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Library Assigment Content Library Assignment: Exploring the Role of CRISPR-Cas9

June 17, 2024

Library Assigment Content

  1. Library Assignment: Exploring the Role of CRISPR-Cas9 in Genetic Engineering
    Objective:We’re excited to announce a special Library Assignment aimed at enhancing your understanding of a cutting-edge topic in biological sciences: “The Role of CRISPR-Cas9 in Genetic Engineering.” This assignment is designed to strengthen your information literacy skills, critical analysis abilities, and deepen your appreciation for the latest advancements in the field.
    Assignment Details:
    Topic Assignment:

    • You are tasked with analyzing a specific article or abstract related to CRISPR-Cas9 technology in genetic engineering. The relevant material will be shared with you below.

    Task:Your mission is to conduct a thorough analysis of the assigned material, covering the following key aspects:

    • Introduction: Briefly introduce CRISPR-Cas9 and explain its significance in genetic engineering.
    • Summary: Provide a concise summary of the article, highlighting key findings, methods, and implications.
    • Analysis: Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the study. Discuss experimental design, results, and the potential impact of CRISPR-Cas9 technology.
    • Connection to Course Material: Relate the content to concepts covered in our General Biology course. Explain how CRISPR-Cas9 aligns with or challenges existing knowledge.

    Documentation:Your analysis should be presented in a well-organized document with the following structure:

    • Title Page: Include your name, student ID, date, and the title of the assigned material.
    • Introduction: Introduce CRISPR-Cas9 and state the objective of your analysis.
    • Summary: Provide a concise summary of the assigned material.
    • Analysis: Critically evaluate the material, addressing experimental design, results, and implications.
    • Connection to Course Material: Relate the content to concepts covered in our General Biology course.
    • Personal Reflection: Share your thoughts on the significance of CRISPR-Cas9 in genetic engineering and its potential applications.

    Submission:Please adhere to the following formatting guidelines when submitting your assignment:
    4.1 Document Format:

    • Your assignment should be typed in a legible font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) with 12-point font size.
    • Maintain 1-inch margins on all sides.
    • Double-space the entire document.

    4.2 Title Page:

    • Include a title page with the following information:Your Full Name
    • Student ID
    • Submission Date
    • Title of the Assigned Material (as provided)

    4.3 Structure of the Assignment:Your analysis should be organized into the following sections:

    • Introduction:
    • Clearly introduce CRISPR-Cas9 and briefly outline the objectives of your analysis.
    • Summary:
    • Provide a concise summary of the assigned material, covering key findings, methodologies, and the significance of the research.
    • Analysis:
    • Critically evaluate the material by discussing experimental design, results, and the broader implications of CRISPR-Cas9 technology.
    • Connection to Course Material:
    • Relate the content to concepts covered in our General Biology course. Explain how the material aligns with or challenges existing knowledge.
    • Personal Reflection:
    • Share your personal thoughts on the significance of CRISPR-Cas9 in genetic engineering and its potential applications.

    4.4 Length:

    • Your assignment should be well-considered and concise. Aim for approximately 3 to 5 pages, excluding the title page.

    4.5 Citations:

    • If you refer to external sources or additional readings, ensure proper citation using an appropriate citation style (APA)

    4.6 Submission Deadline:

    • Submit your assignment by 04/17/2024 by 11:59pm. Late submissions may incur a penalty.

    4.7 Submission Method:

    • Submit your assignment through Blackboard.


    • The Library Assignment contributes 5% to your final grade.

    Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:5.1 Depth of Analysis (30 points):

    • Exceptional (25-30 points): Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the assigned material. Provides insightful analysis, considering various aspects of the research.
    • Proficient (15-24 points): Presents a solid analysis with a clear understanding of key concepts, but may lack some depth.
    • Basic (5-14 points): Provides a basic analysis, touching on key points but lacking in-depth exploration.

    5.2 Clarity of Expression (20 points):

    • Exceptional (17-20 points): Communicates ideas clearly and effectively. Well-organized with seamless transitions between sections.
    • Proficient (10-16 points): Communicates ideas effectively but may have some minor organizational issues.
    • Basic (3-9 points): Expression is somewhat unclear, and the organization may be challenging to follow.

    5.3 Documentation (20 points):

    • Exceptional (17-20 points): Properly cites sources (if used) following the specified citation style. Accurate and consistent referencing.
    • Proficient (10-16 points): Citations are generally accurate, with minor inconsistencies or omissions.
    • Basic (3-9 points): Citations are incomplete or significantly deviate from the specified format.

    5.4 Integration of Course Concepts (15 points):

    • Exceptional (12-15 points): Demonstrates a strong connection between the assigned material and concepts covered in the General Biology course.
    • Proficient (7-11 points): Shows a reasonable connection, though it may lack depth in relating concepts.
    • Basic (2-6 points): Demonstrates limited integration of course concepts.

    5.5 Personal Reflection (15 points):

    • Exceptional (12-15 points): Offers thoughtful and insightful reflections on the significance and potential applications of CRISPR-Cas9 technology.
    • Proficient (7-11 points): Provides reflections, but they may lack depth or originality.
    • Basic (2-6 points): Reflections are minimal or fail to convey a clear understanding of the material’s significance.

    5.6 Overall Presentation (10 points):

    • Exceptional (8-10 points): The assignment is well-structured, free of grammatical errors, and adheres to formatting guidelines.
    • Proficient (5-7 points): Generally well-organized, with minor issues in structure or grammar.
    • Basic (1-4 points): The assignment lacks organization and may have significant grammar issues.

    Important Notes:

    • This assignment is mandatory for all students enrolled in the General Biology course.
    • Late submissions may incur a penalty, so adhere to the specified deadline.
    • If you face challenges during your research, feel free to consult the instructor or librarians.

    This assignment aims to develop critical thinking skills, research proficiency, and a deeper understanding of the revolutionary CRISPR-Cas9 technology in genetic engineering. Embrace this opportunity to engage with cutting-edge research!

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