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. Name your final chosen outcomes (anywhere from 1-3 outcomes suggested).  Descr

June 30, 2024

Name your final chosen outcomes (anywhere from 1-3 outcomes suggested). 
Describe each data collection tool/survey being used to evaluate your project outcomes. Include where you got the instrument, if you have approval to use it (must provide approval documentation if it is not publicly available), if there is training required, or a fee  to use. Share the Reliability and Validity of the published tool, type of tool, the number of items/questions, and how it is administered (paper, electronic, verbally, etc.). 
If the instrument is self-developed, describe the tool/survey fully and share where you got content expert validation. Please also include any chart audit tools, diaries or logs, etc. used by participants.
Please collect unidentified demographic data if your site permits it (e.g. gender, years in profession, age, etc.).  How will this be collected? If using a survey, please describe completely.
Explain the data analysis planned for each project outcome and the demographic data. This means once you collect it (from surveys, reports, etc.) what will you do with it? For example, you will enter the data into an Excel spreadsheet and compare aggregate (group) means, visually display in a bar graph, calculate a paired t- test or chi square, compare percentages using a pie chart, etc.. If you aren’t sure what to measure, you can look at prior old DNP Capstones in the Chatham library or review published EBP articles.
I need these answers written in a paragraph form along with attaching the tools used. I will provide an example when i chat with the writer
Final Chosen Outcomes for the
Dermatology Project Plan
Outcome 1: Improved Knowledge of Skin
Cancer Identification Among New Clinicians
Outcome 2: Increased Rate of Early
Referrals for Biopsies of Suspicious Skin Lesions
Outcome 3: Improved Confidence and
Satisfaction Among New Clinicians
Anticipated Outcomes
Knowledge of Skin Cancer Identification: New clinicians transitioning
from primary care to dermatology will gain enhanced knowledge in
diagnosing skin cancer, resulting in more accurate diagnoses.
Increased Rate
of Early Referrals for Biopsies: Due to the training based on
evidence-based research, new clinicians will increase their rate of early
referrals for biopsies of suspicious skin lesions, leading to earlier
detection and management of skin cancer.
Confidence and Satisfaction: Clinicians will report higher
confidence and satisfaction in their ability to identify and manage skin
cancer, reflecting the effectiveness of the training program.
Methods for Data Collection
Outcome 1: Improved Knowledge of Skin
Cancer Identification
Tool: Standardized
Dermatology Knowledge Exam
Source: Adapted from
“A Core Curriculum for Dermatology” by Smith and Lear (2012)
Administration: Pre- and
post-intervention electronic exams consisting of case-based and
multiple-choice questions
Reliability and
Validity: Verified through expert consensus via the Delphi technique
Reference: Smith, G. D.,
& Lear, J. T. (2012). A Core Curriculum for Dermatology. Journal of
the Dermatology Nurses’ Association, 4(2), 105-109. https://doi.org/10.1097/JDN.0b013e3182488780
Outcome 2: Increased Rate of Early
Referrals for Biopsies
Tool: Data
Extraction from Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Source: Dermatology
practice’s EHR system
Administration: Data
extracted by a designated medical assistant authorized by the
Reliability and
Validity: Follows standardized data extraction protocols
Reference: Posada, E.
L., Lauck, K. C., Tran, T., Krause, K. J., & Nelson, K. C. (2022).
Educational Interventions to Support Primary Care Provider Performance of
Diagnostic Skin Cancer Examinations: A Systematic Literature Review.
Journal of Cancer Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-021-02118-9
Outcome 3: Improved Confidence and
Satisfaction Among New Clinicians
Tool: Clinician
Confidence and Satisfaction Survey
Source: Adapted from
“Melanoma toolkit for early detection for primary care
providers” by Orfaly et al. (2021)
Administration: Structured
feedback surveys and interviews conducted electronically at the beginning
and end of the intervention
Reliability and
Validity: High internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha > 0.80)
Reference: Orfaly, V.
E., Berry, E. G., Stoos, E. R., Latour, E., Becevic, M., Black, S. M.,
Ferris, L. K., Geller, A., Jacobe, H., Nelson, K. C., Prasad, S., Savory,
S., Smith, E. H., Swetter, S. M., Weinstock, M. A., Xu, S., &
Leachman, S. A. (2021). Melanoma toolkit for early detection for primary
care providers: A pilot study. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research,
34(5), 984–986. https://doi.org/10.1111/pcmr.12968
Data Collection/Handling
Referral Rates: Monitored
using de-identified patient data from the practice’s EHR. A designated
medical assistant will handle data collection, ensuring patient privacy
and accurate tracking of referrals.
Knowledge Exam: Administered
electronically before and after the intervention to measure knowledge
Confidence and
Satisfaction Surveys: Administered electronically at
the beginning and end of the intervention to assess changes in clinician
confidence and satisfaction.
Data Analysis Plan
Knowledge of Skin Cancer Identification:
Analysis: Compare pre-
and post-intervention exam scores using paired t-tests. Display results
in bar graphs.
Increased Rate
of Early Referrals for Biopsies:
Analysis: Conduct
chi-square tests to compare the referral rates before and after the
intervention. The proportional changes will be presented in pie charts.
During the 12-week timeframe, we will collect and combine a set of biopsy
referrals to establish a reference point. We will extract referral rates
from the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system for the three months
preceding and analyze referral rates after a period of 12 weeks.
Confidence and Satisfaction:
Analysis: Analyze
survey responses for mean and standard deviation. Thematically analyze
open-ended responses. Display changes in confidence levels using bar
The demographic survey will be presented as follows: 1.) Gender: Female, Male, or Other 2.) Age: 18-25, 26-33, 34-41, 42-49, 50-58, 59-65, 65+ 3.) Years of Experience: 0-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12+.
Brickley, S.,
Barrolle, S., & Pentland, A. (2023). Implementation of a postgraduate
dermatology fellowship program for nurse practitioners. Journal of the
American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 36(3), 180–186. https://doi.org/10.1097/jxx.0000000000000963
Brown, A. E.,
Najmi, M., Duke, T., Grabell, D. A., Koshelev, M. V., & Nelson, K. C.
(2022). Skin Cancer Education Interventions for Primary Care Providers: A
Scoping Review. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 37(9), 2267–2279. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-022-07501-9
Orfaly, V. E.,
Berry, E. G., Stoos, E. R., Latour, E., Becevic, M., Black, S. M., Ferris,
L. K., Geller, A., Jacobe, H., Nelson, K. C., Prasad, S., Savory, S.,
Smith, E. H., Swetter, S. M., Weinstock, M. A., Xu, S., & Leachman, S.
A. (2021). Melanoma toolkit for early detection for primary care
providers: A pilot study. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research, 34(5),
984–986. https://doi.org/10.1111/pcmr.12968
Posada, E. L.,
Lauck, K. C., Tran, T., Krause, K. J., & Nelson, K. C. (2022).
Educational Interventions to Support Primary Care Provider Performance of
Diagnostic Skin Cancer Examinations: A Systematic Literature Review.
Journal of Cancer Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-021-02118-9
Smith, G. D.,
& Lear, J. T. (2012). A Core Curriculum for Dermatology. Journal of
the Dermatology Nurses’ Association, 4(2), 105-109. https://doi.org/10.1097/JDN.0b013e3182488780

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