Make sure to review [ASSIGNMENT SHEET] Essay #3: Position Argument, MLA Citation (includes Cheat Sheet for Formatting), and other resources provided in Week 11, Week 12, and Week 13. Only .doc, .docx, and .pdf file types will be accepted for upload.
Position Argument Essay Rubric
Position Argument Essay Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization & Clarity of Expression
25 pts
A Level
Essay begins with clear and engaging introduction that also clearly introduces the cultural issue and other relevant information, paragraphs begin with topic sentences, relate back to the thesis, and transitions are consistently used. Conclusion is very well developed, offering up interesting final thoughts on the chosen example and larger importance to the project. Student’s writing is clear in expression and easy to understand.
22 pts
B Level
Essay begins with solid introduction that clearly introduces the cultural issue being discussed, most supporting paragraphs relate to thesis, and transitions are used but are sometimes abrupt. Conclusion sums up argument and connects to thesis clearly, offering up some new insights. Student’s writing in terms of phrasing is mostly clear, with some areas needing adjustment, rephrasing, different word choice or revision.
19 pts
C Level
Essay begins with an basic introduction, supporting paragraphs list ideas presented in thesis. Some transitions are used. Conclusion connects to thesis, but is lackluster, unoriginal, or overly repetitive. Student’s writing and expression of ideas is often unclear, requiring considerable revision and rephrasing.
16 pts
D Level
Essay begins with underdeveloped introduction. Paragraphs are not well developed in terms of ideas or structure, and student’s ideas are disconnected in many places. Conclusion is underdeveloped and does not connect to thesis or simply restates it. Student’s wording is consistently unclear due to word choice, sentence phrasing, or ideas being incomplete or fragmented, requiring extensive rephrasing.
0 pts
Unsatisfactory or Not Completed
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Guidelines & Argument
25 pts
A Level
Student’s argument is logically and clearly presented, emphasizing the connection between the premises and the overall claim being made about the topic. Student’s premises are fully supported and thoroughly explained. Student also makes clear rhetorical decisions here regarding their audience and purpose, utilizing effective rhetorical appeals throughout the essay. The argument overall is solidly presented. The goals and guidelines of the assignment are met.
22 pts
B Level
Student’s argument is clearly presented, showing the connection between the overall clai and the premises. Student’s ideas are well-expressed and explored, but can be taken further/expanded on in some areas. Student does make some rhetorical decisions here regarding audience and purpose, but additional attention and incorporation of these rhetorical elements would increase engagement. Goals and guidelines for the assignment are met, but areas for revision/addition are present.
19 pts
C Level
Student’s argument is present, but lacks depth or detail. Student adheres to assignment guidelines in terms of topic and general argumentation strategies, but overall essay, including use of rhetorical techniques is superficial. The premises are not fully explored, supported, or explained, resulting in incomplete arguments, unconnected ideas, and/or almost-fallacies. Goals and guidelines for the assignment are not fully met or adhered too (i.e. assignment length, number of sources, etc.)
16 pts
D Level
Student’s overall argument is underdeveloped, focuses on a topic not relevant to the assignment guidelines, or both. Student offers little to no explanation or support for his/her premises and fails to show a connection between them and the overall claim. Student’s argument overall is fallacious. Little to no rhetorical considerations are present. Goals and guidelines for the assignment are considerably lacking (i.e. assignment length, number of sources, etc.).
0 pts
Unsatisfactory or Not Completed
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis & Focus
10 pts
A Level
Student’s thesis is strong in terms of wording, clarity of ideas, and uniqueness of phrasing. The student’s argument is clearly constructed, offering up claim and premises. Student’s focus is clearly in line with assignment guidelines and narrowed sufficient to allow for an in-depth analysis. Student remains focused on his/her chosen topic throughout the essay.
8 pts
B Level
Student’s thesis is well-worded and clear, but would benefit from further revision in terms of phrasing. Focus of the essay is in line with assignment guidelines, but may need to be further narrowed or expanded at times to help better explore and analyze the subject. Student remains focused on his/her chosen topic throughout the essay.
7 pts
C Level
Student’s thesis is present but in need of revision, be it for clarity, phrasing, or complexity. Focus of the essay is in line with assignment guidelines, but veers into generalities at times rather than sticking to chosen cultural texts. Student remains focused on his/her chosen topic for most of the essay, but gets distracted at times.
6 pts
D Level
Student’s thesis is considerably lacking and in need of revision. Focus of essay is adjacent to assignment guidelines but lacks specificity and depth. Student’s ideas tend to wander throughout the essay and are difficult to follow.
0 pts
Unsatisfactory or Not Completed
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Sources/Evidence
25 pts
A Level
Student uses sources in meaningful and responsible ways, including integration of author’s work with her/her own ideas and phrasing, attribution and in-text citations for borrowed material, and exceptional citations on the Works Cited page. Sources are quality and used logically throughout the essay, with clear intention and purpose. Specific details are provided and thoroughly explored by the student.
23 pts
B Level
Student’s selection of sources is good, in that they are credible and relevant to his/her work. Some issues relating to citation are present, either in-text, on the Works Cited page, or both (2-3). Sources are at times overused, including unnecessarily long direct quotes.
19 pts
C Level
Student does make use of sources, but quality of sources are varied and at times questionable. Sources are documented on the Works Cited page, but with significant errors (4-6); in-text citations are present in most instances, but lacking or done incorrectly at times. Evidence is provided in the essay at times, but some sections require additional details, clarification, or explanation.
16 pts
D Level
Student does not provided sources or those selected are lacking in terms of quality and credibility. Citations (Works Cited and/or in-text) are missing or unsatisfactory. When sources are used, the content is either not relevant to the topic at hand and/or relies too heavily on direct quotes and/or paraphrasing without any additional explanation or interpretation on the student’s part.
0 pts
Unsatisfactory or Not Completed
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar & Formatting
15 pts
A Level
There are few or no errors in mechanics, usage, grammar or spelling. Essay is in flawless MLA formatting.
12 pts
B Level
There are some errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling. Essay follows many MLA formatting conventions, with only a few errors (2-3).
9 pts
C Level
There are several errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling. MLA formatting is present, but multiple errors are present (4-6)
6 pts
D Level
There are many serious errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, and spelling. MLA formatting needs considerable work (7+ errors).
0 pts
Unsatisfactory or Not Completed
15 pts
Total Points: 100
Make sure to review [ASSIGNMENT SHEET] Essay #3: Position Argument, MLA Citation
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