2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Objective: This assignment aims to test the students’ understanding of the three

July 2, 2024

Objective: This assignment aims to test the students’ understanding of the three major theories of truth, which are the correspondence, coherence, and pragmatic theories.
Description: In this assignment, you will explore and critically analyze the correspondence, coherence, and pragmatic theories of truth. Your examination must include the foundations of each theory, how they differ from one another, and their implications for understanding what it means for something to be ‘true’. You will be required to consider these theories in the context of an ethical dilemma, clearly stating your position and addressing potential objections.
Introduce the correspondence, coherence, and pragmatic theories of truth.
State the ethical dilemma* you will consider critically in the context of these theories.
Include a thesis statement that encapsulates your critical stance on how these theories apply to the verification of truth within an ethical dilemma.
Correspondence Theory:
Explain what correspondence theory is. Use an example to demonstrate it.
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the correspondence theory as you see them.
Coherence Theory:
Explain what coherence theory is. Use an example to demonstrate it.
Clarify how coherence theory is different from correspondence theory.
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the coherence theory as you see them.
Pragmatic Theory:
Explain what pragmatic theory is. Use an example to demonstrate it.
Clarify how pragmatic theory is different from correspondence theory and coherence theory.
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the pragmatic theory as you see them.
Ethical Dilemma*:
Explore a real-life case illustrating a moral conflict between two opposing courses of action. Refrain from discussing hypothetical scenarios; instead, conduct research to provide a genuine case example. Present the two competing courses of action with statements beginning with “X should…,” where X is the identified moral agent. Additionally, contemplate and provide statements related to the case that would be relevant to verify when deliberating on the appropriate course of action.
Example of a Real-Life Case: In 2013, Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the NSA, disclosed classified information to journalists revealing widespread surveillance programs conducted by the U.S government.
Examples of Statements:
“Edward Snowden should have upheld his oath and the law by not leaking classified information.”
“Edward Snowden should have disclosed the information to expose governmental overreach and protect citizens’ privacy rights.”
“Edward Snowden signed an oath not to leak classified information.”
“There are whistleblowing channels within the U.S government for addressing Snowden’s concerns.”
“The NSA’s surveillance programs violated citizens’ privacy rights.”
Important: Do not discuss the above Snowden case in your essay. It is an example.
Delve into the specifics of your chosen case.
Explain the significance of truth in this scenario and list the statements requiring verification, including your two conflicting “should” statements.
Discuss which theories of truth would be most effective in validating these statements.
Clearly state your stance on the issue, providing detailed explanations and rationale, and addressing any counterarguments.
Identify the potential consequences and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of their scope, complexity, and magnitude.
Summarize your findings including your insights about how the theories of truth relate to moral inquiry.
Provide logical conclusions and related outcomes, reflecting your evaluation.
Acknowledge the limits of your position, synthesizing others’ points of view within your thesis.
Word Count: 1000-1500 words.
Citations: All information derived from external sources must be properly cited in MLA 9thedition format. Citations must include both in-text citations and a “Works Cited” page at the end of the document. Since our textbook uses sections instead of page numbers, you may cite the section number. For example, if you are referencing content from section 5-4, you would use the in-text citation (Solomon & Higgins, sec. 5-4). Engaging in plagiarism will result in receiving an F for the course, as stated in the syllabus.
Anonymity: To ensure impartial grading, please do not include your name anywhere in your essay, including the filename. This exclusion should be the only deviation from standard formatting. 
Sources: Minimum of 5 sources, with thorough interpretation and evaluation.
Assessment Criteria:
Understanding of the correspondence, coherence, and pragmatic theories of truth.
Critical thinking, including analysis, anticipation, and synthesis of information.
Clarity and effectiveness in communication.
Ethical considerations, acknowledgment of different perspectives, and personal responsibility.
Suggested Resources
The Big Questions Chapter 5: The Search for Truth
Prof G. Epistemology: Three Theories of Truth
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) has 1800 entries as of Summer 2023. Entries are managed by field experts and reviewed by an Editorial Board.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP), founded in 1995, is a free, peer-reviewed resource on philosophy topics. Run by volunteers, it has 30 editors and 300 authors with doctorates.
Dallas College Philosophy & Religion Lib Guide The Dallas College Philosophy Lib Guide is designed for efficient academic research, offering access to philosophy databases and news publications. Consider using news articles as real-life examples. The ‘How to Research’ section provides librarians’ contact information for early assistance in your study. If you need citation help, the ‘Citation Help’ section has MLA reference tools.
Dallas College Tutoring Services: You have access to free tutoring. Our writing tutors are available to assist you with the writing and citation process.

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