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Jazmine Haynes Sanders  Unit 2 COLLAPSE .     I think the artists of the Renaiss

July 7, 2024

Jazmine Haynes Sanders 
Unit 2
.     I think the artists of the Renaissance had unequaled talent, unbridled imagination, and unquenchable curiosity that brought change to the art of the Renaissance era. I believe the incredible quality of the work made the artist impossible to ignore. Let us take Leonardo DA Vinci and his work on the Last Supper, how many times have we seen replicas of the artist’s work, showing flattery? Along with the Mona Lisa. Apprentices gained practical experience, while assistants were brought in for certain projects or for projects that required more than one painter. Both were very important roles allowing persons in such positions to better their craft, and gain understanding. One piece from this week’s reading, that express the idea of the artist as an individual genius is Leonardo DA Vinci’s Last Supper. I chose this piece of work because I find it amazing how Leonardo made the words from the bible visible through the art. You may not people able to know what’s being said exactly but Leonard is very detailed showing that there are people around the table discussing something serious. 
In response to your peers, consider your classmate’s example.
What is one additional point of information you can add in support of this piece representing the artist as an individual?
DB: Unit 2, Fatima Diop
In the Renaissance Era, religious leaders mostly commissioned artists to paint or sculpt known biblical events or figures. From the Last Supper, the downfall of Adam & and Eve, to tombstone sculptures tell the story of what the people believed in and took words from a religious book and turned them into a visual work of art. Even though protestant churches in Northern Europe believed that certain art forms could distract faith goers, they still allowed certain prints to be a part of their church (Kleiner, F.S. (2020). ch.23). Other wealthy powerful individuals who wanted to be immortalized, remembered, to be never forgotten, also commissioned artists to make them live forever through art. 
In his early years, Michelangelo was an apprentice in the studio of the painter Domenico Ghirlandaio. The apprentice later designed an architect that “other Renaissance architects considered an unstable geometric figure and therefore shunned it.” (the Campidoglio) (Kleiner, F.S. (2020). Ch22). Apprentice became more known than the master, with well-known work that is still studied, deemed worthy artist by great art historians, and still loved today. Most importantly apprentices become the newer generation of artists that bring in newer, fresher, and bolder artistic expressions that were unprecedented. From nudity to realism, emotionally charged characters, and mannerisms depicted in their art was probably nothing that the masters would have done. Not to mention classical ideologies would not have respected the women artists who absolutely deserved their flowers, and the Sofonisba Anguissola of the world would probably never be.
In response to your peers, consider your classmate’s example.
What is one additional point of information you can add in support of this piece representing the artist as an individual?

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