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it coud be about any topc – (rosa park, mlk etc )EXAMPLE OF INFORMATIVE SPEECH O

July 5, 2024

it coud be about any topc – (rosa park, mlk etc )EXAMPLE OF INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE
Informative Outline
Topic: The Titanic
General Purpose: To Inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about one of the most famous tragedies in
history, the Titanic.
Thesis: From the disaster to the movie, the sinking of the Titanic remains one of
the most famous tragedies in history.
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: An American writer named Morgan Robertson once
wrote a book called The Wreck of the Titan. The book
was about an “unsinkable” ship called the Titan that set
sail from England to New York with many rich and
famous passengers on board. On its journey, the Titan hit
an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sunk. Many lives
were lost because there were not enough lifeboats. So,
what is so strange about this? Well, The Wreck of the
Titan was written 14 years before the Titanic sank.
B. Reason to Listen: The sinking of the Titanic was one of the largest non-war
related disasters in history, and it is important to be
knowledgeable about the past.
C. Thesis Statement: From the disaster to the movie, the sinking of the Titanic
remains one of the most famous tragedies in history.
D. Credibility Statement:
1. I have been fascinated by the history of the Titanic for as long as I can
2. I have read and studied my collection of books about the Titanic many
times, and have done research on the Internet.
E. Preview of Main Points:
1. First, I will discuss the Titanic itself.
2. Second, I will discuss the sinking of the ship.
3. Finally, I will discuss the movie that was made about the Titanic.
II. From the disaster to the movie, the sinking of the Titanic remains one of the most
famous tragedies in history.
A. The Titanic was thought to be the largest, safest, most luxurious ship ever built.
1. At the time of her launch, she was the biggest existing ship and the
largest moveable object ever built.
a. According to Geoff Tibbals, in his 1997 book The Titanic: The
extraordinary story of the “unsinkable” ship, the Titanic was
882 feet long and weighed about 46,000 tons.
b. This was 100 feet longer and 15,000 tons heavier than the
world’s current largest ships.
c. Thresh stated in Titanic: The truth behind the disaster, published
in 1992 that the Titanic accommodated around 2,345 passengers
and 860 crew-members.
2. The beautiful accommodations of the Titanic were decorated and
furnished with only the finest items.
a. According to a quotation from Shipbuilders magazine that is
included in Peter Thresh’s 1992 book Titanic, “Everything has
been done in regard to the furniture and fittings to make the first
class accommodation more than equal to that provided in the
finest hotels on shore” (p. 18).
b. Fine parlor suites located on the ship consisted of a sitting room,
two bedrooms, two wardrobe rooms, a private bath, and a
c. The first class dining room was the largest on any liner; it could
serve 500 passengers at one sitting.
d. Other first class accommodations included a squash court,
swimming pool, library, barber’s shop, Turkish baths, and a
photographer’s dark room.
3. The Titanic was widely believed to be the safest ship ever built.
a. Tibbals, as previously cited, described the Titanic as having an
outer layer that shielded an inner layer – a ‘double bottom’ – that
was created to keep water out of the ship if the outer layer was
b. The bottom of the ship was divided into 16 watertight
compartments equipped with automatic watertight doors.
c. The doors could be closed immediately if water were to enter
into the compartments.
d. Because of these safety features, the Titanic was deemed
Transition: Now that I’ve discussed the Titanic itself, I will now discuss the tragedy that
occurred on its maiden voyage.
B. The Titanic hit disaster head-on when it ran into an iceberg four days after its
1. The beginning of the maiden voyage was mostly uneventful.
a. Tibbals (1997) stated that the ship departed from Queenstown in
Ireland at 1:30 pm on April 10th, 1912, destined for New York.
b. The weather was perfect for sailing – there was blue sky, light
winds, and a calm ocean.
d. According to Walter Lord in A Night to Remember from 1955, the
Atlantic Ocean was like polished plate glass on the night of April
2. The journey took a horrible turn when the ship struck an iceberg and
began to sink.
a. In the book Titanic: An illustrated history from 1992, Lynch
explains that the collision occurred at 11:40 pm on Sunday, April
b. According to Robert Ballard’s 1988 book Exploring the Titanic,
the largest part of the iceberg was under water.
c. Some of the ship’s watertight compartments had been punctured
and the first five compartments rapidly filled with water.
d. Tibbals (1997) wrote that distress rockets were fired and distress
signals were sent out, but there were no ships close enough to
arrive in time.
3. As the ship went down, some were rescued but the majority of
passengers had no place to go.
a. Thresh (1992) stated that there were only 20 lifeboats on the ship.
b. This was only enough for about half of the 2,200 people that
were on board.
c. The lifeboats were filled quickly with women and children
loaded first.
4. The ship eventually disappeared from sight.
a. Tibbals (1997) explains that at 2:20 am on Monday, the ship
broke in half and slowly slipped under the water.
b. At 4:10 am, the Carpathia answered Titanic’s distress call and
arrived to rescue those floating in the lifeboats.
c. Lynch (1992) reported that in the end, 1,522 lives were lost.
Transition: Now that we have learned about the history of the Titanic, I will discuss the
movie that was made about it.
C. A movie depicting the Titanic and a group of fictional characters was made.
1. The movie was written, produced, and directed by James Cameron.
a. According to Marsh in James Cameron’s Titanic from 1997,
Cameron set out to write a film that would bring the event of the
Titanic to life.
b. Cameron conducted six months of research to compile a highly
detailed time line so that the film would be realistic.
c. Cameron spent more time on the Titanic than the ships’ original
passengers because he made 12 trips to the wreck site that lasted
between ten and twelve hours each.
2. Making Titanic was extremely expensive and involved much hard work.
a. According to a 1998 article from the Historical Journal of Films,
Radio, and Television, Kramer stated that the film had a 250
million dollar budget.
b. A full-sized replica of the ship was constructed in Baja
California, Mexico in a 17 million gallon oceanfront tank.
c. Cameron assembled an expedition to dive to the wreck on the
ocean floor to film footage that was later used in the opening
scenes of the movie.
d. Marsh (1997) further explained that the smallest details were
attended to, including imprinting the thousands of pieces china,
crystal, and silver cutlery used in the dining room scenes with
White Star’s emblem and pattern.
3. The movie was extremely successful.
a. Kramer (1998) reported that Titanic made approximately 600
million dollars in the United States, making it the #1 movie of all
b. It made approximately 1.8 billion dollars world-wide and is also
the #1 movie of all time world-wide.
c. Titanic was nominated for a record eight Golden Globe Awards
only a few weeks after its release, and won four.
d. It was also nominated for a record fourteen Academy Awards,
and it won eleven.
III. Conclusion
A. Review of Main Points:
1. Today I first discussed the Titanic itself.
2. Second, I discussed the sinking of the ship.
3. Finally, I discussed the movie that was made about the Titanic.
B. Restate Thesis: From the disaster to the movie, the sinking of the Titanic
remains one of the most famous tragedies in history.
C. Closure: In conclusion, remember The Wreck of the Titan, the
story written fourteen years before the Titanic sank. It
now seems as if it was an eerie prophecy, or a case of life
imitating art. Whatever the case, the loss of lives on the
Titanic was tremendous, and it is something that should
never be forgotten.
Ballard, R. (1988). Exploring the Titanic. Toronto, Ontario: Madison Press Books.
Kramer, P. (1998). Women first: ‘Titanic’ (1997), action adventure films and Hollywood’s
female audience. Historical Journal of Films, Radio, and Television, 18, 599-618.
Lord, W. (1955). A night to remember. New York, New York: Henry Holt and Company.
Lynch, D. (1992). Titanic: An illustrated history. New York, New York: Hyperion.
Marsh, E. (1997). James Cameron’s Titanic. New York, New York: Harper Perennial.
Thresh, P. (1992). Titanic: The truth behind the disaster. New York, New York: Crescent

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