2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Needed information My major is Team and project management  I will link all clas

Needed information
My major is Team and project management 
I will link all class resources below 
I paid for 2 pages 1 page is the canva one page is the biblography 
In the 1 page abstract please include speaker notes as i have to present the canva you create 
For this project, you will combine relevant course content with your university major/concentration and a Canva StoryboardLinks to an external site. on how and why HILL is important for your academic or future career goals. Overall, the grade for each part will depend on three factors: 1) Your classmates will peer-assess your presentation; 2) You will self-assess your contribution to the group project; and 3) I will assess the presentation and SciComm piece. 
The purpose of creating a StoryboardLinks to an external site. is to give you an opportunity to showcase your interests and what you’ve gained from this course by combining it with your university major/concentration. Since many of you are non-science majors taking this course as an elective, having the concepts of HILL applicable to you and your career goals are of great relevance. This project enables us to apply the learned skills and gained knowledge from within and beyond the classroom to help your classmates understand why topics from HILL are relevant and of interest to you.
The aim is to communicate, in an accessible and relatable way, topics of the Anthropocene, biodiversity, climate change, sustainability, etc. that are of interest to you and directly relate to your university major or future career plans.
How to Communicate
The general process will involve:
Identifying a topic (or topics) from HILL
Research additional information or data on that chosen topic/s
Determine how that topic/s directly applies to your university major
Design a Storyboard using your major and the information gathered
Present in class the relevancy of your chosen topic to your major by overviewing the Storyboard.
In the Storyboard, you must address the following themes:
The HILL topic and the environmental or societal issues related to that topic
Do not chose a topic that is too broad like “Climate Change,” find something more narrowly focused within that topic like ‘the impact of sea level rise on Rhode Island coastal communities.’
The major cause/s of this issue
For example, if you are focused on sea level rise, you’d discuss increasing ocean temperatures and melting ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland.
The major impacts associated with this issue
For this, you may want to focus on either the impact on humans or human infrastructure, the impact on wild plants and animals, or the impacts on a specific industry or business.
For example, the impact of sea level rise on the insurance industry.
Your major – what it is and what can someone do with a degree in this major
This is an overview of your major. You want to make it interesting, and should likely highlight what drew you to this major.
How someone with your major can address issues associated with your chosen HILL topic
That is, how someone with your major contributes to dealing with the impact of this HILL topic.
Please be creative!
The potential future “avenues” of your chosen issue
For instance, is this issue only going to get worse or will the issue be addressed in the near future and how? Ideally, you’ll want to time in Theme 5 into this panel.
How this Part is Assessed
Your project is compelling when it shows some combination of the following:
You stress why the topic/issue is of relevant to you and your major/concentration
It is as complete as its topic and doesn’t leave the audience thinking that important points are being skipped over or ignored
It is factual (any questions, evidence, conclusions, or arguments you raise are honestly and accurately presented)
I also ask that you provide a brief, ~500-word, annotated bibliography that highlights the importance of your sources. This brief should also include the citations on the background information presented in the Storyboard. This brief should be in a professional writing style, with complete sentences, properly formed paragraphs, and scholarly citations, for example. Please properly format your citations used the guide Download guide.
Overall Project Assessment
A project: This project constitutes a critical and active engagement with the course themes that shows insight and creativity and demonstrates time and effort devoted to creating something thoughtful. The PowerPoint is well designed and polished, addressing all of the points from above. The project’s structural and formal elements productively serve the core concept of the project. The project includes a clear and insightful connection between your major and ecological topic. The presentation will include an explanation of how your project responds to the class themes.
B project: This project meaningfully engages course themes and shows an effort to creatively evaluate the information with some degree of clarity. It reflects some time, effort, and forethought. The presentation is well put together, but some additional design forethought would have helped. The project’s structural and formal elements serve the core concept of the project and address the above points.
C project: This project shows some engagement with the course themes, but it is uncreative or inconsequential. It fails to develop a critical and reflective perspective as to why you chose your topic. The presentation only vaguely identifies a connection between the class themes and your major, and thus fails to offer a clear statement. Both it and the explanation will appear to be put together at the last minute.
D or F project: This project lacks any serious effort to accomplish the assigned task. The project presentation and execution are ill-defined, lack focus and clarity, and contain no main argument and connection to class themes.

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Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

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What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

* If a Grading Rubric is present, make sure to attach it.

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* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

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