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Module 1: Overview Page Module 1: Required and Recommended Readings Page Module

May 23, 2024

Module 1: Overview
Module 1: Required and Recommended Readings
Module 1: Edwards Deming System of Profound Knowledge
Module 1: Organizational Culture
Module 1: High Reliability Organization
Module 1: Magnet Designation, CMS Conditions of Participation and Price Transparency
chapter 8: Thomas, P. (2022). Organization evaluation frameworks for systems change. In Hall, & Roussel (Eds.), Evidenced-based practice: An integrative approach to research, administration, and practice (3rd ed., pp.167-185). Jones and Bartlett.
Complexity Leadership Constructing 21st-Century Health Care:   Porter O’Grady 2020.pdfDownload Porter O’Grady 2020.pdf
Culture:  Schein 2021.pdf Download Schein 2021.pdf   Focus on page 296 for a description of the theory evolution and pages 298 to 300 for the section on DEI
Recommended Resources
The recommended readings are strongly encouraged to broaden your understanding of key concepts relative to organizational science and change theory. 
Complexity Science
Warshawsky N (2020) A complexity informed model to guide nurse manager practice Nursing Administration Quarterly 44 (3), 198-204.pdfDownload Warshawsky N (2020) A complexity informed model to guide nurse manager practice Nursing Administration Quarterly 44 (3), 198-204.pdf
Clinical Microsystems_Part 1_The building blocks of Health Systems(3).pdfDownload Clinical Microsystems_Part 1_The building blocks of Health Systems(3).pdf
2008 Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Nelson et al.
Culture of Safety
IHI Framework Safe Reliable Effective Care White Paper 2017(1).pdfDownload IHI Framework Safe Reliable Effective Care White Paper 2017(1).pdf
Frankel A, Haraden C, Federico F, Lenoci-Edwards J. A Framework for Safe, Reliable, and Effective Care. White Paper. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Healthcare Improvement and Safe & Reliable Healthcare; 2017. White Paper
Kaiser-2017-Journal_of_Nursing_Management.pdfDownload Kaiser-2017-Journal_of_Nursing_Management.pdf
Change Theory
Learn the importance of change theory as the underpinning of healthcare transformation.
Application of Kotter’s Change Theory 2017 Download Application of Kotter’s Change Theory 2017  
A Case Review Integrating Lewin’s Theory with Lean’s System Approach for Change 2016 Download A Case Review Integrating Lewin’s Theory with Lean’s System Approach for Change 2016  
What does the culture influence on change look like?  
Read this article from Dr. Landstrom describing the application of Schein’s theory to a plan for change: 
Landstrom.pdf Download Landstrom.pdf  
Landstrom, G. (2019). Interprofessional Practice: Just a trend or worthy of investment? Nurse Leader, 17(3), 220–224. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mnl.2019.03.004Links to an external site.
SABC News. (2013, October 28). Humble inquiry: The gentle art of asking instead of telling [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TI2V5pWI9yg&t=87s
Schein Humble Inquiry Book ExcerptDownload Schein Humble Inquiry Book Excerpt
Schein, E. (2013). Humble Inquiry. Reflections, 13(2), 1–9. https://www.solonline.org/Links to an external site.
High Reliability Organizations
High reliability organizations (HRO) are safety oriented focusing on system improvement rather than individual improvement. Processes are dependable, meaning one sees the same outcomes with limited variability.  An example of minimal variability would be when patients’ wait times are 10 minutes on the average with a range between 5-15 minutes. So let’s take a quick look at what a HRO looks like.
High Reliability Organizations are Learning Organizations! 
watch on you tube

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