2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Overview Similar to your opportunity to search for early intervention resources,

April 22, 2024

Similar to your opportunity to search for early intervention resources, you now have the opportunity to search for resources appropriate for an adolescent/adult on the autism spectrum. This assignment allows you to gain understanding of autism resources across the lifespan. 
A student with autism spectrum disorder is getting ready to transition from high school in your state/country. You are asked to provide the individual and family a list of 10 resources that are appropriate for an adolescent/adult with an autism spectrum disorder. These resources can be a mix of local/state/national resources, but make sure that all resources are attainable for a person living in your state. For example, you might find a scholarship program that anyone can apply to regardless of where they reside, but you would not refer them to a specialized adult social skills counseling program that meets face-to-face in a different state than you are researching. Additionally, these resources can be directed toward any functioning level, and you do not necessarily have to make all resources match the same functioning level. For example, you might find a good resource for a non-verbal adult with ASD, but you also want to include a recommendation for a school program that would require a diploma. Both resources can be included on the same list. Please focus on resources and not behavioral recommendations.
Of the 10 Resources, you must have one in each of the following categories:
A postsecondary educational recommendation
Employment information
Financial assistance
Recommendations should include all of the following:
1. What is it? Include a description of the service. Put the description in your own words and do not copy off the internet.
2. Why is it important? Include a reason why this resource is necessary for the family. Make this personal to the family and validate their needs and feelings.
3. How can the family get in contact with the agency/sign up for the service? Include contact information.
Dos and Don’ts to remember:
Be sure to personalize the recommendations to the family. Let them know why it is important.
Don’t use jargon or acronyms without explaining it.
Don’t copy and paste description of resources directly from the internet.
Even though you might know classmates who have completed this assignment in the past, don’t rely on the fact that they got it right even if they received a good grade.
Give the family enough information about the resource so that they don’t have to go searching for more.
If you want to recommend several centers that provide the same type of service (i.e. ABA clinics) then that only counts as one recommendation with multiple contacts. It is great to give the family options, but they need to be separate ideas.
You are to use the same format you used for the Early Intervention assignment, but you may not repeat any resources. For example, if you suggest Social Security Disability income as the financial resources for the EI assignment, then you may not use that resource here. You are to upload your assignment as a Word document using 12pt. Times New Roman Font, and please remember to have a cover page. This assignment is worth 60 points.See the Rubric below for how you will be graded.
Transition Resources Assignment Outline.docxDownload Transition Resources Assignment Outline.docx
Similar to the Early Intervention Assignment, an outline is provided to help you organize your resources. You must use this outline. As a reminder, you may list more than one resource under each required area (see assignment description below for requirements), but please do not change the headings for the required resources. Any resources that are not categorized under the listed headings can be placed in “Additional Resources,” and you may organize those in any way you want. Also remember your introduction. Within your introduction, you should introduce yourself, your credentials (use current credentials not the ones you will have in the future), and why you are helping the family. You must also provide a human element/show empathy within the introduction. Remember, families have likely been navigating intervention services for a long time but are entering a new phase where their child hopes to gain more independence. Be empathetic to this stage within the lifespan. 
Suggestion to Get Started
A good starting point is the Autism Speaks Adult Services website https://www.autismspeaks.org/family-services/adultsLinks to an external site.. This website, along with your textbooks, can provide you with ideas of what would be useful for an adolescent/adult with ASD, but you should not use this website as one of your 10 resources. Links or pages within the Autism Speaks website, such as toolkits, should also not be used unless they are provided in addition to your 10 required resources. 

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