential to effective workplace problem
Purpose of Assignment
• Apply your knowledge of organizational writing/communication.
• Demonstrate information competence through library database research and through the
integration of data to bolster persuasive arguments.
• Analyze a business problem, and propose and analyze justifiable business solutions based on
researched data.
• Demonstrate literacy skills by producing a professional, business report.
Step One – Choosing your audience
Choose a company to be the audience of your report. Research about the company. You will address
your letter of transmittal to the board of directors of this company. This will be your audience. Keep
them in mind throughout your report. The company does not need to have your particular business
problem in reality.
Step Two – Researching your topic and creating a workplan outline
Following the guidelines from the librarian, research your topic. Use subject term searches and consult
databases with credible articles. Create a workplan outline. Overall, your outline should provide a clear,
logical structure for your report. It should help your audience to follow your report’s research and
Research Topics
1) Community Engagement and Corporate-Nonprofit Partnerships
Increasingly, consumers are voting with their wallets. More and more companies are realizing that giving
back to their communities is not just good ethics, but it also makes good business sense. Company X has
asked you to help it to create a solid community engagement program. Research corporate community
engagement and what is involved.
• What is corporate community engagement? What is social responsibility?
• Why is this a growing concern? Why is it important for companies to give back?
• Are there benefits or drawbacks? If so, what and why?
• Who engages in the best practices and what are the lessons learned?
• How could the company implement a successful community engagement program?
o What criteria would the company need to develop to ensure success?
o What possible nonprofit partners would you suggest and why?
2) Telecommuting
More and more employees are looking to work from home. Company X has asked you to help it create a
successful telecommuting policy and program. Research telecommuting and how the company could
implement such a policy and program for employees.
• What is telecommuting?
• Why is it growing?
• Are there benefits or drawbacks? If so, what and why? For whom?
• Who engages in the best practices and what are the lessons learned?
• How could the company implement a successful telecommuting policy/program?
oWhat criteria would the company need to develop to ensure success?
3) Interpersonal Conflict in the Workplace
Every workplace includes complex interpersonal relationships – coworker, employer-employee, etc. At
times those relationships experience conflict. Company X is planning to create policy for preventing and
dealing with interpersonal conflict and is asking for your help. Research workplace conflict and how the
company should prevent and deal with implementation of a workplace policy.
• What is workplace conflict and what are the types of interpersonal conflict?
• Why is this a concern?
• What is the role of organizations in preventing conflict?
• Who engages in best practices and what are the lessons learned?
• Should/how could the company implement a successful conflict prevention/resolution program?
4) Employee Wellness
Numerous articles suggest that company wellness plans cut healthcare costs. Company X has asked you
to help it create a successful employee wellness program. Research employee wellness and how the
company could implement such a program for its employees.
• What is employee wellness? What is employee burnout?
• Why is this a growing concern?
• Are there benefits or drawbacks? If so, what and why?
• Who engages in the best practices and what are the lessons learned?
• How could the company implement a successful employee wellness program? o What criteria
would the company need to develop to ensure success?
5) Diversity and Inclusion
Company X has decided to implement a diversity and inclusion policy/program. It has asked you to help
it create a successful diversity and inclusion policy and program, including training for its employees
regarding prevention of sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace.
• What is diversity and inclusion? What is gender equity?
• Why is this a growing concern?
• Are there benefits or drawbacks? If so, what and why?
• Who engages in the best practices and what are the lessons learned?
• How could the company implement a successful diversity and inclusion policy/program?
o What criteria would the company need to develop to ensure success?
6) Corporate Image/Identity
Corporations can benefit from having a strong and positive corporate image and/or identity. Typically
the corporate image is respected or admired by those in the demographic(s) who purchase/use their
products or services. Company X is considering a corporate rebranding or update to their corporate
• What is corporate identity? Corporate image?
• When would corporate identity/image be a concern?
• Are there benefits and drawbacks of a corporate rebranding? If so, what and why? For whom?
• Who has engaged in the best/worst practices and what are the lessons learned?
• How could the company implement a successful rebranding?
• What criteria would the company need to develop to ensure success?
Step Three – Writing your analytical research report
The “meat” of your report will be 4-6 pages, single-spaced. You may include one page of visuals –
graphs, tables, charts, etc. The title page, transmittal letter or memo, table of contents, executive
summary, exhibits, references, and appendices are in addition to the minimum individual written body
sections of the report; therefore, these sections do not count in the total page count, but are required.
That means your report will most likely be between 11 to 12 pages long in the end. Follow the list of
components provided in Chapter 14 and 15 of the text for an outline of the sections to include in your
report. All sections are required. Also, please see the breakdown sheet for what else to include, which
will come soon since today is all about introducing the report. I will also present a series of lectures on
report elements. I will discuss the report more in later weeks. You must include one visual in your
report. Report components and a report example are detailed in course documents and Chapter 15 of
your textbook.
1. Title page
2. Letter of Transmittal
3. Table of Contents and Figures/Illustrations
4. Report
5. Reference page
Use aspects of good business writing in this report – conciseness, clarity, correct grammar, and
conversational tone. Do not use a style that is fancy, pompous, or wordy. Proofread your report several
times. Errors in these areas mar the good impression your work can make. You may also have other
outside readers review your report (see the University Writing Center).
APA Formatting and Citations
You must use a minimum of three credible sources, including one scholarly (written by academic
experts) and one professional source (written for people who work in a certain field). The library offers
free access to many online sources and databases, as well as printed sources. Your information must be
from reputable sources (i.e. found from the library databases or other published sources) within the last
ten years. Any questions, consult your librarian.
Review a sample APA report
from Purdue OWL to be sure your formatting and structure are correct.
Use in-text references, done according to APA style. An example is (Denton, 2020, p. 46); this in-text
note would refer a reader to your bibliography, which must also be done in APA style.
www.apastyle.org http://libguides.nwmissouri.edu/apa
You can also use the APA web sources referenced on the university library web site.
Introduction – ½ to 1 page
The introduction should include your research question/problem statement, narrowed, focused, and
clearly stated; a scope statement (specifying exactly what you are including and excluding), and the
purpose of the study – i.e., why the company has hired you as a consultant. Also, briefly describe your
research strategy along with what indexes and databases you searched. Do this in such a way that the
company’s board of directors will feel confident that you are systematic in your approach, and that your
information will be complete, accurate, and relevant.
Use meaningful headings and sub-headings in APA format to help your reader follow your report.
Remember to define any new terms that the reader won’t immediately understand. As a transition to
the report body, give the reader a brief preview of the way your report body will be organized. (Assume
some knowledge on the part of the board; these people are business professionals after all. Keep your
audience in mind; otherwise your report may be too long and too elementary.)
Research Findings – 3 pages
Again, use a system of APA headings and sub-headings and at least one figure/exhibit (visual/
graphic/table). Be sure to cite all ideas and paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism. Review the questions listed
below your topic to give you some guidance for the body of your report.
Conclusions and Recommendations – 1-1 ½ pages
Summarize each main section and any inferences you can draw on the basis of the summary in your
conclusion. Include your recommendation(s) after the conclusion section. This should be a strong finish,
using persuasive writing to convince the board to adopt your recommendation(s). Cite benefits to the
company, both direct and indirect.
Report Submission
1. report as a Word file or pdf (no reference page)
2. report as a Word file or pdf with reference page (UPLOAD THIS ONE SECOND!)
Analytical Research Report Grading
The content will be evaluated using the designated rubric, as well as APA style and formatting
guidelines. Spelling, grammar, word choice, topic sentences, summarizations, introduction, conclusion,
and the appropriate supporting information are areas that will be evaluated.

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