2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Marketing Capstone MKT. 30 points. Due June 23. Submit on Canvas Instructions Re

July 2, 2024

Marketing Capstone MKT. 30 points. Due June 23.
Submit on Canvas
Read the Harvard Case, “Kickoff – The Launch of Los Angeles Football Club.”
Study it thoroughly.
Study my PowerPoint slides. Please click on each hyperlink I have provided.
Your Homework must be at least 2 full pages.
There is a 10-point penalty if your homework is less than 2 full pages.
Q1. 10 points.
Study pages 1 through 4 of the PDF of the Harvard Case you purchased.
Study Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2 of the Harvard Case you purchased.
Answer these questions.
Q1. Describe the state of soccer in the USA when LAFC was formed. Discuss the popularity and fandom of soccer in America compared to other elite sports. Describe and discuss the growth of Major League Soccer when LAFC was created.
Q2. Describe the state of Major League Soccer in Los Angeles. Make sure you describe and discuss the strength and weaknesses of LA Galaxy & why some critics complained they did not represent Los Angeles. Describe Chivas USA and why that team failed.
Q3. Name 3 or more prominent individuals who were part of the initial leadership team that formed LAFC. Make sure you describe their past backgrounds as business leaders & the specific expertise they brought to LAFC. Discuss the types of skill sets that you most want to recruit for a new business you were starting up.
Q4. Describe the specific tactics LAFC used to build a fan culture block-by-block. Make sure you discuss why they felt listening to customer input was so important. Discuss the role of Rich Orozco as the Vice President for Brand & Community. Discuss why it was important for LAFC to refer to the team as a “football” club and not a “soccer” club.
Q5. Describe how LAFC tried to build a fan culture by reaching out to soccer fans and supporters’ groups in the region. Describe “The Black Army 1850” & “The 3252” supporters’ groups, their passion for soccer, & how they mobilized large numbers of fans to come to home games and support the team. Discuss how you might recruit and mobilize people inclined to support the business you are marketing to help grow your brand.
Q6. Describe the key decisions LAFC made to build a brand for the team. Describe why they chose to create unique metallic gold uniforms & how input from fans made them to modify the original choice of team colors. Describe why LAFC chose to focus on offering baseball hats with team logo instead of traditional soccer scarves.
Q7. Describe how LAFC decided, at considerable expense, to send fans on a trip to Germany to learn the culture of the Dortmund Football Club. Describe what LAFC hoped to accomplish by making this investment. Make sure you discuss how LAFC implemented what they learned from Dortmund to build a better soccer experience in Los Angeles.
Q8. Describe all the work LAFC had to do before the team even played its first home game. Make sure you discuss how the team listened to fan input in designing its stadium, & why it was important that the stadium was in downtown LA (not in the suburbs).
Q9. Describe how LAFC worked with fans & supporters’ groups to implement traditions for this new team. Make sure you describe and discuss the “90 before 90” program and how it builds excitement on game days. Describe the tradition of having a celebrity release a falcon before the kickoff of each home game. Describe how creating “standing areas” makes the stadium even more loud and boisterous. Describe and discuss why it was essential to hire a coach and star players a year before the team played its first home game. Discuss what you learned about preparations to launch LAFC that you would find useful in preparing to start & implement a new business you might become involved in.
How to Format the Homework
Use a 12-point font. Use 1-inch margins on all sides. Do a spell check.
Double-space your writing. Do a spell check.
Save the file as your last name, MCap, Hwk 5.
Submit your file as a Word of PDF document or as straight text.

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