2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


( NOTE: PLEASE VIEW ALL PDF AND Learning contract of everything I did this Advan

June 13, 2024

( NOTE: PLEASE VIEW ALL PDF AND Learning contract of everything I did this Advance 1. Please write it no longer than 5 minutes for I can read it in a zoom. Any questions reach out please. This is a full passing grade.) 
The purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect on and appraise the Advanced Internship Practicum 1 experience. Self-reflection allows for personal and professional growth to demonstrate advanced generalist practice skills. In this assignment, you will begin to review your initial work as an advanced generalist in social work practice, and uncover the opportunities for growth and development through your advanced internship practicum experience.
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following EPAS and specialized practices:
EPAS Competency 1: Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior.
C1.SP.B: Guided by best advanced generalist practice skills, apply professional behavior and leadership skills in oral, written, and electronic communication with diverse individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities in the specialization of advanced generalist practice.
Related Assignment Criterion:
Describe ethical practices used to support the practicum experience and in discussing or sharing client information.
C1.SP.C: Integrate the ethical and effective use of technology at all levels of practice in the specialization of advanced generalist social work with diverse individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Related Assignment Criterion:
Describe the leadership and technology contexts used in the practicum site to advance social work service delivery.
EPAS Competency 2: Advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.
C2.SP.A: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and ethical use of technology, when engaging in interprofessional collaborative practice to advocate for the advancement of human rights with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to ensure that social resources, rights, and responsibilities are distributed equitably in the specialization of advanced generalist practice.
Related Assignment Criterion:
Describe the stakeholders that support the practicum site’s efforts to advance social and economic justice (for example, local business owner, federal government, et cetera).
EPAS Competency 3: Engage anti-racism, diversity, equity, & inclusion (ADEI) in practice.
C3.SP.A: Demonstrate how diversity and intersectionality shape human experiences and apply anti-racist and anti-oppressive intervention techniques and technologies with diverse individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities in the specialization of advanced generalized practice.
Related Assignment Criteria:
Describe the client or client systems served by the practicum site, including diversity considerations.
Apply dimensions of diversity in discussing the practicum site and site supervisor, including support you received from your supervisor and other staff.
C3.SP.B: Demonstrate cultural humility by applying leadership skills, ethical use of technology, critical reflection, self-awareness, and self-regulation to manage the influence of bias, power, privilege, and values in working with clients and constituencies, acknowledging them as experts of their own lived experiences in the specialization of advanced generalist practice.
Related Assignment Criterion:
Describe social work skills used to actively engage diverse clients or client systems.
EPAS Competency 4: Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice.
C4.SP.B: Analyze and respond to ethical, culturally informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive strategies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice that address inherent biases for use in quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Related Assignment Criterion:
Describe the research-informed practice used in the practicum (for example, theories used to conduct assessments).
Using Zoom, you will develop a thoughtful video presentation. The presentation should be a reflection of our experience in the first term of the advanced internship practicum experience. The video should be no longer than five minutes.
Follow the guidelines below as you create your presentation.
Note: Throughout your reflection, utilize a strengths-based and diversity-focused mindset.
Background information and introduction.
Your name.
Name of practicum site.
Mission of the internship practicum site.
Site overview.
Discuss briefly the client population and their community served by the practicum site, including any diversity considerations.
Name one social work skill used to engage clients or client systems.
Describe the stakeholders that support the practicum site’s efforts to advance social and economic justice (for example, local business owner, federal government, et cetera).
Share briefly the technology used by the site professionals to advance client service delivery.
Share briefly the leadership skills used by professionals to advance client service delivery.
Review your experience and think about your major responsibilities in the practicum. Briefly discuss in the video the following:
Describe ethical practices used to support the practicum experience.
Discuss what you did well during the practicum this term.
Share the accomplishment of which you are most proud.
Discuss the competencies you have demonstrated in the internship practicum this quarter.
Discuss the competencies you still need to develop and areas where you need more experience or exposure.
Describe the research-based practices used in the practicum site or the practice-informed research used in the practicum site.
Explain how you have integrated courseroom learning in the practice education and how the practicum facilitates preparation for professional practice.
Discuss the support received from the practicum site (that is, site supervisor and other staff).
Discuss the actions you took to ensure a positive learning experience in the practicum site.
Explain how the learning contract has been used to support your demonstration of the core competencies.
Discuss how the practicum experience is preparing you as a professional.
Share insight on your support system (those that cheer you on during graduate studies).
Final thoughts.
Share any additional reflections as desired.
Share what you hope to gain in your Advanced Internship Practicum 2 experience.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:
Length of video presentation: No more than 5 minutes.
View Rubric
Advanced Self-Reflection Video Presentation
Advanced Self-Reflection Video Presentation
Criteria Ratings Pts
Describe ethical practices used to support the practicum experience and in discussing or sharing client information. (C1.SP.B)
40 to >34 pts
Explains ethical practices used to support the practicum experience and provides relevant examples.
34 to >28 pts
Describes ethical practices used to support the practicum experience.
28 to >0 pts
Identifies ethical practices used to support the practicum experience.
0 pts
Does not identify ethical practices used to support the practicum experience.
/ 40 pts
Describe the leadership and technology contexts used in the practicum site to advance social work service delivery. (C1.SP.C)
30 to >25.5 pts
Describes the leadership and technology contexts used in the practicum site to advance social work service delivery and provides relevant examples.
25.5 to >21 pts
Describes the leadership and technology contexts used in the practicum site to advance social work service delivery.
21 to >0 pts
Identifies the leadership and technology contexts used in the practicum site to advance social work service delivery.
0 pts
Does not identify the leadership and technology contexts used in the practicum site to advance social work service delivery.
/ 30 pts
Describe the stakeholders that support the practicum site’s effort to advance social and economic justice. (C2.SP.A)
30 to >25.5 pts
Describes the stakeholders that support the practicum site’s effort to advance social and economic justice, and makes relevant connections to the community served by the agency.
25.5 to >21 pts
Describes the stakeholders that support the practicum site’s effort to advance social and economic justice.
21 to >0 pts
Identifies the stakeholders that support the practicum site’s effort to advance social and economic justice.
0 pts
Does not identify the stakeholders that support the practicum site’s effort to advance social and economic justice.
/ 30 pts
Describe the client or client systems served by the practicum site, including diversity considerations. (C3.SP.A)
30 to >25.5 pts
Describes the client or client systems served by the practicum site, including diversity considerations and makes relevant connections to the community served by the agency.
25.5 to >21 pts
Describes the client or client systems served by the practicum site, including diversity considerations.
21 to >0 pts
Identifies the client or client systems served by the practicum site.
0 pts
Does not identify the client or client systems served by the practicum site.
/ 30 pts
Apply dimensions of diversity in discussing the practicum site and site supervisor, including support you received from your supervisor and other staff. (C3.SP.A)
30 to >25.5 pts
Applies dimensions of diversity in discussing the practicum site and site supervisor, including support you received from your supervisor and other staff, and makes relevant connections to the community served by the agency.
25.5 to >21 pts
Applies dimensions of diversity in discussing the practicum site and site supervisor, including support you received from your supervisor and other staff.
21 to >0 pts
Inconsistently applies dimensions of diversity in discussing the practicum site and site supervisor, including support you received from your supervisor and other staff.
0 pts
Does not apply dimensions of diversity in discussing the practicum site and site supervisor, including support you received from your supervisor and other staff.
/ 30 pts
Describe social work skills used to actively engage client or client systems. (C3.SP.B)
30 to >25.5 pts
Describes social work skills used to actively engage client or client systems and provides relevant examples.
25.5 to >21 pts
Describes social work skills used to actively engage client or client systems.
21 to >0 pts
Identifies social work skills used to actively engage client or client systems.
0 pts
Does not identify social work skills used to actively engage client or client systems.
/ 30 pts
Describe the research-informed practice used in the practicum site (for example, theories used to conduct assessments). (C4.SP.B)
30 to >25.5 pts
Describes the research-informed practice used in the practicum (for example, theories used to conduct assessments), and provides relevant examples.
25.5 to >21 pts
Describes the research-informed practice used in the practicum (for example, theories used to conduct assessments).
21 to >0 pts
Identifies the research-informed practice used in the practicum (for example, theories used to conduct assessments).
0 pts
Does not identify the research-informed practice used in the practicum (for example, theories used to conduct assessments).
/ 30 pts
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.
30 to >25.5 pts
Communicates with exceptional clarity in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.
25.5 to >21 pts
Communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.
21 to >0 pts
Communicates in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.
0 pts
Does not communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.
/ 30 pts
Total Points: 0
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