2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


My Sociologically Examined Life’: Students will use their sociological imaginat

May 14, 2024

My Sociologically Examined Life’: Students will use their sociological
imaginations, material covered throughout the semester, and 2 additional
academic sources (i.e. academic books, peer-reviewed journal articles,
and reports from reputable polling and research institutions) from the
last ten years that are not on the syllabus to compose an essay that
investigates ways in which their society/societies have impacted them on
an individual level. For example, students may explore significant
moments of norm conformity/breaching, the ways in which they see
historical or local patterns reflected in their lives, how gender, race
or class have shaped their experience or the way they understand the
world, etc. Students should feel the freedom to explore whatever they
would like and should make use of all relevant sociological concepts and
readings. Essays should be 4-5 typed, double-spaced pages in 12-point
Times New Roman font. In addition to the 4-5 written pages, students
should include a Works Cited page.
In my essay, I intend to explore the intersection of social roles, gender norms, and professional behavior through the lens of my own experiences specifically drawing from my experience as a 21 year old female barber. This role encompasses a blend of traditionally male-dominated professions and challenges societal expectations regarding both my gender and age. For example, I will reflect on instances where I have been told I am “not acting my age” or criticized for behavior deemed “unprofessional.” These critiques often stem from societal norms regarding how young women should behave based on these characteristics.
To analyze this topic, I plan to incorporate several key concepts and theories from my sociology course. Firstly, I will draw upon the concept of social roles, which dictates the expected behaviors and responsibilities associated with specific positions in society. As a female barber, I navigate societal norms, sometimes facing scrutiny or surprise due to my deviation from traditional roles. Secondly, I will explore the theory of gender socialization, which examines how people internalize these expectations related to being a woman from a young age. Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the ways in which society reinforces certain racial and gender stereotypes, influencing my perceptions of suitable career paths and behaviors. As a young female barber, my interactions with clients and coworkers also shape the way I am perceived in this career. Through these analysis, I aim to unpack the complexities of my role as a 21 year old female barber and shed light on the broader implications of socially constructed gender roles in occupations.
Growing up, I was keenly aware of the societal expectations and stereotypes surrounding gender roles and career choices. This research in “The Vicious Cycle Linking Stereotypes and Social Roles”, sheds light on how these influences have shaped my own perceptions of suitable professions and behaviors, particularly as a young woman pursuing a career in barbering. The author argues that societal expectations and stereotypes create a vicious cycle where individuals are pressured to conform to predefined roles based on their gender, race, or other characteristics, further entrenching these stereotypes. In Barbara J. Risman’s book, ‘Where the Millennials Will Take Us: A New Generation Wrestles with the Gender Structure,” the author explores how the millennial generation is challenging and reshaping traditional gender roles and expectations. Risman delves into various aspects of millennials’ lives, including education, work, and family dynamics, to illustrate how they are navigating and transforming the gender structure of society. Even though I technically do not belong to the millennial generation as I am only 21 years old, there are similarities between our generations, Risman provides insights into the ways in which the younger generations are redefining gender norms and expectations, which is highly relevant to my exploration of challenging societal expectations as a female barber. For example, I relate to discussions about the pressure to conform to traditional gender norms within the workplace and the ways in which millennials advocate for gender equality.
RIsman, Barbara J. “Where the Millennials Will Take Us – Paperback – Barbara J. Risman – Oxford University Press.” Sage Journals, 14 July 2021, global.oup.com/academic/product/where-the-millennials-will-take-us-9780199324392.
Koenig, Anne M, and Alice H Eagly. “The Vicious Cycle Linking Stereotypes and Social Roles.” American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, 2021, psycnet.apa.org/record/2021-74917-009.

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