2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Overview As a veterinary technician, you may find yourself using your new skills

May 16, 2024

As a veterinary
technician, you may find yourself using your new skills in a research
organization. In this role, you’ll need to understand how to conduct literature
research and how to apply the information obtained to solve a medical problem
presented. However, even when applying your technical skills in a private
veterinary practice, you’ll be presented with many challenging cases that will
require you to know how to use basic research and analysis skills. This project
is intended for you to learn or strengthen this skill set, demonstrate your
command of the course material you’ve just completed, and expand your knowledge
This research project
contains four parts. You’ll research and write about each of the following
Fluid administration
Emergency care
Wound management
Veterinary periodontics
Although there’s no
required minimum or maximum page length, the recommended length is two to three
pages per topic. The questions should be thoroughly researched and answered,
making sure to avoid straying too far from the stated focus. Use publication search
engines such as PubMed to obtain original research papers if you plan to use
these to address any of the questions. Consult reliable and up-to-date
reference materials as needed and appropriate.
Part 1. Fluid Administration
For Part 1, discuss
intravenous fluid administration in a feline patient. Include the following in
your research:
What physical exam parameters
would you use to assess the hydration status in your patient? Detail the
different percentages of dehydration and the signs you see on examination
with each one.
Describe the purpose of each
phase of fluid therapy for a female feline patient, assuming the
The patient isn’t showing any
signs of shock.
The cat weighs 8 lbs, is 10
percent dehydrated, and doesn’t have any vomiting or diarrhea.
Use this information to calculate the fluid rates for each
needed phase of fluid therapy for this patient. Be sure to include the formula
you’re using and show each step in the calculation of the fluid rates.
How should you monitor the IV
fluid therapy in this patient?
Why is it important to monitor
patients receiving IV fluid therapy?
Part 2. Emergency Care
For Part 2, explain how
to perform CPR on a Labrador retriever in the veterinary clinic. Include the
following in your research:
An explanation of what CPR is and
its goal
The steps of veterinary CPR and
how it’s performed in the veterinary clinic
A discussion of the emergency
crash cart and the items that you would use from it during CPR
Part 3. Wound Management
For Part 3, discuss the
factors associated with delayed wound healing.
Investigate the primary patient
factors and environmental factors that can lead to delayed healing of
traumatic wounds in animals.
Choose one patient factor and one
environmental factor that contribute to delayed wound healing. Then,
discuss the biological basis by which these factors delay wound healing.
For the factors chosen in #2,
explain what measures may be taken to limit their impact on wound healing.
Part 4. Veterinary Periodontics
For Part 4, explain why
periodontal disease is common in dogs and cats, its main causes, and how some
forms of the disease are treated.
What are the steps involved in
extraoral and intraoral dental examinations, and what’s the rationale
behind doing an extraoral examination to assess dental disease?
Describe the early stages of
periodontal disease and its pathogenesis.
What are the materials commonly
used for surgical intervention in cases of Grade IV periodontal disease?
How do these materials help restore health to the periodontal tissue?
Determine the preventive measures
that can be used by clients, and describe how you would educate them in
this regard.

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