2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


MEMORANDUM TO: All Staff,  Hallways of Pearls Gates FROM: first name Last name,

June 25, 2024

TO: All Staff,  Hallways of Pearls Gates
FROM: first name Last name, RN
DATE: June 4, 2024
RE: Punching In & Out
Begin writing a memorandum here. This assignment has a page length requirement of 1.5 pages to 2 pages in length of single spaced writing and double spaced between the paragraphs. Do not indent paragraphs. Make sure to press enter twice when you are beginning a new paragraph so that there is some space between. An example is shown below:
This is a new paragraph. Remember: DO NOT double spaced this assignment. The goal of this assignment is to effectively explain a new policy or change that will be implemented at your facility with a past action being a catalyst for the change. Remember, you must use persuasive tactics and effective language to garner support for this change. If you do not explain how the policy is in the best interest for the individual, they are less likely to follow your direction(s). Use the sandwich method to start and end the message on a positive note or with a potential motivator. Be sure to also change the top section to fit what you are writing about.  Refer to the business memorandum grading rubric for further information on how you will be assessed. When in doubt, make sure to reach out to your instructor!
Need an example? Click here to see a memo written from an RN nurse supervisor perspective to their staff regarding a new policy. Click here to see a memorandum written from an RN perspective to the director of the company. Good Luck!
RE: Burnout Among Nurses
Dear All,
I have noted the critical issues of nurse burnout within the facility. It has also been observed by the entire leadership that our nurses are experiencing high levels of stress and fatigue, which is affecting the patients. I have also observed that high-stress levels indirectly affect our patients and the quality of care they receive from the facility. The facility has increased the demand for patient care, yet I want all of us to be more motivated. I have observed that we have an issue with understaffing which makes our nurses work longer hours than usual without the required support. Immediate action is required within the facility to support our nurses in their activities.
The burnout among our nurses has affected the standards of patient care, as exhausted and stressed nurses often have a hard time while at work. The burnout of our nurses has led to higher rates of infections acquired within the hospital. The patients who visit our facility have also reported insensitivity and lack of empathy from the nurses. As these may be common signs of burnout, it is not okay for the nurses to be rude to the patients or fail to offer them maximum support as required. I have also noted an increase in the patient-to-nurse ratio, which has had a lot of negative effects on patient attendance.
Burnout in nurses is also very expensive to our facility as we have previously spent a lot on recruitment, training, and retention. If the cases of continued burnout and distress continue, then our costs as an institution shall increase. Burnout has the possibility of spreading amongst the workforce, creating a strain on personal habits and strained relationships among team members.
Recommended Changes in Addressing and Preventing Nurse Burnout
As a result of the burnout issues and effects already observed in our facility, I believe that authentic leadership will help us solve this. We shall use personal and organizational resources to help nurses manage burnout and its negative effects on health and work-related outcomes. Nurses are encouraged to observe transparency when dealing with the negative stigma that is brought by burnout. I also encourage that we have good relationships among the nurses before burnout becomes a major problem in our facility.
We shall also conduct a survey to help us understand where our nurses are and how they compare so we can address burnout issues. Identifying the specializations that are most susceptible to burnout allows us to target our wellness initiatives better. We encourage all the nurses to fill in questionnaires and participate in the surveys to help us learn more about your areas of greatest stress and their present coping mechanisms. 
We shall establish a foundation for our staff members’ health and develop a wellness program that specifically targets the areas of concern important. There are several methods, both immediate and long-term, that may reduce nursing burnout. Nurses in our facility shall have access to gym incentives, nutrition programs, counseling sessions, group activities, additional time off, and other wellness initiatives that remedy burnout. 
Implementation Plan
To implement the above changes, I urge nurse leaders to enroll for training so as to recognize our staff’s warning signs of burnout. Signs to watch out for include a rise in emergencies, withdrawal from relationships, and getting irritated about little things. Early identification of the symptoms of burnout by the nurses’ leadership will allow us to support the workforce and develop solutions to reduce stress before burnout increases.
Nurses within our facility from now onwards are encouraged to participate in all decision-making meetings especially regarding their job. I believe this will help to address emotional exhaustion in the workforce as major decisions will come from you. I expect all nurses to take the initiative of taking control over their practice so that we can deal with burnout together. My decision is informed by research that hospitals that involve nurses in decision-making are more successful in attracting and retaining nursing personnel.
We believe that the best course of action is determining what the nurses require to manage and avoid burnout. The suggested support and wellness programs suggested shall be implemented to help all of us manage stress while at work. We shall accomplish this by implementing improved break scheduling, hosting health-related departmental meetings, and we shall set-up a cozy nurse respite space. 
I urge departmental heads to include non-clinical employees in the care team so as to reduce non-clinical activities. The non-clinical staff is expected to handle frontline non-clinical needs like scheduling preventive visits, following up with patients after discharge, and putting them in touch with community resources. The nurses’ workload will be lighter when these responsibilities are removed, freeing them up to concentrate on important clinical duties.
All nurses and the departmental heads are expected to comply with the above changes. We shall regularly check on the nursing staff’s involvement in the new initiatives to resolve non-compliance. I will personally monitor attendance at stress-reduction workshops, counseling services used, and scheduling compliance. Any non-compliance detected on the above measures coupled with burnout shall be addressed at the management level.
Support will be available in terms of extra help and retraining to individuals who are having trouble adjusting. This includes one-on-one coaching sessions, stress management refresher courses, and advice on scheduling choices. Our mission is to support every nurse in realizing the long-term advantages of these programs for their well-being. I therefore urge all nurses to comply and embrace the new changes so as to avoid burn out and to ensure we give the best services to our patients.
Kind Regards,

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