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NRS-413 DQ 1 Discussion Question: How does your own definition of spiritual care

NRS-413 DQ 1 Discussion Question: How does your own definition of spiritual care compare with the Christian definition of spiritual care?
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PHI-413 DQ 1
Respond to Angelita
I am proud to say that today, my definition of spiritual care is in alignment with the Christian definition of spiritual care, because for so many years it was not. After being given the gift of sobriety, I slowly developed a personal understanding and relationship with God. It was then that I realized that the core principles displayed through the parable of The Good Samaritan were what was shown to me when I became sober, and what I get to freely give away to others: When I was shown compassion, empathy, and kindness with an impartial and humble attitude by others at the lowest point in my life, I am now able to do the same for others (Evans, 2022, p.304). I get to be the good Samaritan today as I extend my hand to the newly sober person, because he has value, worth, and rights, as he was created in the image of God, just as I. Each day this carries across into my nursing, in the way that I get to respond to individuals of diverse cultures, ethnicities, lifestyles, and needs (Evans, 2022, p. 306).  
Today, spiritual care involves paying attention to patients’ values and beliefs, requires adequate skills and is realized in a relationship between myself and my patients founded on trust and confidence (Hvidt et al., 2020). It involves supporting and helping patients when they face existential, spiritual, or religious crises in healthcare. It involves taking the time to explore the patients’ spiritual history and not just their medical history; supporting both patients and relatives through active listening, and using dialogue to explore their thoughts, feelings and outlook on life; and assisting patients in finding meaning and purpose in the things they value, and, if possible, gaining inner peace and well-being (Hvidt et al., 2020). Spiritual care is being attentive and respectful towards patients’ values and beliefs, and as a nurse, I can achieve this by acknowledging and supporting patients’ personal dignity through empathic listening and by offering comfort, compassion, love, and advice. 
Evans, K. (2022). Intervention, Ethical-Decision Making, and Spiritual Care (In Practicing Dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision-making in health care. URL: Grand Canyon University – Digital Resources (gcumedia.com)  
Hvidt, N. C., Nielsen, K. T., Kørup, A. K., Prinds, C., Hansen, D. G., Viftrup, D. T., Assing Hvidt, E., Hammer, E. R., Falkø, E., Locher, F., Boelsbjerg, H. B., Wallin, J. A., Thomsen, K. F., Schrøder, K., Moestrup, L., Nissen, R. D., Stewart-Ferrer, S., Stripp, T. K., Steenfeldt, V. Ø., Søndergaard, J., … Wæhrens, E. E. (2020). What is spiritual care? Professional perspectives on the concept of spiritual care identified through group concept mapping. BMJ open, 10(12), e042142. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042142
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PHI-413 DQ 1
Respond to Jomol
My understanding of spiritual care is that it is a holistic approach to caring for individuals that addresses their spiritual and emotional needs. It involves actively listening to patients, providing compassionate support, and helping them find meaning and purpose in their lives. Spiritual care can be provided in various settings, including hospitals, hospices, and long-term care facilities. The Christian definition of spiritual care is similar in many ways to my own understanding. Christians believe that spiritual care involves helping individuals grow in their relationship with God and find meaning and purpose in their lives through faith (Puchalski et al.,2014). This can involve prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers. However, there are also some differences between the two definitions. For example, some Christians may believe that spiritual care involves evangelism or sharing the gospel with others in order to help them find salvation. This may not be a part of the definition of spiritual care for non-religious or non-Christian individuals. Overall, I believe that spiritual care is an important aspect of healthcare that should be integrated into the care of all patients, regardless of their religious beliefs. By addressing the spiritual and emotional needs of patients, healthcare providers can help improve their overall well-being and quality of life (Tanyi, 2002).  
Puchalski, C. M., Vitillo, R., Hull, S. K., & Reller, N. (2014). Improving the spiritual dimension of whole person care: reaching national and international consensus. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 17(6), 642-656.  
Tanyi, R. A. (2002). Towards clarification of the meaning of spirituality. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 39(5), 500-509.
NRS-415 DQ 1 Discussion Question: Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is the responsibility of all nurses and is vital when addressing the challenges of the health care industry. Provide an example of how you would apply CQI in your current or past position. If you are new to health care, select a nurse practice issue and discuss how you would apply CQI to address the issue. Discuss a quality improvement method that could be used to support CQI in your example.
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NRS 415 DQ 1
Respond to Alysia
An aspect of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) that my organization is working on is decreasing the readmission rates through post-op infections and better medication administration while at home. “The goal of CQI may include improvement of operations, outcomes, systems processes, improved work environment, or regulatory compliance. Process improvement may be “gradual” or “breakthrough” in nature” (Gupta & O’Donnell, 2023). The average medical surgical nurse has roughly 5 patients and it can be challenging to provide quality discharge teaching to the patient when the nurse is so busy. Following surgery, the patient is a higher risk for infection, and it is crucial that the nurse cover in great detail information that will allow the patient to be able to provide quality care in the home setting.
Utilizing the Plan-Do-Study-Act method also referred to as the Demming cycle, this will allow the organization to be able to properly assess the how the study is progressing and allow for modifications are needed (Gupta & O’Donnell, 2023). “Pay for performance has facilitated the implementation of evidence into practice by using the rates of infections, readmissions, falls, hospital-acquired wounds, wrong-site surgery, and medication adverse events as part of an effective patient safety and quality improvement (QI) program” (Harkness & Pullen, 2019). The readmission rate has a large impact on reimbursement, my organization has a pilot program currently focused on having a dedicated nurse to provide discharge teaching to patients to address their post-op care, surgical sites, physical limitations, dietary needs and medication administration at home. This will provide the patient and the family with an in-depth review of what is needed and allow for questions and a teach back session if needed to set the patient up for success.
Gupta, V., O’Donnell, B. (2023). Continuous Quality Improvement. [Updated 2023 Apr 3]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559239/
Harkness, T. & Pullen, R. (2019). Quality improvement tools for nursing practice. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, 17 (3), 47-51. doi: 10.1097/01.NME.0000554602.68360.ed.
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NRS-415 DQ 1
Respond to Erica
In my previous position as a nurse in an emergency department, applying Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) was essential to address the challenges inherent in delivering efficient and effective patient care. One area where CQI was particularly relevant was reducing the wait times for patients in the emergency department.
To address this issue, one quality improvement method that could be employed is Lean Six Sigma. Lean Six Sigma combines two methodologies aimed at improving processes and reducing defects or errors. In the context of reducing wait times in the emergency department, Lean principles could be used to identify and eliminate waste in the processes, while Six Sigma methodologies could help in reducing variation and improving efficiency.
Firstly, we would gather data on patient flow, including arrival times, triage times, treatment times, and discharge times. This data would help identify bottlenecks and areas where delays occur most frequently. Then, using Lean principles, we would analyze the processes to identify any unnecessary steps, redundancies, or inefficiencies. For example, are there delays in obtaining diagnostic test results? Are there communication breakdowns between different departments?
Next, we would apply Six Sigma methodologies to standardize processes and reduce variation. This could involve creating standardized protocols for common conditions, streamlining communication between healthcare providers, and implementing strategies to ensure timely availability of resources such as diagnostic equipment or medications.
Throughout this process, involving all members of the healthcare team is crucial. Nurses, physicians, administrative staff, and other stakeholders should collaborate to identify problems, brainstorm solutions, and implement changes. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the processes are also essential to ensure sustained improvement over time.
By applying Lean Six Sigma principles to address the issue of reducing wait times in the emergency department, we can not only improve patient satisfaction but also enhance patient outcomes by ensuring timely access to care. This example demonstrates how CQI can be effectively applied in a healthcare setting to address nurse practice issues and improve the overall quality of care delivered to patients.
1. Antony, J., & Banuelas, R. (2002). Key ingredients for the effective implementation of Six Sigma program. Measuring Business Excellence, 6(4), 20-27.
2. Radnor, Z., & Walley, P. (2008). Learning to walk before we try to run: adapting Lean for the public sector. Public Money & Management, 28(1), 13-20.

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