Communication 3504
Intro to Political
The paper shows how you apply concepts, theories, and findings
from class readings in a new context, integrating
material from the whole semester. It should be generally analytical in
Your Own Adventure: I have left this open as you will pitch any idea that
yoi would like creating a simple prompt about any topic you would like to
explore in political communication
Outline Due: February 29th,
2024 @ 11:59 pm on Moodle
Paper Due: May 2nd,
2024, @ 11:59 p.m. on Moodle
Paper Requirements
& Specifications
Late papers will be penalized 5 percent per day for 10 days.
The following requirements and specifications apply to all of the paper options
I strongly recommend
talking with me about your plan for arguments and class material you plan to use in support of it. I don’t read
drafts in advance but I’m happy to talk through the paper as much as you’d
like. Remember that the main point of the essay is to highlight what
you’ve learned from class, so don’t get too caught up in details of your
topic that don’t directly serve that purpose. Connect back to specific
readings & lecture points wherever relevant.
Formatting: AP
style, APA or MLA references. The paper should be uploaded as a Word document. Papers should be 1400 words, plus or minus 100 (about 5
pages), using 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spacing, and normal
margins. An additional page (not counted
toward word total) should include a standard
bibliography, consistent with the formatting of references sections you
find in any of the required readings.
Papers that go over/under the max/min length will
automatically lose 5 percentage points if they are within 10% of the required
length and 10 percentage points if they are further away, beyond content
Sources: In
addition to citing the Perloff book,
you must incorporate at least 5 articles
other articles (from the class or
outside reading). Only 2 of the 5 can be from news analysis-style
articles—at least 3 must be academic
articles. The source requirement is meant to ground your arguments in ideas
from class. Outside sources are welcome
but not required. You must include in-text
citations. They can be parenthetical (Zaller & Feldman 1992) or
incorporated into text: “Zaller and Feldman (1992) argue…” For Perloff
references, give info like this (Perloff 2014, Ch. 7), and include page numbers if quoting for all sources. Cite lecture as
(Lecture 4-7-2017). Citation for Winston: Winston, David. 2014. “Creating a
Winning Campaign Strategy.” In Campaigns
and Elections American Style, 4th Ed., eds. James A. Thurber
& Candice J. Nelson. p. 23-46. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Honors Options: If you are doing the honors option for
this course, you will be required to have an additional 4 academic sources in
your paper
Academic Honesty:
It is my policy and the Manship School’s policy to enforce University academic
regulations concerning plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. All
assignments must be unique to the class and must be your own intellectual work.
Consult LSU’s documents on academic honesty and ask me if you have questions. Check TurnItIn similarity scores, which
flag some potential problems with quoting.
Rubric: This
paper constitutes 15% of your overall grade. Your paper should also include a
short introduction to the topic that is anchored by a thesis statement, along
with and a conclusion at the end of the paper summarizing and indicating the
broader relevance. Use the questions in the prompt to help structure your
paper. Be sure to address each of the questions in the prompt. These are broad
topics, so you’ll need to make careful choices about how to summarize the research
in the space allotted. Keep in mind that
your analysis should be focused on class content to understand your topic. Take
great care not to get lost in details inspired by the prompt that take away
from a sustained reference back to readings & lecture materials.
This essay is outstanding, excelling in all of the areas in which the B paper
succeeds. It successfully takes risks and pushes the bounds of its topic. The
thesis is complex, focused, and insightful; the argument is persuasive and
thoughtfully elaborated, using especially well-chosen evidence; and the writing
style is lucid, engaging, and smooth. This essay contains no mechanical or
grammatical errors. A- = Great!; A =
Terrific; A+ = Wow, I’m pretty sure I’ve never given this grade before!
This is a strong essay that demonstrates careful thought and planning. It
coherently argues a clearly stated, compelling thesis, offering sufficient
supporting evidence. Throughout the paper, the claims are insightful and
well-substantiated, and the diction is precise and thoughtful. Paragraphs are
well-developed, transitions clearly mark the direction of the argument, and the
organization serves to elucidate the thesis. It contains few mechanical or
grammatical errors. B+ =Very good; B =
Good; B- = Pretty good.
This essay has potential but falls short of its goals, struggling with one or
more areas in which the B paper succeeds. It sticks to one topic but does not
delineate a clear analysis of that topic. It may offer a thesis that is clear
but not focused or debatable. The argument may be vague, inconsistent,
simplistic, or self-contradictory; ideas may be buried and the connections
between them obscure. Paragraphs may be lacking development, and the
organization may hinder effective development of the thesis. This essay may
contain several grammatical and mechanical errors or a pattern of error. C+ = Almost there; C = Not Quite; C- =
Barely making it.
This essay resembles an unrevised draft. It does not clearly articulate or
develop a focused thesis; it makes illogical, unsupported claims; the
organization is confusing or obscures lines of logic. It may jump from topic to
topic without apparent reason. The diction is likely to be repetitive and
imprecise. There may be serious, distracting mechanical or grammatical errors. D+ = Barely acceptable but containing some
hint of promise; D = Barely acceptable; D- = Lucky not to be failing
This essay is unacceptable college work. It indicates a gross lack of
preparation for the assignment. This grade also applies to plagiarized work. Failure.
As always, please contact me with any
questions you have about this assignment.
Paper Writing Tips (from via Julie Hwang:
Don’t make the perfect the enemy of the good.
Read the directions. Not being snarky.
Do it.
3. If
you are having trouble articulating your argument the way you want it, try
diagramming it.
State your research question & thesis statement clearly in your intro.
Stick your research question & thesis statement on post-it notes &
affix them to your laptop. This will give you a visual reminder of your
Cite as you go. You’ll save HOURS of time later.
7. If
your thoughts are coming out jumbled, try talking your points out loud.
8. A
few subheadings keep the paper focused.
Remember that writing is iterative. You can always make it better.
You can do this. When in doubt, see #1.
Consider breaking up long paragraphs into shorter, more focused ones.
Political Communication writing tips:
capitalize “Republican” and “Democrat”/“Democratic” as appropriate when
referring to the parties
“Senate,” “House of Representatives,” “Congress,” and “President” (but only the
latter when referring to a person’s title, not the office).
newspaper names.
Mass Communication 3504 Intro to Political Communication Paper Prompt The paper
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