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Pacific Airlines Module 6 Pacific Airlines Weekly Correspondence Exercise Corres

July 5, 2024

Pacific Airlines
Module 6 Pacific Airlines Weekly Correspondence Exercise
Correspondence note: The documents you receive each week will have either the initial or
name of the document sender. To see who the sender of the document is within the
company, use the company organization chart. WEEK 5,6 update-Your delegation of all the
hazards identified on your first few weeks of the job to committees and specialists has
produced good ideas of mitigation strategies. You also decide to extend the role of the ASAP
program from the PSAP and Pilot’s Union ERC- to have similiar anonymous safety reporting
for maintenance, ramp, flight attendants and dispatch. This is a good way to open up safety
communications to the whole company and most importantly get more people involved with
safety. Review the information you received about Pacific Airlines this week and provide
answers to the following questions:
1. Describe some current flaws in safety promotion and in particular communication in the
Safety Management System (SMS) . What indicators do you see of responsibility,
accountability, and commitment of management that conflict with SMS goals? What
indicators do you see this week that reflect a good or poor safety communication?
2. Pacific Airlines needs to improved safety communications to become a more safety
participative and proactive safety Airline. What ideas do you have to change and
improve the safety communication at Pacific Airlines beyond extending the ASAP safety
reporting system.
please respond to both questions at least one  paragragh for each question please!!!
pleaseplto the whole company?plplpl plpl
Pacific Airlines
TO: Director of Safety
FROM: D. Silver, Office of Information
DATE: 25 January
SUBJECT: Company Newsletter
The next issue of our company newsletter, Pacific Skies, goes to press on 14
Do you have an article for “The Safety Corner”?
Pacific Airlines
TO: Director of Safety
FROM: R. Gate, VP Field Services
DATE: 25 January
SUBJECT: Station Safety Inspections
Last week I received a memo from your Chief of Flight Safety, Sam Wilson setting up
a schedule for flight safety inspections of our other stations in Hawaii, Oakland and
Las Vegas.
My station managers are not in the flight safety business. I visit them regularly and I
am satisfied with their performance. I am unaware of any requirement for you to
independently visit our stations for the purpose of inspecting them.
West Coast Chapter
K. Stanos
Director of Safety
Dear Mr. Thanos,
I am very pleased that you have accepted our invitation to speak to our organization on Friday,
February 4th. Your topic of “Safety in Airline Operations” should be of interest to our
We expect approximately 40 attendees, most of them professional safety engineers. We will start
with cocktails at 1800 and dinner at 1900 followed by your presentation.
If you have any visual aid requirements, please let me know.
Program Chair
Pacific Airlines
TO: Director of Safety
FROM: J. Murray, Controller
DATE: 20 January
SUBJECT: Workers Compensation Insurance Costs
Last year our workers compensation insurance costs increased 20%. Our insurance
carrier has notified us that we can expect another increase of approximately 15% for
next year.
It should be apparent that we are approving too many injury compensation claims.
Effective immediately, injury compensation claims must be approved by this office.
Pacific Airlines
TO: Director of Safety
FROM: H. Glass, VP Maintenance
DATE: 25 January
SUBJECT: Safety Inspections
I just saw a copy of your latest safety inspection report on our heavy maintenance facility and I
think this is the biggest bunch of crap I have ever seen!
I was under the impression that the safety department is here to help management (at least that is
what you keep telling me) and not harass us. Your hot shot safety inspector wasted an entire day
snooping around our shops and then sent us this stupid report-which is going to waste more of our
If you can’t do any better than this, keep your safety people out of my department.
Pacific Airlines
AREA INSPECTED: Aircraft Heavy Maintenance Facility
OVERALL RATING: Unsatisfactory
1. Tool rest on bench grinder is out of adjustment. Should be 1/8 inch or less in accordance
with OSHA standards.
2. Two personnel at engine run-up area were not wearing hearing protection
3. Safety bulletin board contained outdated material.
4. One fire extinguisher was overdue monthly inspection.
5. Grounding plug on portable electric drill has been disabled
6. There is no record of a facility fire prevention meeting for the month of June.
REPLY INSTRUCTIONS: All discrepancies require a response citing corrective action taken.
Chief of Aircraft Maintenance
VP Maintenance
Director of Safety
K. Thanos, Chief, Ground Safety

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