All documents are attached for the assignment this is just the hypotheses that needs to be written
The last paragraph of your introduction will be your hypothesis paragraph.
The hypothesis is where you introduce your study and briefly state how you investigated
classical conditioning, what variables you manipulated, and the expected results of the study
(you should use past tense for this paragraph, because when you write the actual paper, you will
be writing about a study that has already been conducted). In this paragraph, you should:
List the question this study investigated.
o What theory of learning did this study investigate? (classical conditioning)
o What specific aspects of the learning process did it evaluate? (list the three phases
Explain why this question needs to be investigated.
o Why is it important to answer this question? (what impact does classical
conditioning have on animal/human life?)
Describe how you investigated this question.
o Briefly describe the task and variables. (you will go into more detail later).
o Be sure to state what stimulus was presented during each of the three phases of
the experiment and the response measured (Presented light and/or shock and
measured freezing behavior)
What results did you expect? (your hypothesis – be specific, based on the variables
o State the analysis conducted and what results were expected for each phase of the
INTERPRETATIONS. At this point you simply state the analyses (i.e.,
Acquisition Trial 1 was compared to the Acquisition Trial 10) and the expected
result (i.e., it was expected that Sniffy would freeze more during Acquisition Trial
10 than during the Acquisition Trial 1).
o Provide the expected results for the pre-trial compared to the post-trial analysis
and the other five analyses conducted to investigate classical conditioning – but
do not be overly repetitive in how you state this information.
Please check the rubic listed on the next page.