2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Internship Report:  Your Report must include the following: Title Page (name, co

Internship Report: 
Your Report must include the following:
Title Page (name, course code and student ID) and a Table of Contents 
Ch. 1: Introduction (Overview & Objectives)
An introduction of your placement which describes how you came to choosing this placement, a
brief history of the placement organization, the philosophy of the placement organization, and
your internship objectives. 
Ch. 2: Detailed Report
A synopsis of the work you were required to do during your placement, including logs or
journals of your day-to-day experiences. 
Ch. 3: Problems/Recommendations
Identification of problems associated with this placement organization that you might have
experienced and/or problems associated with the scope/reach of this placement and a
recommendation to each identified problem that you believe would rectify some of these
Ch. 4: Evaluation of Internship
Conclusion of your placement experience. Likes, dislikes, what you learned, etc.
from my professor^^
Ch.1 For my intersnip I got to contiune with my summer job.  I started the job in May of 2023 in which I was considered to be a labourer working under a man named Dave Lowry owner of Higher ground building corp.  He builds high end custom cottages and has been doing so for the last 30 years.  It was a pleasure to work alongside him and learn from him, Dave is a professional and handles his buisness as such as he takes client needs into account and is always    on the job site working with the contractors as the house is being built.  Throughout the summer and school year I was involved in the building of 2 cottages one at a place called            Gibson lake and another on Muldrew lake.  Both were being built simultaneously so depending on where I was needed would determine where i would work on any given day.  I got to experience the builds from the ground up helping with ICF foundations for both builds the framing of the house, installing insulation, hanging drywall and mdf boards as well as hanging doors and helping a little with the trades that would come in such as the plumbers and electricians.  I was involved in all aspects of the builds even if it was just minorly, by the end of this internship in April I am more of a carpenter then a labourer as I will be continueing the trade later going to trade school for carpentry.  
I chose this placement for school as it was already my job for the summer and I enjoyed it.
ch.2 For the day to day journals just make it up yourself but include the ICF foundations late summer and in september-november was framing mainly of both builds and putting in windows and exterior doors, december and january was doing siding and staining inside beams as well as finishing roof and decks as well as exterior and interior insulation, foamingeverything and constantly correcting things to keep everything level and plum for the build as we went.  february and march was starting inside work like finishing up the staining of inside beams helping electricians with lights, hanging drywall and mdf boards as well as hanging interior doors which went into april and then we were doing the flooring and then more finished carpentry like cabinets and fireplace finishing, drilling holes for satellite and router.  etc.  Expand          upon these.  
ch.3 for problems you could say Since i have never worked any kind of construction at all before It has all been a learning curve for me, sometimes other workers would become frustrated that I didnt understand what was being required of me but this did not happen often and in general mostly everyone was just trying to help and teach me more to better my improvement in the field.  There are lots of tips and tricks in construction that can either make a task faster or safer or just better ways to do things so I enjoyed learning from the veterans around me.  Many times I would be more so acting as the labourer just grabbing the guys the tools they needed rather then doing the work but that is part of the learning process in the begining.  
ch.4 for the conclusion make it clear that I was extremely happy to have this intership oppurtunity and enjoyed it greatly.  I learned a lot that I have even applied to my own house via fixing laundry machine, help install tv in my house just because i now understand the fundamentals of how a house is built.  Before getting this job i knew nothing about construction and have learned a lot inside the year I have worked under Dave and am very grateful for the experience to have this as my internship.  
Please keep it simple no need for using hyper complex wording just a couple pages to expand upon this and make it sound nice.  My professor did not specify how long this should be but I would guess a good 4 pages atleast.  

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