Please correct and expand the paper (total 3 pages and references) Use same sources.
The first section should be the population you plan to study and learn more about. At first, it sounds like that is what you are addressing, but then with the added reference, it seems like that is the population for the Wang study. Is that population the same as your focus population? In the second section, explain a bit more about what research has been done. What were they looking to learn? What were the research questions? Great section on evidence for the interventions, but you need to introduce it a bit more. What telehealth counseling created the group? And was it a group for adolescents as described above or for anyone experiencing grief? You describe quite a bit under the evaluation of the intervention. Where do those ideas come from? using the PHQ and GAD? Who said that? And why into groups? Is it ethical to put the responsibility of watching for severe symptoms onto one of the participants?
Please pay attention to this.