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What does it mean for a source to be peer-reviewed? Why is peer-review important in social and behavioral sciences? How do you plan to incorporate peer-reviewed research into your final paper for this course?
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“Peer review is the independent assessment of your research paper by experts in your field. The purpose of peer review is to evaluate the paper’s quality and suitability for publication.” (Understanding Peer Review – Author Services, 2024) The importance of using peer-reviewed as a source of research is very simple, in relationship to the research paper that is being worked on, when using peer-reviewed as a source is data that has been examined and checked by other scholars. When using peer-reviewed it guarantees the researcher that the information has met the highest standard in the academic community and is very important because it lets the researcher know that the information has been authorized to use by others. The audience needs to know that some of the information of the researcher was gathered from peer-reviewed articles, giving the audience a level of peace of mind of the components of the research paper.
One of the most important aspects in the field of behavioral science is to ensure the audience the authenticity and quality of the research information. “PsycINFO provides access to peer-reviewed research and is considered the most comprehensive resource for the field of psychology.” (Staines, 2019) This is why is essential to use peer-reviewed articles during the process of a research paper. When using this method on a research paper ensures the readers the information is consistent, creative, and informative making sure to meet the standards of the scientific community. Guaranteeing that someone’s information is not false or stolen from the source, all of this information should be annotated in the reference part of the research, giving credit to the source.
This is important when writing the final paper, it allows others to see the work of other researchers letting others be encouraged to publish their work and assess their information. This allows others to understand the accuracy of the subject once the research has been developed. Depending on the research this procedure installs discipline during the development of the research when using dependable sources making it a very important role throughout the process of the paper when using peer-reviewed sources supporting the credibility of the final research paper.
L. (2014, May 1). Peer Review in 3 Minutes. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOCQZ7QnoN0
Staines, G. M. (2019-03-04). Social Sciences Research, 3rd Edition. [[VitalSource Bookshelf version]]. Retrieved from vbk://9781538122426
Understanding peer review – Author Services. (2024, January 15). Author Services. https://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com/publishing-your-research/peer-review/#:~:text=Peer%20review%20is%20the%20independent,source%20of%20feedback%20for%20you.
A peer reviewed source is essentially in any scholarly article that is published. To be peer-reviewed means it has undergone the critical steps (evaluation) by experts in the like fields before it can be published.
“Scientific findings and discoveries can have far-reaching implications for individuals and society. This is one reason why they undergo a process of quality control known as ‘peer review’ before they are published. Peer review involves subjecting the author’s scholarly work and research to the scrutiny of other experts in the same field to check its validity and evaluate its suitability for publication. A peer review helps the publisher decide whether a work should be accepted” Dr. Jasmin Schmitz states in his article Peer Review: Why it is important? (n.d.).  
Typically, the process involves a “desk review” which is the initial deciding factor if it continues or is rejected (Schmitz, n.d.). The following steps, if accepted then travels the channels of experts and checked to ensure the research topic has been formulated and scientific method is approached correctly.  
The biggest reason peer-review is important in social and behavioral sciences is to ensure the standards of research is maintained at the highest quality. Another reason is to ensure the framework is reliable and unbiased for true data.
I plan on using peer reviewed research into my paper for statistical analysis on how bully affects the mental health of students. Having this accurate data will show how schools need to make it a priority to check mental health of students and ensure they are not getting bullied in their schools.
Schmitz, Jasmin. “Peer Review: Why Is It Important?” ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften, www.publisso.de/en/advice/publishing-advice-faqs/peer-review. Accessed 17 May 2024. 

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