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Must use sources attached and textbook page attached Paper requirements Paper mu

July 3, 2024

Must use sources attached and textbook page attached
Paper requirements
Paper must be at least four double-spaced, typed pages (1200 words). Papers must be in students’ own words: no credit for papers with plagiarized passages or AI generated content. Students are instructed to use first and foremost the textbook and course materials as well as relevant articles or videos from Smarthistory.org. Other outside sources should be approved by the instructor ahead of time. Proper citations must be used and a works cited page following the MLA style.
Paper structure
Papers must have an introduction with a thesis statement and a conclusion that includes comparative analysis of how the two examples approach the theme. 
The body of the paper should include two solid, well-developed paragraphs for each example in which the example is:
Put into historical/cultural context (cultural awareness).
Carefully described as if readers have not seen it (formal and stylistic analysis).
Critically analyzed in terms of its content, meaning, and significance, while addressing how it presents the general theme and reflects its cultural context (critical analysis).
A transition from the first example to the second example should establish some point(s) of comparison or contrast. For example: while the first example expresses (fill in the blank) through a (fill in the blank) style, the second example conveys (fill in the blank) through a (fill in the blank) style. 
The conclusion should include a comparative analysis that addresses how cultural perspectives shape and are reflected in artistic representations. In the conclusion, students may offer general insights on commonalities or differences in cultural perspectives and/or how they resonate with cultures today.
Suggested Outline for Paper (6 paragraphs)
Introduction: Present the general theme conveyed by the two artworks.  Identify the cultures, historical periods, and the specific works of the paper’s focus. Consider why this theme is represented by various cultures throughout history. What purpose does it serve? Does it reflect a concern, hope, or fear shared by diverse cultures? What do approaches to the theme or artistic representations reveal about the cultures to which they belong? Provide a thesis statement that addresses the approaches to the theme and/or the purpose of the works.
First Example, first paragraph (background and description):
Establish a cultural background and historical context. Take into consideration how social, political, religious or other forces shape and influence artistic representations including choice of subject matter and purpose.
Explain the subject matter (what is represented) and the original context of the example. Relate relevant information about the medium and technique.
Most importantly: Carefully describe the example in a detailed, logical, and organized manner. Describe the example as if readers have not seen it, starting from the most important parts and taking readers from one part the next.
Use appropriate vocabulary terms to describe stylistic features. For instance, is it naturalistic and idealized, or realistic? Is it abstracted and stylized? If so, how and where? What predominant stylistic features are typical for the period, culture, or region.
First Example, second paragraph (analysis of content and presentation of theme).
Explain the meaning and significance of the work. How does the presentation of the theme reflect a cultural perspective? Does it reflect religious beliefs or practices? Does it convey political, social, or historical messages? Does the work convey a larger message or purpose?
Transition to the second example: establish some point(s) of comparison or contrast in relation to the shared theme. For instance, consider how the cultures may express different (or similar) messages about the divine, political, or social order; or how the cultures may express different messages about humans’ connection to the divine, or nature, or the social order; or how the cultures may express different ideas of the afterlife, heaven, hell, salvation or damnation.
Second Example, first paragraph (background and description):
Establish a cultural background and historical context.  Take into consideration how social, political, religious or other forces shape and influence artistic representations including choice of subject matter and purpose.
Explain the subject matter (what is represented) and the original context of the example.  Relate relevant information about the medium and technique.
Most importantly:  Carefully describe the example in a detailed, logical, and organized manner.  Describe the example as if readers have not seen it, starting from the most important parts and taking readers from one part the next.
Use appropriate vocabulary terms to describe stylistic features.  For instance, is it naturalistic and idealized, or realistic?  Is it abstracted and stylized?  If so how and where?  What predominant stylistic features are typical for the period, culture, or region.
Second Example, second paragraph (analysis of content and presentation of theme).
Explain the meaning and significance of the work.  How does the presentation of the theme reflect a cultural perspective?   Does it reflect religious beliefs or practices?  Does it convey political, social, or historical messages?  Does the work convey a larger message or purpose?
Return to address the established some point(s) of comparison or contrast in relation to the shared theme and transition to conclusion.
In concluding the essay, develop a comparative analysis of the examples and address how cultural perspectives influence and are reflected in artistic representations.  Analyze differences and commonalities between cultures.  Draw broad conclusions about human interest in a particular theme across time and cultures.  Do engagements with the theme show persistent shared concerns, or changing, evolving, or unique perspectives?  Do we continue to see treatment of the theme in our own time and culture?

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