Ethical Case Analysis
Many ethical decisions in business are often courageous calls, while others can be challenging for the organization. It often takes years of experience within an industry to meet the level of expectation required. Walmart has been struggling, like many other businesses, with the amount of responsibility an organization has to the community, the environment – both locally and globally – and to other stakeholders as well. Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR is a concept of the 21st century. Philanthropic contributions, often resulting in tax write offs, have been standard practice for many businesses. Modern day CSR requires businesses to lean heavily into resolving both domestic and global societal issues as a whole. Many are divided on the responsibility businesses have in these kinds of situations.
After reading or viewing the resources in the module, answer the following questions. Your writings should include your own research as well. Include the APA 7th edition format as the basis for your paper, inclusive of citations and a reference page.
Is it reasonable to expect businesses to resolve societal issues? If yes, why? If no, why not? if yes and no, why?
From a global perspective; should U.S. environmental laws influence how U.S. businesses conduct business outside the U.S.?