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Mathematics STRAND Project Assignment Instructions Overview NCTM Principles and

May 5, 2024

STRAND Project Assignment Instructions
Principles and Standards include four grade bands: PreK-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
For this assignment, you will choose a grade from K-6 or 6-8 (if seeking middle
school licensure). To complete the activities described below, you will use one
of the five content strands assigned (Number and Operations, Algebra, Geometry,
Measurement, and Data Analysis and Probability).  
1.     Select an SOL and grade level from the grade band K-6 or
6-8 if seeking middle school licensure. 
2.     Using the Unpacking
the Standards and Concept Map Template, unpack the state standard and
create a concept map. If needed, review the Unpacking the Standards and Concept Map Assignment Instructions for
completing the template. Use the link provided with this assignment to access
the standards at the Virginia Department of Education Website. 
3.     Write three to five essential questions related to the
standard being taught. Review the handouts provided to ensure that your
questions are written correctly. Keep in mind that essential questions are
overarching and do not have one specific answer; they are meant to guide
4.     Design instructional activities that will allow you to
teach the selected standard effectively. All instructional activities must be
described and have samples shown. 
5.     Finally, complete the activities listed below. Use a single
Word document to incorporate all activities, samples, and descriptions of
activities. Include all samples within each section (not as appendices at
the end of the document). If needed, samples can be included in the document as
pictures. Each sample must be clearly visible and large enough to read.  
Clearly label each
activity. Subheadings will be the name of each component of this assignment:
notetaking device, lesson plan, integrated activity, math tiered activities,
and assessments.
Include a title page
and an abstract. The abstract should be an overview of your project. Remember
to include the full SOL, word-for-word.
Refer to the Mathematics STRAND Project Example for
more information on how this assignment is to be formatted.
activities in the following order: 
1.     Notetaking Device: Create a sample of one of
the following for notetaking on the concept/skill. If handwritten, make sure
that it is legible and neat. Explain and include the SOL being covered. Be
creative! Include a completed sample of the final product. Select one: 
a.     a foldable 
b.     a graphic organizer 
2.     Lesson Plan: Create one lesson plan using the Mathematics STRAND Project Lesson Plan
Template provided and the guiding commentary below. While there would
realistically be multiple lessons used with this text set, write only one
sample lesson. Sometimes the lesson plan can be the central focus for the rest
of the strand project, the first lesson to introduce the strand, but it
does not have to be. For your lesson, you must include what the BIG IDEA
3.     Integrated Activity: Include an activity that
integrates teaching a science or a social science concept/skill. You need to
include the standard selected. If science is chosen, you cannot use the
following standards: K.1, 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1. There needs to be a
state standard for the integrated activity. Provide the details of the activity
and include all materials that a student will receive for the activity. Label the
integrated activity with the content name. No activities should be the same ones used in the edTPA Task 4.
Math Tiered
Activities: These are math groups that are typically leveled. Explain
in detail (100-150 words per group) the group dynamics and provide one activity
for each group that can be used to teach the following three levels of
Group 1: below grade level
Group 2: on grade level
Group 3: above grade level
Clearly label
groups, strands, and activities. Make
sure you are using hands-on activities – NO WORKSHEETS! Activities
also must be different from the ones used in your lesson plan! 
5.     Assessments: Create three assessments that will
assess the concept/skill taught in this STRAND. Provide all the required
details (100-150 words) and the actual assessment. Assume that you are giving
this to an actual student; they need to understand what is expected. Include
two formative assessments and one summative assessment (a total of three
assessments). Think about what you know about mathematics. Do not reuse
assessments that were used in your lesson plan. 
Video: Create
a video of you explaining the components of your project. The video must be
between five to ten minutes, and you should be showing and explaining the
pieces of your project. You can provide a link to your video or submit the
video with the rest of the assignment.
The length of the assignment should be at least 1,000 words
(not including the title or reference pages).  
Make sure to review the Mathematics STRAND Project Grading Rubric
to ensure that all assignment components as listed above are met. Review
your final document to ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors. This assignment requires in-text citations formatted in current APA
format. Also include a title page, a header on every page,
in-text citations, and a references page with correctly formatted
references. An abstract that contains descriptions of the STRAND project,
grade, topic, and a summary of the math concept is also required.
Refer to the current edition APA templates and samples located at the
Online Writing Center. You can access the Online Writing Center by clicking on
the Writing Style Guides link under Mathematics
STRAND Project Resources.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality
via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Unpacking the
Standards and Concept Map Assignment Instructions
As a future
educator, it is imperative that you understand what students are expected to
know and do regarding each standard.  Standards ensure accountability
for both the teacher and schools as they drive what occurs in each
classroom.  Being able to align
learning to standards is a practice that helps ensure that
a higher level of learning is attained.  This also guides teachers in
the process of assessment and helps to keep them on track. 
Step 1:  Using the link provided with this
assignment, select a Grade Six
Mathematics Virginia Standard of Learning (SOL). Any subpoints should be
included.  For example, if you choose SOL
6.3, this will include subpoints a, b, and c:
Step 2:  Using the Mathematics Standards of Learning Grade 6 Curriculum Framework link provided
with this assignment, find the curriculum framework for the SOL you selected.
Print or digitally save all pages that correspond with your chosen SOL. For our
example, the curriculum framework would include this page:
Step 3:  Begin unpacking the SOL. The right
side of each curriculum framework provides key information regarding student
achievement. Use two different colors to underline important information.
One color
should signify what students must do.
The second
color should signify what students must know.
Step 4:  Use the provided Unpacking the Standards and Concept Map Template to enter the following
a.     Enter what students must do and know in the
corresponding columns of the template.
b.     Determine what level of Bloom’s Taxonomy corresponds
with each aspect of your chosen SOL. Record the level in the appropriate column
of the template.
c.     Write an objective for each subpoint of your SOL’s
curriculum framework. Each objective should follow the CPC format: Condition,
Performance, Criterion.
d.     Create an assessment you could use when teaching each
subpoint of your SOL’s curriculum framework. Briefly describe each assessment
in the appropriate column on the template.
e.   Write three to five essential questions you might ask when
teaching this SOL. Before completing this section, review the videos on
essential questions in this module’s Learn section to ensure your essential
questions are written correctly.  
f.      View all sections
of your curriculum framework to determine any key vocabulary relating to the
standard. List all vocabulary words in the template.
The last two sections of the Unpacking the
Standard template require you to apply your SOL to other areas. Think about how
the content of your standard relates to algebra and outline your thoughts in
the template. In addition, think about why the information is important for
students to know, particularly in their lives outside of the classroom. Record
your thoughts.
Step 5:  Complete a visual concept map of the
information about what students must do and know from the curriculum framework.
The SOL title should be in the center. The second tier should consist of the
main action required by students. If a third tier is necessary, it should
include any setting or additional information that is provided in the standard.
Submit your completed Unpacking
the Standards and Concept Map Template, color-coded Curriculum Framework,
and Concept Map as a single Word document. The length of this assignment is to
be at least 250 words (not including the Concept Map or the Curriculum
Framework).  Review the Unpacking the
Standards and Concept Map Grading Rubric to ensure that all assignment
components as listed above are met.  This
assignment does not require citations or current APA formatting.
Note: Your
assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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