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My initial position is (For Gun control)  This assignment will be presentation o

June 15, 2024

My initial position is (For Gun control) 
This assignment will be presentation on (Against gun control)
I attached my research on For Gun Control.
For this assignment:
Determine your initial position on the controversial issue you have chosen to pursue this semester (you should have a strong opinion on one side or the other).  Now spend as much time as possible researching the position that is OPPOSITE to the you yourself hold. 
Get to know the opinions, motivations, values, and arguments that support this opposing viewpoint.  For example, if you feel passionately that abortion is wrong and should not be legal, you must research all the information you can that supports a pro-choice platform on abortion. 
Read through the articles and opinions offered by people who do NOT share your viewpoint on the issue, using news accounts, statistical analysis, psychological case studies, opinion papers, scholarly research, and primary sources found on the Opposing Viewpoints site or other credible sites to develop your argument.  Take good notes, and make sure you carefully cite the sources you use.
The Opposing Viewpoints In Context database, available through VGCC Library’s list of online databases, will be very helpful here. If you are having trouble finding information on your topic, you can scroll through the list of articles, books, video clips, podcasts, etc. relating to that topic and gather information that supports the opposing position.
Create a PowerPoint Presentation to assist you as you share your findings with the class. 
Use as many of the themes we have covered in the semester so far as they apply to your argument.  Be as creative as you want, and have fun with it.
Carefully organize your findings and craft an effective argument using the concepts we have explored in class, and techniques outlined in Chapter 10, “Persuasive Speaking.”  Use the slide format structure included in the assignment rubric to help you organize your presentation.
At the start of your presentation, you must first state the issue that you feel passionately about and a few points that support your own opinion.  Create at least one introductory slide for this purpose.
Use the rest of your presentation to argue AGAINST your own opinion, convincing us that you actually side with members of the opposing camp.  Demonstrate what you have learned about the opposite viewpoint—using primary resources , opinion pieces, and statistics that the opposition uses to make its case. 
I know this is hard!  It can be tough to pretend that you believe something you do not believe.  This assignment is essentially requiring you to role-play, to step into someone else’s shoes and use techniques developed in the art of debate to examine an issue from all angles.  Remember that your job here is to convince the class that you have thoroughly researched the other side of the issue, and to persuade your audience that this viewpoint has validity.
Use the following resources to help you with this project:
For technical help creating a PowerPoint presentation, consult the Purdue OWL’s Tips for Designing Effective PowerPoint Presentations.
You must use at least THREE outside sources in your research.
You must use proper citation methods to cite the sources you use in the text of your presentation.  You may use either the APA style or the MLA style of in-text citation, but be consistent.  
Your presentation must include a your name, date, and course identification.
Your presentation must have a title.
Your presentation must use a readable font (i.e., Times New Roman or Ariel)
Presentations must include at least five substantial slides, in addition to the Title Page, Works Cited Page, and statement of your own opinion.
At the end of your presentation, you must include a reference list using whatever citation method is the most comfortable for you (APA, MLA, etc).  Remember that citation tools are available for the sources you access through the library or the Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, so there is no excuse for using incorrect format on citations and bibliographies.  Other resources, like the Purdue University Online Writing Lab, (OWL) which is linked on the Course Page under “Online Resources,” are available to you for reference.     
Apply what you have learned about evaluating sources of information and use only credible, verifiable sources to conduct your research. WIKIPEDIA might be a place to start familiarizing yourself with a topic, but it is NOT an appropriate resource to cite in any academic research paper. Likewise, any online resource that does not have an identifiable author should be avoided.
If you are unsure about whether a source is credible, or if you need help with this assignment, ask your instructor, a librarian, or a tutor.
Gun Control – Topic – Gale In Context: Global Issues (oclc.org)

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