2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Multithreaded Number Sorting in Linux using Java Course: CS330 Introduction to O

May 14, 2024

Number Sorting in Linux using Java
CS330 Introduction to Operating Systems
Learning Outcomes Covered
CLO5: Develop a practical experience with Unix to make use of OS
concepts related to process/threads creation, synchronization, file
manipulation, etc
The primary objective of this project is to implement a
multithreaded program in Java to sort a list of numbers using thread
programming techniques in a Linux environment.
By completing this project, students will attain the following:
hands-on experience with multithreaded programming in Java in a Linux
understanding of process and thread management concepts in a Unix-like
programming skills in Java and familiarity with Java development environment on
problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and creativity through
project-based learning.
In today’s computing environments, efficient sorting algorithms
play a crucial role in various applications, ranging from data processing tasks
to system-level operations. The ability to sort large sets of data quickly and
accurately is essential for optimizing performance and ensuring the smooth
operation of software systems.
The objective of this project is to develop a multithreaded program
capable of sorting a list of numbers using different sorting algorithms. The
program will be implemented in Java and will leverage the multithreading
capabilities of the Java programming language. The project will specifically
target a Linux environment, providing students with practical experience in
developing and running multithreaded Java applications in a Unix-like operating
Develop the project using Java programming language.
Utilize Java’s built-in threading support (e.g., Thread class,
Runnable interface) for multithreading.
Implement the chosen sorting algorithms as separate classes or methods
that can be executed concurrently by multiple threads.
Use Java’s threading constructs (e.g., Thread, Runnable, join(),
interrupt()) for creating, synchronizing, and terminating threads.
Ensure proper thread synchronization and coordination to avoid race
conditions and ensure the correctness of the sorting process.
Set up a Linux environment for development and testing. Choose a
Linux distribution such as Ubuntu or Fedora. A standalone or a virtual machine
version could work for this project.
Use popular development tools like NetBeans, OpenJDK, Eclipse, or
IntelliJ IDEA for Java development on Linux.
User Interface
Develop a command-line interface (CLI) to interact with the
Allow users to input the list of numbers to be sorted or read the
numbers from a file.
Provide options for selecting the sorting algorithm and setting
other parameters (e.g., number of threads).
Error Handling
Implement proper error handling mechanisms to detect and handle
errors such as invalid input, file I/O errors, and thread-related exceptions.
Provide informative error messages and graceful recovery strategies
where applicable.
Testing and
Validation – Challenging. (Bonus)
Test the program extensively in a Linux environment.
Verify the correctness of the sorting results and measure the
performance (e.g., execution time, memory usage) for different sorting
algorithms and thread configurations.
Document the design, implementation, and testing of the program,
including the algorithms used, data structures employed, and thread management
Prepare a presentation to demonstrate the project work, discuss
design decisions, highlight key features, and showcase testing results.
Appendix A: A Simple Program using Java Threads.
Below is a simple Java program demonstrating the use of threads in
Linux. This program creates two threads that each print a message to the
console repeatedly.
public class ThreadExample extends
Thread {
private String message;
private int interval;
public ThreadExample(String message, int interval) {
this.message = message;
this.interval = interval;
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create and start two threads
ThreadExample thread1 = new
ThreadExample(“Thread 1: Hello!”, 1000); // Print “Hello!”
every second
ThreadExample thread2 = new
ThreadExample(“Thread 2: World!”, 1500); // Print “World!”
every 1.5 seconds
Appendix B: Install a Virtual Machine Software—VirtualBox
Please visit https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/VirtualBox for more information.
Appendix C: How to install Linux (Ubuntu) in a virtual machine
Please visit https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-run-ubuntu-desktop-on-a-virtual-machine-using-virtualbox#1-overview For more information.
Appendix C: How to create a Java Console Menu Application
Please visit https://computinglearner.com/how-to-create-a-java-console-menu-application/ for more information.
Appendix D: How to Install NetBeans on Ubuntu Linux
To use NetBeans for Java programming, you need to first install
JDK. Read “How to install JDK on Ubuntu”.
To install NetBeans:
Download NetBeans from http://netbeans.org/downloads/. Choose
platform “Linux (x86/x64)” ⇒ “Java SE”. You shall receive a sh file (e.g.,
“netbeans-7.x-ml-javase-linux.sh”) in “~/Downloads”.
Set the downloaded sh file to executable and run the sh file. Open
a Terminal:
$ cd
$ chmod a+x
netbeans-7.x-ml-javase-linux.sh   // Set
to executable for all (a+x)
// Run
Follow the instructions to install NetBeans.
To start NetBeans, run the script “netbeans” in the
NetBeans’ bin directory:
$ cd netbeans-bin-directory
$ ./netbeans

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