2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Objective: Amidst the increase in anti-Asian rhetoric, bullying in schools, raci

May 21, 2024

Amidst the increase in anti-Asian rhetoric, bullying in schools, racist incidents, scapegoating and hate crimes impacting Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islanders (AAPI), this is an important opportunity to have conversation with your classmate’s about the history of injustices and violence.   


Who Were These Insurgents Calling themselves the Committee of Safety?

After reading, watching, and listening to the material from this lesson.
Students should have had a better understanding of some of the things AAPI in the United States have experienced, how they have had to endure prejudice, discrimination, enslavement and hate crimes. 
You will provide your initial response in the form of paragraphs
You will analyze the content and context, describing what you liked, didn’t like, what you thought, felt, and took from this lesson (module), while also making connection on how it was relevant to Ethnic Studies.  
After reviewing all of the lessons in the module, students are to summarize of the lessons they enjoyed learning about
Then write a reflection paragraph: 
Describe the prejudices and discrimination AAPI encountered then and now
Describe their endeavours and accomplishments  
Describe how are they were relevant to the course,
Reply to two of your classmates posts
relvant key terms to this discussion:
Gook syndrome: David Reisman’s phrase describing Americans’ tendency to stereotype Asians and to regard them as all alike and undesirable
Hate crime: Criminal offense committed because of the offender’s bias against a race, religion, ethnic or national origin group
Hui Kuan: Chinese American benevolent associations organized on the basis of the district of the immigrant’s origin in China
Ilchomose: The 1.5 generation of Korean Americans- those who immigrated into the United States as children
Orientalism: The simplistic view of the people and the history of the Orient, with no recognition of change over time or the diversity within its many cultures
Model or ideal minority: A group that, despite past prejudice and discrimination, succeeds economically, socially, and educationally, without resorting to political or violent confrontations with Whites
Nisei: Children born of immigrants from Japan
Racial profiling: Any arbitrary, police initiated action based on race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than a person’s behavior.
Sinophobes: With a fear of anything associated with China.
Sansei: The children of the Nisei– that is, the grandchildren of the original immigrants from Japan
Total discrimination: The combination of current discrimination with past discrimination created by poor schools and menial jobs
Yellow peril: A term denoting a generalized prejudice towards Asian people and their customs
Yonsei: The fourth generation of Japanese Americans in the United States, the children of the Sansei
Viet Kieu: Vietnamese living abroad, such as in the United States

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