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Data visualization methods offer a different landscape for explaining situations using data. Graphical representations of information, if created properly, can make vital information more intuitive, contextualized, and accessible. Visualization plays an essential part in analyzing big data and simplifying complex data-intensive scenarios.
In this discussion, using the Viz of the Day webpage, select a business-focused visualization to debate in your post (you may have to toggle to more than one page to see business-specific visualizations). Consider the audience and purpose of the visualization you selected, and think about the strategy used to present the information and analysis visually. In your initial post, make sure to include the link to the visualization you selected, and address the following:
Why have you selected this one?
How does the author of the visualization address the audience?
How is the purpose of the visualization conveyed?
How does the visualization use color, ordering, layout, and hierarchy to prioritize information?
In response to at least two of your peers, address the following:
Can you describe ways in which data visualizations make information more accessible to their audience? What would you recommend to make key insights in visualizations more digestible to your audience? What would you avoid?
1.Alikeisha Waters
For this week’s discussion, I went with the visualization dashboard that talks about the “Indicators of anxiety or depression during the pandemic” by Stuti Gupta. I picked this one because it reignites closely for me. I have suffered from anxiety and depression for over 22 years and since the beginning of the pandemic I noticed it more prevalent for me and began to notice it in my now 20-year daughter. She also has ADHD, and with the two combined the pandemic made it very difficult for us to do our normal day to day activities and our mother daughter outings. Now, on this dashboard I notice the breakdown of different categories to include age, gender, race/ethnicity and education. My interest spiked more looking at the education stats. During the pandemic, I believe the education system suffered the most for our youth and educators. To only see the statics for higher education levels, concerns me. In my opinion, I believe the stats should have focused more on the younger generation. 
Stuti Gupta does not address anyone in particular; however, the U.S. Census Bureau, Houshold Pulse Survey 2020 states the data was taken from people over the age of 18 years. It also states that the information is hard to find data inclusive of adolescents under the age of 18. 
The purpose of the visualization is conveyed by graph charts to show the symptoms of depression or anxiety during pandemic based on demographics. Grouped by age, education, gender and race /Hispanic ethnicity and by Subgroups broken down by percentages for each group and the overall National estimate for the United States.
The visualization dashboard uses color, ordering, layout, and hierarchy to prioritize the information by the following. Purple, (so glad that was the first color as it is my favorite😊) represents the age grouped in 10-year increments to 80 and above. Teal or Mint Green, which represents education levels grouped by bachelor’s degree or higher, high school diploma or GED, some college or associate’s degree and less than a high school diploma. Red or Coral which represents male of female genders. Race or Hispanic ethnicity grouped by non-Hispanic Asian, white, or black, then Hispanic or Latino and non-Hispanic other races and multiple races. And lastly blue is the overall National estimate of the United States which shows 35% of Americans experienced anxiety and depression during the pandemic.
Gupta, S. (2022, November 27). Public.tableau.com. https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/stuti.gupta7945/viz/Indicatorsofanxietyordepressionduringpandemic/Symptomsofdepressionoranxietyduringthepandemic
2.Donald Dollar
Hello everyone! The Viz of the day that I chosen is “100 Years of Movie Musicals’ by Dr. Kimberly Furdell. The reason I chose this visualization is because it details how substantial musicals were in the past, the layout of the visualization is unique and eye catching, and my enjoyment of watching musicals such as Carmen Jones. The visualization provides a in depth look at the popularity, best rated films and actor and actresses in musicals all time.
Dr. Furdell addresses the audience by displaying artistic gold and pink visualizations of the percentage of musicals to the films released each decade from the 1920’s to the 2020’s. The target audience can be musical fans or anyone that is interested in films, and/or music. The visualization provides a historical in depth look and perspective on musical films such as the highest rated musicals and the most prolific actors and actresses of all time from the 1920’s to 2020’s. The visualization also details the rated musicals by IMDb from each year from 1927 to 2022, also displaying musicals the author watched while vizzing. Importantly, the visualization details the popularity and importance of musical films throughout time such as the percentage of musicals that made up films released each decade.
The purpose of the visualization is to display the history and popularity of musical films throughout a century. The visualization details the height of musical films popularity, along with detailing the most iconic actors, actresses and musical films in history. The visualization also displays how relevant musicals were in the early days of film, also the decline of musical films throughout a century. Another purpose of the visualization is to illustrate films of each year throughout the century, which are ranked by a scale of 1- 10 according to IMDb.
The visualization uses the colors of gold, pink and white to emphasis information within the 5 charts in the visualization. The gold text and icons provide clarity and engage readers with its unique presentation that grasp readers attention. The order of the graphs provides an understandable layout of each data provided, also related data such as prolific actors and actresses are continuous. The layout of the visualization is professional, but also creative with utilizing different graphs icons in each graph, such as musical notes, icon pictures in gold, and text. The hierarchy represented is understandable throughout the visualization. In the last graph of the visualization ‘ranked films’ the top gold icons represent the highest ranked film in each year of the century in a horizontal line, with highest rank musical being a solid gold and each with a lower rank musical becoming a lighter gold. Thank You!
Furdell, K. (2024, April 9). 100 Years of Movie Musicals. Public.tableau.com. https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/kimberly.furdell/viz/100YearsofMovieMusicals/100YearsofMusicals

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