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Many Rivers to Cross Written Assessment video link https://www.dailymotion.com/v

June 14, 2024

Many Rivers to Cross Written Assessment
video link

There are 34 questions but 50 Fill in the Blank answers.
Misspelled answers will be graded as incorrect – use spell check
Two points per correct answer. Total value of assessment = 100 points.
Type in your answers either in the blank space or immediately after the blank space.
For example ___Smith _____
or _______Smith
Use bold lettering if possible. DO NOT use color font lettering or color highlighting.
DO NOT create your own document. Download this document and then simply type in
your answers below, save the document using your name so that the doc may be
recognized, and submit it.
Before submitting ask yourself “have I used spell check to eliminate blue, red, or green
underlines? Because I know I will lose points if I have them when I turn my work in.”
Also ask yourself “Have I saved my document file with my NAME?” All submissions
should look like this JaneSmith.doc or JohnSmith.docx.
No title of document is needed just your NAME.
1. In what city does the film begin?
2. During WWII President Roosevelt was forced by African American leaders to integrate
defense industry _______________.
3. According to the film because of WWII the auto industry stopped making cars and started
making _______________.
4. Who is the primary interviewer/narrator of the film? ____________________ (name).
5. What is this interviewer’s occupation? ___________________.
6. Who does the interviewer talk to first? ____________________ (name).
7. What is the occupation of the first person who is interviewed? _______________________
8. The film states during WWII that Detroit was know as the ____________________ (title).
9. A race war erupted in Detroit in _____________(year).
10. ____________ (number) African Americans were killed in these riots and another
___________ (number) were injured.
11. African Americans enthusiastically joined the WWII war effort with the expectation that
their service would earn them _____________ once and for all.
12. The black press mounted what was called the _____________ campaign . This name stood
for victory against ______________ (name) and ____________ (term) at home.
13. Film director _________________ (name) hosted a weekly political radio broadcast that on
one occasion devoted an entire show to the ____________ (name of victim) incident. The
incident involved an Army vet who had been _________ by a racist cop for cursing a bus driver.
14. In _______________ (year) white owned radio station ____________(name) in
____________ (city) switched to an all black music programming format.
15. During the segment on the radio station the narrator says that at this moment in time “across
the country black culture is becoming __________.”
16. ________________ (name) became the first African American nominated for an Academy
Award acting Oscar for a leading role.
17. The name of the movie that this person was nominated for? __________________ (it’s not
mentioned in the film).
18. _____________________ (name) was mentioned as being one of the first (and few) African
American celebrities to speak out against racial injustices.
19. In _________ (year) this celebrity (from #18) presented a petition to the ______________
(organization) charging America with crimes against African Americans.
20. The petition was entitled ____________________________(full title needed).
21.The Montgomery, Alabama bus on which Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat ironically
had an Ohio connection. It was the bus headed to ____________ Avenue.
22. Rosa Parks’ mug shot number was ____________.
23. ____________ ( number) children were taken out of the William Franz elementary school in
_____________ (city) by their parents on Nov. 14, 1960 when six year old ________________
(name) desegregated the school.
24. At timeline 24:40 in the film there is a shot of a famous painting that pays homage to the
events of Nov. 14th. Who was the artist who painted this homage? _____________. What year
was the painting completed ________? What was the name of the painting?
_________________ (none of these answers are mentioned in the film).
25. _______________ (city) became the first major city in the south to desegregate lunch
counter food service.
26. According to people interviewed ___________ (type of behavior) was not considered the
“style” of the Civil Rights Movement and did not receive support from the leadership of that
27. ______________ (name) founded the _______________ (name) which was a group that
used a more aggressive approach to fighting segregation.
28. The most successful black owned business in the U.S. in 1963 was _______________
(name). It was founded by _____________ (name). The business was located in _____________
29. In ____________ (year) Dr. King came to Detroit and gave a version of his soon to be
famous “I have a dream” speech.
30. In the film Malcolm X is called the _________ ( type of) )attorney against American racism.
Dr. King is called the _____________ (type of) attorney who attempts to negotiate between the
31. March 7, 1965 became to be known as _______________ because of the attacks by police
against marchers attempting to walk from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama.
32. When President Lyndon Johnson signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act, that moment was
called the _______________ (term) of a decade of struggle for Civil Rights in America.
33. ____________ (name) became a young civil rights icon when he famously breaks with Dr.
King during a protest march on the issue of non-violent passive resistance to racist hate.
34. ____________! is the term this young icon invokes to signal that a change in strategy for the
next generation of black leaders had occurred.

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