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Key things I’m looking for in your Paper: 5 separate sections. If you use multip

May 13, 2024

Key things I’m looking for in your Paper:
5 separate sections. If you use multiple paragraphs for each section, either briefly label each section or have very clear topic sentences so I can follow. 
A clear thesis placed near the end of the introduction. A strong thesis will state your claim and response to the Topic question. You will refer back to this claim in each section of the paper. 
Clear Structure: As your paragraphs begin to emerge from the process of working the evidence, unify each paragraph with a topic sentence, and arrange them in a sequence that builds toward your strongest claims. Use topic sentences and transitions that guide me through each paragraph.
Single or 1.5 space; 11 or 12 point common font – Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana. 
Offer an analysis of the topic question with evidence including summary, explanations and examples from the film clips provided.
Attribution and Citation: There must be some form of academic citation and formatting – APA, MLA, or Chicago. I will not pick this apart as long as attempt is made.
Film clips must be at least informally cited with an abbreviated title and time – ex. (Becoming; 13:45).
If an outside source is used to supplement the films or other sections be sure to provide that citation. 
All outside sources must be cited with hyperlinks for my review.
Provide a sources cited page at the end. 
Background – Women’s Rights Movement Emerges from the Abolitionist Movement
While individuals expressed their dissatisfaction with the social role of women during the early years of the United States, a more widespread effort in support of women’s rights began to emerge in the 1830s. Women and men joined the antislavery movement in order to free enslaved Africans. While men led antislavery organizations and lectured, women were not allowed to hold these positions. When women defied these rules and spoke out against slavery in public, they were mocked. In the late 1830s, abolitionists (who called for an immediate end to slavery rather than a gradual one) began to advocate for women’s rights as well. Women gained experience as leaders, organizers, writers, and lecturers as part of this radical wing of the movement. The discrimination they continued to face eventually prompted them to band together to promote a new, separate women’s rights movement.
You are required to read and reference the primary sources and Pdf readings linked below in this assignment to prepare and write a paper addressing the prompt question below. Use the questions and outline below to guide your thinking and writing: 
Prompt Question: Throughout United States history, movements have sought to bring about economic, political, and social change. These movements have had a significant impact on the United States and on American society then and now. Two profound movements that began in antebellum (pre-Civil War) America include the abolitionist movement and the early 19th century woman’s movement.
Discuss, describe and analyze the abolitionist movement and the early 19th century woman’s movement. Then trace one of the movements beyond its 19th century origin through today, analyzing the impact of movement on the American society then and now. Include a reflection and analysis that answers if the arguments, strategies, and goals of one of the movements (your movement focus in section 4) made progress forward, backwards, or is the movement’s progress both a forward and backward motion.
Section 1 Introduction – Historical Context: (200 minimum word count):
Using the linked readings below, and outside sources when needed, give an introduction and provide context for your essay. Give some background on the United States foundation and formation and how it was possible that women and black Americans had so few rights leading up to the Civil War.  
Be sure to include a thesis statement that responds to the essay question above and provides the reader with your paper’s main idea/argument that you will address.  
This thesis must respond to and tie back to the Prompt Essay question. 
Section 2: Provide a Summary and Analysis for the 19th Century Abolition Movement that includes the following: (Minimum Word Count 250) 
Describe the historical circumstances surrounding the abolition movement including key people and events.
Discuss the arguments, strategies, and goals the abolitionists used in their struggle to end slavery? Were these effective? Why or Why not?
Required Readings: Include frequent references and examples from readings:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pnf11UYEnS-Eyk-LABnCphsXx2JKdAVR/view          (see sections that review and discuss slavery, abolition, abolitionists, citizenship, among others).
https://www.docsteach.org/documents?filter_searchterm=abolition&searchType=all&filterEras=&filterDocTypes=&sortby=relevance&filter_order=&filter_order_Dir=&rt=fKF7VfEREp5m . Choose at least one primary source to use in your essay. Describe/explain the source and use it to support claims in your essay. 
https://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-resources/spotlight-primary-source/i-love-you-hate-slavery-frederick-douglass-his-former : F. Douglass to his former owner: “I love you but hate slavery”. Links to an external site.Describe/explain the source and use it to support claims in your essay. 
You may supplement the REQUIRED readings with other sources as long as they are referenced and cited.
Section 3: Provide a Summary and Analysis for the 19th Century Women’s Movements that includes the following: (Minimum Word Count 250)
Describe the historical circumstances surrounding the 19th century Women’s Movement including key people and events.
Discuss the arguments, strategies, and goals the suffragists used in their struggle to gain the vote? Were these effective? Why or Why not?
Required Readings: Include frequent references and examples from readings:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pnf11UYEnS-Eyk-LABnCphsXx2JKdAVR/view . (see sections that review and discuss feminism, women, freedom, the abolitionist schism among others.)
https://dp.la/primary-source-sets/women-of-the-antebellum-reform-movement#tabs . Choose at least one primary source to use in your essay. Describe/explain the source and use it to support claims in your essay. 
https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/senecafalls.asp : The Declaration of Sentiments 1848. Links to an external site.Describe/explain the source and use it to support claims in your essay.
You may supplement these REQUIRED readings with other sources as long as they are referenced and cited.
Section 4:  Trace and Connect to Today (Minimum Word Count 250)
Choose one of the movements (either women’s rights or abolition/civil rights).
Trace, describe, and explain the movement’s continuation beyond the 19th century origins through the 20th century and 21st century today. Include a review of key events, arguments, strategies, and goals.
Make a connection to our lives today by using a specific current event, legislation, speech, media event etc. This is similar to how you connected a current event to our discussions. 
This section will need research beyond our Course Readings. 
Section 5: Conclusion and Reflection (Minimum Word Count 200)
Discuss the impact of the either the Abolition Movement or Early Women’s Movement on the United States and/or on American society then and now. Include a reflection and discussion that answers if the arguments, strategies, and goals of the movement (your movement focus in section 4) made progress forward, backwards, or is the movement’s progress both forward and backwards. Recap with evidence from the paper. 
Sources Cited Page

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