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  Nice idea for a research design, this is a timely topic! Here is some feedbac

August 22, 2024


Nice idea for a research design, this is a timely topic! Here is some feedback, please update in your response. I’m not going to focus on the gap as I realize you may not have fully explored the background literature yet. 

Purpose of the Study

This study compares how effectively interactive websites like these assist high school students think critically to traditional instructional resources. This study seeks to determine the best ways to use digital technologies to assist youngsters develop their critical thinking and critical thinking skills in school.

What do you mean when you say interactive websites like these? You should be coming up with your own study idea, so be specific about what website or websites you would be studying that could potential positively impact critical thinking. 


H1: High school students using interactive digital platforms will demonstrate greater improvements in critical thinking skills compared to those using traditional educational tools.

Be sure to specify what is being compared. There should be specific experimental and control group here. 


Independent Variable: Learning tools used (interactive digital platform vs. traditional educational tool).This IV types are a category variable.

Dependent variable: Improvement in critical thinking skills, as measured by a standardized critical thinking assessment.Type of the dependent variable: continuous variables.

Control variables (CVs): include Student’s prior academic performance, Classroom techniques used by teacher, Action duration, how much learners like teaching materials,

Good start but more specificity is needed. What interactive digital platform? What traditional educational tool? This is too vague. Also, with the control variables, “Classroom techniques used by teacher” and “how much learners like teaching materials” need further specification. How will you measure classroom techniques? Is it based on teacher observations or self-reports? Prior academic performance is also vague. Will you use GPA, standardized test scores, or some other metric?

Methodology Design

This experiment has two groups: one using traditional teaching materials and the other using interactive digital technologies. This study will assess critical thinking growth using pre- and post-tests. Because randomizing individuals to different educational materials was impossible, the quasi-experimental method was used.The study will include 200 high school students from various schools. The control or training group will be randomly assigned to each school. Students will be grouped by grade and schoolwork to achieve equitable groups.

You mention that participants will be “randomly assigned” to control or intervention groups but then state that randomization is “impossible,” which is contradictory. If this is truly quasi-experimental due to logistical constraints, explain why and how you will reduce confounding factors (e.g., matching participants on demographics or academic performance).

Materials and procedure also need updating as it is unclear what materials you’ll be using.   

This method shows how successfully interactive digital platforms and traditional education methods educate critical thinking. This study hopes to solve a knowledge vacuum and illuminate the best ways to employ digital technologies in the classroom.


This study compares traditional teaching approaches with more involved digital platforms to fill a large gap in our knowledge of how to teach high school students to think critically (Rakic et al., 2020). The quasi-experimental design and rigorous measurement and analysis tools will show us how these teaching materials effect learning and give instructors and lawmakers advice.

While your conclusion restates the purpose of the study, do not make claims such as that this will “solve a knowledge vacuum” as that overstates what one study can do. This would be  a contribution to a growing body of research rather than a definitive solution to a gap.

I look forward to your updates! Seems like it could be an interesting study with additional clarification!


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